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Jul, 2017

Reccomended Reading for Parents and Wrestlers

For those that are looking for a good read while on the beach, rocking in the Hammock, sitting by the pool, or riding on the bus to work, I wanted to suggest some good wrestling oriented books.  These are books that are not only good wrestling stories but provide good life stories as well.

1.) Four Days to Glory (Mark Kreidler) - This is the true story of two Iowa High School wrestlers trying to reach the pinnacle of HS Wrestling competition, Four Time Iowa State Champion Titles. (

2.) Last Changes (Allen Takata) - I believe this was a popular book within the NVPAL community when it came out in 2010.  This is probably one of the best stories of how young boys/men deal with adversity all while trying to remain focused on reaching the goals they have set out for themselves.  ( )

3.) Nearfall (Joe Reasbeck) - This is a completely fictional book but a quick read and I found the story kind of fun since it was primarily about the bond that grows between wrestlers and how within the room everyone is equal in the punishment they put themselves through even if outside the wrestling room those same kids wouldn't normally form friendships.  This book is a great story for boys to read.  (

4.) Wrestling Sturbridge (Rich Wallace) - I read this book in one sitting and I suck at reading.  It is a captivating story of an underdog on the team who is stuck at a weight where there is no spot for him.  Go up or down a weight and face state ranked wrestlers, stay at his wrestling weight and continually loose wrestle-offs to his best friend and a natural talent.  On another team or in a different time he would be one of the best in his region but at this time on this team he is second at best in 3 weights.  (
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