News Detail


Jan, 2019

Registration is beginning......

For those who don't have the time or love the online experience.  We provide online registration which will begin January 9th, 2019 at midnight.  Online registrations can be done at any time before League Registrations closes in early March.

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL.  Anyone who registers on site or on line in the month of January saves 10 dollars on the price of registration.  So January is 40 dollars.  February and beyond is 50 dollars.  

SIBLING DISCOUNTS.  Have multiple siblings you want to play Little League?  We offer a discount for just that situation.  Every additional sibling (Max. 2 additional) gets a 5 dollar discount on the price of registration.  This discount is always in effect for the length of registration.  For example:  During January,  Player 1: $40......  Sibling 2: $35......   Sibling 3: $30.....   Sibling 4:  $30....
 After January,  Player 1: $50.....  Sibling 2: $40.......Sibling 3:  $35......   Sibling 4:  $35.....

Hope to see you this season

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