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Malden Pop Warner

News Detail


Jun, 2019

2019 Season Begins August 1st

Come join us for our 2019 season down at the field! 

Practice at Pine Banks Park in Malden starts on August 1 at 5:30pm, and the regular season runs until the beginning of November. Possible post season includes football playoffs, dates & times TBA. 

All regular season games are on Sunday. Times determined mid-August. We host our home games at McDonald Stadium. Typically we play a nearly equal number of home and away games. 

Registration fees are $175 with a $25 discount for a second and third child in the family until August 1. The rate will increase to $200 on that date. We offer payment plans as well as the ability to pay via Venmo. We hold 1 mandatory fundraiser per year, worth an additional $120. This value is determined by the MPW Board of Directors.

Required paperwork includes the following:
- Copy of report card from last year, or verification of upcoming kindergarten enrollment
- Physical signed by your doctor in 2019
- Original birth certificate

Ages 5-14, team selection based on age only. 
August: practices Monday through Friday, 2hrs per day. After Labor Day, 2 hours/night for 3 nights/week (Days/Times TBA)
Uniform & Equipment included in the registration and must be returned. Exception: MPW does not provide mouthpieces, girdles, or cleats

Ages 5-16, team selection based on age and number of cheerleaders enrolled in the program. 
August: practices Monday through Thursday, 2.5 hrs per day. Varies by age level of team. After Labor Day, 2 hours per night, 3 days per week. Dates/Times TBA.
Each cheerleader buys the uniform and is responsible for the cost. If you register after June 27, please email [email protected] to set up a uniform fitting.
Cheering typically participates in 3 competitions per season with the ability to qualify for Nationals in Disney at the end of competition 3. More information about that schedule will be provided by team parents.

Field Status

Open Open

McDonald Stadium - Sunday Games (10:38 AM | 05/15/23)

Open Open

Pine Banks - Practice field (August) (10:38 AM | 05/15/23)

Open Open

Maplewood Park (A-B-C-D teams) (10:38 AM | 05/15/23)

Open Open

Salemwood School - Cheer practice (10:38 AM | 05/15/23)