News Detail


Jun, 2020

2020 Season Update

Our tentative timeline is as follows:

July 6:   First day of practices.
July 20: Games Begin

Our plan is to have a 8-10 game season for Majors.

There are many new guidelines that will be followed for the 2020 season. Some of the important ones are noted below.

-All players are encouraged to have their own equipment (helmet, glove, bat and catcher’s gear).  This is to limit the amount of shared equipment.  Any shared equipment will be disinfected after every use.

-Players will be using the bleachers in order to maintain social distancing when not batting.

-Players will not be required to wear face masks on the field of play.

-Outside the field of play, face coverings must only be worn if players can not maintain social distancing.

-No gum, no sunflower seeds and no spitting.

-All players, who bring a drink, must have a container that is clearly marked as theirs and can not be shared among team members.

-Two spectators allowed per child.Spectators will be allowed to watch from the outfield only and should bring their own chairs.

-Spectators must maintain 6 foot social distancing standards from other families.  If social distancing can not be maintained, a face mask will be required.


- Hand sanitizers will be available at game sites.

- Bleachers, dugouts and high touch surfaces will be regularly sanitized.

- The concession stand will not be open.

-Bathrooms will be open for single use occupancy.

You are encouraged to read all of our OVID-19 exposure control plan so you know what to expect this season.  Please note our guidelines may change as more information becomes available or new mandates are issued by the state or county.

We understand this will not be our typical season, but in order to do this for the children of our community, we all have a responsibility to follow these guidelines.    

If you have any questions, please let me know or contact any board member. 

Thank you,

Shay Klotz
Player Agent Cuba Little League

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