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Windermere Little League

Windermere Little League

News Detail


Feb, 2021


Below you will find the document with the COVID protocols that will take place for Spring 2021

covid protocol .pdf

Hi Windermere Little Families,

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for our Spring 2021 season.  This represents the 30 year anniversary of Windermere Little League and we are excited to get it started. 

While we are living in an uncertain world, our intent is to execute as close to a “normal” season as we possibly can. 

A few noticeable changes that we would like to make you aware of as you register:

·       All registration will be on-line.  Players will be required to submit supporting documentation through the website.

·       We will plan for a minimum of 12 games for each division (t-ball will target 10 games)

·       Teams will continue to hold practices weekly

·       Our concessions stands at both complexes will remain closed at the start of the season and will only open if we receive clearance from the County Officials

·       Our Spring Carnival will be Saturday, May 1st – rather than our traditional opening weekend

·       The spectator stands will be closed at both complexes and families will be asked to socially distance around the outside of the field fences during games.  The stands will remain closed until County Officials clear them to be open

·       Spectators will need to wear protective face coverings while attending games or practices at both complexes.  Coaches will be required to wear protective masks during games

·       We will not be taking temperatures as players or fans enter the complex.  We ask that if anyone is sick, has a fever in excess of 99.6 degrees, suspects they may be sick, is demonstrating COVID-19 symptoms, been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or is awaiting a COVID-19 test result – that they stay home and do not come to either the baseball or softball complex.  Similar to Orange County Public Schools, we will request families notify WLL if someone tests positive so that we can take the necessary precautions and notify other players that may have been in close contact (we will be unable to disclose the person who has tested positive).  Players testing positive will be required to miss 14 days of activity (games and practices).  Once we have the procedures set up, we will communicate them clearly to all league families

We hope the boys and girls are excited to get back to the fields and play some ball.  We will do everything possible to make this season a success, although please understand, there is a great deal out of our control. 

If you have any questions, please let us know.


Windermere Little League Board of Directors



Windermere Little League
 P.O. Box 552
Windermere, Florida 34786

Email: [email protected]

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