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Feb, 2021

Spring Soccer 2021

During Spring Soccer please expect the following:
  1. Temperature Checks
  2. Mask are required by all volunteers and coaches at ALL TIMES. This means to and from the parking lot, fields, restrooms, sidelines, etc. 
  3. Players must have mask on the sideline and when walking to and from the field, however mask are NOT required when they are on the field. 
  4. Hand Sanitizer is required to be used before and after practice and games for players and coaches.
  5. No sharing water bottles. 
  6. No equipment sharing. 
  7. Coaches are to encourage players to social distance as much as possible. 
  8. Only 1 parent/guardians may be present with each participant on-site for games and practices, no additional spectators are permitted-this includes siblings.
  9. Please let your coach and chairperson know if you start to feel covid symptoms. 
  10. Anyone with potential exposure to Covid-19 MUST self-quarantine for 2 weeks. 
  11. Anyone who receives a positive Covid test MUST notify the coach immediately and the team will not practice or play games for 2 weeks from the last gathering. 
  12. All persons who report covid will NOT be named. We will use person A/ person B when identifying.