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Saint Bede Athletic Association

Saint Bede Crusaders

Our Role Discriptions


Chris Bandurski and Lynda Sassic
[email protected]

The SBAA President is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she reports to the St. Bede Pastor and works closely with the St. Bede School Principal. He/she also represents the SBAA to the St. Bede Parish Finance Committee. He/she provides administrative direction and oversight for athletic staff, programs, facilities and activities. Athletic staff includes SBAA committee members, coaches, and volunteers.

The President is the primary liaison with the Diocese regarding the St. Bede sports program. He/she is responsible for ensuring compliance with all Diocesan athletics regulations, administering departmental funds and accounts in a fiscally responsible manner and sustaining a culture of sportsmanship, professionalism and respect at all levels. The President also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the President shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Sign all written contracts approved by the SBAA Committee on behalf of the SBAA. 
  • Coordinate the work of the SBAA Board in order that the purposes of the organization may be promoted.
  • Oversee and assist the sports coordinators with the selection of coaches and coaching relations including training and evaluating coaches and athletics staff as well as disciplining or removing coaches.
  • Oversee and assist the sports coordinators with player and parent relations.
  • Provide administrative direction and oversight for all athletics programs and activities and supervise the control, issuance and maintenance of recreational athletic equipment and facilities.
  • Chair all SBAA Committee Meetings

Vice President
Diane Lech
[email protected]

The SBAA Vice President is a voting member of the SBAA committee. The Vice President is the primary fundraiser for the SBAA. He/she is responsible for ensuring that the SBAA fundraising efforts meet the annual goals set by the SBAA Committee. The Vice President also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Vice President shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Act as an aid to the President and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act.
  • Organize and execute the annual SBAA Sports Banquet
  • Manage the selection process for student athlete award
  • Oversee the recruitment of SBAA Committee, Coordinators, and Manager candidates
  • Oversee and assist the SBAA Communications, Uniform, Facilities, Equipment, and Concessions Managers to ensure duties are performed within department budget.
  • Oversee and assist Fundraising Event Chairs to ensure duties are performed and event is successful.

Jerry Conner
[email protected]

The SBAA Treasurer is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she is responsible for SBAA funds and has signing authority for SBAA accounts. The Treasurer is the primary liaison with vendors and banks, maintaining a positive working relationship. The Treasurer also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Receive monies of SBAA, keeping an accurate record thereof and deposit them in the name of SBAA in a bank or banks approved by the SBAA committee.
  • Pay all bills as authorized by the SBAA Board.
  • Keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, which is a permanent record of SBAA.
  • Retain all financial records and pass on to proceeding SBAA treasures.
  • Present an income statement and budget variance report at every meeting of the SBAA or at the request of the SBAA Committee.
  • Manage SBAA daily cash balances maintaining required minimum balance set by the Parish Finance Committee.
  • Forecast cash payments and commitments to properly manage cash flow.
  • Work with the Secretary to account for and deposit athlete registration fees.
  • Work with Sports Coordinators and Coaches to develop the annual budget and pay referee, league, and tournament fees and other expenses.
  • Work with SBAA Managers (Facilities, Communications, Concessions, Equipment) to develop an annual budget and pay for related expenses.
  • Work with Fundraising Chairs (Tree Sale, Mardi Gras, March Madness, Sarris Candy) to develop an annual budget and to manage fund collection and event expenses, start-up cash, etc.
  • Provide financial reporting to the SBAA Committee and St. Bede Finance Committee.

Scott Hankinson
[email protected]

The SBAA Secretary is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she provides both clerical and administrative support to the SBAA. The Secretary coordinates and implements SBAA procedures and frequently has responsibility for special projects and tasks. The Secretary also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all SBAA meetings.
  • Record all voting of expenditures in the minutes.
  • Prepare and disseminate minutes of the meetings to committee members.
  • Prepare an agenda for all meetings of the SBAA.
  • Send correspondence deemed necessary by the President and the SBAA committee.
  • Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary by the SBAA committee.
  • Check the mailbox at St. Bede School on a weekly basis and deliver correspondence to the appropriate committee member.
  • Coordinate all SBAA Insurance policies and assure that insurance policies do not expire without committee approval.
  • Manage SBAA Compliance program. Work with Parish Office to ensure all relevant Diocese and State regulations are met at all times (Protecting God’s Children, ACT33 & 34 clearances, Coach Like a Champion). This includes the certification of academic eligibility of all athletes.
  • Manage SBAA athlete registration. Keep copies of paperwork required by all participants and ensure current physical examinations are obtained for required sports.

Basketball Coordinator
Chris Bandurski
[email protected]

The SBAA Basketball Coordinator is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she is responsible for directing all activities required for the Basketball program per the SBAA Basketball Guidelines and league rules. The Basketball Coordinator also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Basketball Coordinator shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Review SBAA Basketball Guidelines and submit any proposed changes to the SBAA Committee annually.
  • Work with the Treasurer to establish and manage SBAA Committee approved annual budget.
  • Organize Basketball program activities including: registration, parent/player/coaches meetings, team practice schedules, and game schedules.
  • Provide sport, league, and SBAA rules and assure compliance of SBAA Teams observance of the rules.
  • Collaborate with the Equipment, Facilities, and Uniform Manager to acquire and maintain equipment, to schedule practice and game court time, and to distribute and collect uniforms respectively.
  • Provide Communications Manager with written sports program communication to be posted on the SBAA Website, e-mail blasts, and Bede Banter articles.
  • Collaborate with the SBAA Committee in soliciting and selecting coaches.
  • Establish basketball practice schedule for all teams. Ensure that gym schedules are completed and sent to coaches in a timely manner, and any changes are communicated.
  • Assign timekeepers to each team and conduct training of timekeeper staff.
  • Conduct coach training that includes Gym procedures, league rules and the SBAA Guidelines.
  • Address and resolve sport related parent/guardian, coach, and spectator issues and seek assistance of the SBAA President and Vice President as needed. Basketball Coordinator will be responsible for holding all coaches accountable for their actions as well as the actions of athletes’ parents.
  • Report Basketball program information to the SBAA Committee in monthly committee meetings.
  • Represent the SBAA in the chosen leagues in which all SBAA teams participate.

Cross Country Coordinator
Tammy Greene
[email protected]

The SBAA Cross Country Coordinator is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she is responsible for directing all activities required for the Cross Country program per the SBAA Cross Country Guideline and league rules. The Cross Country Coordinator also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Cross Country Coordinator shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Review SBAA Cross Country Guidelines and submit any proposed changes to the SBAA Committee annually.
  • Work with the Treasurer to establish and manage SBAA Committee approved annual budget.
  • Organize Cross Country program activities including: registration, parent/player/coaches meetings, team practice schedules, and meets.
  • Provide sport, league, and SBAA rules and assure compliance of SBAA Teams observance of the rules.
  • Collaborate with the Equipment, Facilities, and Uniform Manager to acquire and maintain equipment, to secure course, and to distribute and collect uniforms respectively; if necessary.
  • Provide Communications Manager with written sports program communication to be posted on the SBAA Website, e-mail blasts, and Bede Banter articles.
  • Collaborate with the SBAA Committee in soliciting and selecting coaches.
  • Conduct coach training that includes course rules, league rules and the SBAA Guidelines.
  • Address and resolve sport related parent/guardian, coach, and spectator issues and seek assistance of the SBAA President and Vice President as needed. Cross Country Coordinator will be responsible for holding all coaches accountable for their actions as well as the actions of the athletes’ parents.
  • Report Cross Country program information to the SBAA Committee in monthly committee meetings.
  • Represent the SBAA in the chosen leagues in which all SBAA teams participate.

Soccer Coordinator
Shelby Outten
[email protected]

The SBAA Soccer Coordinator is a voting member of the SBAA committee. He/she is responsible for directing all activities required for the Soccer program per the SBAA Soccer Guidelines and league rules. The Soccer Coordinator also collaborates with SBAA committee members on organizational issues and functions.

The responsibilities of the Soccer Coordinator shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Review SBAA Soccer Guidelines and submit any proposed changes to the SBAA Committee annually.
  • Work with the Treasurer to establish and manage SBAA Committee approved annual budget.
  • Organize Soccer program activities including: registration, parent/player/coaches meetings, team practice schedules, and game schedules.
  • Provide sport, league, and SBAA rules and assure compliance of SBAA Teams observance of the rules.
  • Collaborate with the Equipment, Facilities, and Uniform Manager to acquire and maintain equipment, to secure league approved game field, and to distribute and collect uniforms respectively.
  • Provide Communications Manager with written sports program communication to be posted on the SBAA Website, e-mail blasts, and Bede Banter articles.
  • Collaborate with the SBAA Committee in soliciting and selecting coaches.
  • Conduct coach training that includes field procedures, league rules and the SBAA Guidelines.
  • Address and resolve sport related parent/guardian, coach, and spectator issues and seek assistance of the SBAA President and Vice President as needed. Soccer Coordinator will be responsible for holding all coaches accountable for their actions as well as the actions of athletes’ parents.
  • Report Soccer program information to the SBAA Committee in monthly committee meetings.
  • Represent the SBAA in the chosen leagues in which all SBAA teams participate.

Contact Us

St Bede Athletic Association

6920 Edgerton Avenue 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208

Email Us: [email protected]
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