Carter-Gavin-Ryan-Justin-Austin-Declan-Dom-Drew, Matt P-Jack-Matt B-Landon-WesHead Coach: Ed ZetuskyAssistant Coaches: Steve Kline and Pat Knox
Conor, Rocco, Finn, Jantzen, Bo, Jack, Caleb V, Henry, Caleb H, Owen, Adrien, Carson, & Shepard
Jantzen-Jack-Shepard-Adrien-Owen-Bo-Caleb-Conor-Henry-Aiden-Finn-Caleb-RoccoHead Coach: Pat KnoxAssistant Coaches: G Callan, Matt Reakus, and Ted Aurig
Majors 1st Place-Bobby 'Bombs' Sands & 2nd Place-Nick Martinac
Coach Pitch 1st Place-Sean Fogarty & 2nd Place-Conor Knox
Derek-Terry-Billy-Casey-Mike M-Jeff-Kyle-Brandon-Mike N-Scott-Phil-MattHead Coach: Rich CostelloAssistant Coaches: Vince Madiraca, Kevin Rodgers, Ralph H...
More details to follow leading up to the event, but we will have our Opening Day Parade, Ceremony, and games for T-Ball, Coach Pitch, and Minors.
Our season will kick off with both of our Majors teams playing each other on Opening Night!
Starts at 9 am. Please come out and help us get our complex ready for the Spring season. We will take all the help we can get, even if you can only give us 20-30 minutes. The makeup date for Clean Up Day is Saturday 3/15.
No registration will be accepted after registration closes today.
2/7 is the last day to register without paying a late fee
Spring Registration is open! Registration will be open until February 7, 2025. After this date, a $25 late fee will be charged. Please note that NO registrations will be taken after February 21st.
2024 Spring Registration Open!
Major League Field
Vince Madiraca Complex - Barrington Little League, 140 Shreve AvenueBarrington, New Jersey 08007