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Affiliated with Little League International, Home of the Little League World Series.


News Detail


Nov, 2019

New League Membership Meeting

Dear Centerville National Little League Member:

Last season, your League Board of Directors voted to authorize a merger of our League with Centerville American Little League and Fremont American Little League.  The Boards of the other 2 leagues also approved the merger.  All 3 leagues, as represented by their directors, believe that this merger is the best path to maintaining a viable Little League baseball program in our community, and to grow the program in the future.

Last spring, we submitted a waiver request to the Little League Charter Committee for approval of the merger, along with supporting documentation.  It is with great excitement that we inform you that the Little League Charter Committee has approved the merger.  This is great news for our community. 

The name of the new league will be Fremont Centerville Little League (FCLL)

PURPOSE of MEETING: Now that the merger is approved, the membership of the 3 leagues will need to quickly meet to:

  • Approve a new league constitution.  The Constitution will be distributed prior to the meeting.
  • Approve the number of Directors (24 are recommended by the 3 league boards)
  • Accept Director nominations.  The merger committee will submit nominations of current League directors for the new FCLL Board.  Additional nominations can be made at the meeting. 
  • Elect Directors

TIME and PLACE: This email is notice that we have scheduled this Special Membership Meeting for November 4th, at 6 PM at Joshua Chadbourne Elementary School located at 801 Plymouth Ave, Fremont, CA 94539

Under each league’s current constitution, the only business that can be conducted at this meeting are the items listed above. 

WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU: We sincerely request and encourage your attendance at the meeting.  It is important that all 3 leagues have a quorum of their membership at this meeting.  Should a quorum not be present, including absentee ballots, the meeting cannot take place and will need to be rescheduled.  We expect the meeting will take no more than an hour.  Proxy voting is not permitted.  Should you be unable to attend but wish to participate in the election, please contact Desiree Pricer at [email protected] or respond to this email by November 1st, to obtain an absentee ballot.  You will be sent instructions for completing and returning it.  Absentee voting must be completed prior to the start of the meeting to be counted.

Please respond to this email if you have any questions or contact Debbie Keesis at [email protected]
Best Regards,
Centerville National Little League Board of Directors

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