News Detail


Apr, 2021

Opening Day 2021

Little League Families,
Opening Day is almost here! Our 2021 Opening Day will look a little different than years past. Because of the NYS Department of Health’s limit of 200 people for outdoor gatherings, we are unable to hold our traditional parade and ceremony in its entirety.  Please see below for information on Opening Day.  

 ·       There will be NO parade.
·       Opening Day ceremony will be held at 9:00 am on Saturday, April 24th at the Little League Field for our LITTLE LEAGUE DIVISION TEAMS ONLY.
·       2 spectators are allowed per player for the ceremony.
·       Masks must be worn at all times.
·       The concession stand will be fully open at 8:30 with breakfast pizza and donuts, and will continue to be open throughout the day.

 Please note: There will not be a 2-spectator rule for all games throughout the season. HOWEVER, we, the LeRoy Little League Board, have the right to restrict or reduce capacity at any time we are approaching the 200-spectator limit, or if current mask wearing/social distancing protocols are not being observed.  

Although we will miss the traditional activities for opening day, we want to ensure that we maintain the safety of our players, families, and spectators.  Thank you in advance for your continued support and partnership.

 See you at the ball field!


LeRoy Little League Board of Directors



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