Oct, 2022
The YFL has released the 2023 YFL Schedule.
Oct, 2022
The YFL requires every Angler to check In and Out every Tournament.
Please check with the director if you have any questions.
Jul, 2017
The YFL Teams up with Dicks & Blue Sombrero to go as paperless as we can for the 2018 season. The YFL will add SMS Text and EMail messages to better keep everyone informed of tournaments. All YFL anglers get an account set up for the 2018 season.
Jul, 2017
As the Youth Fishing League grows in size so does our web-site. Since we have grown this program to 100 plus kids over the past 3 years the YFL needed a better way to keep everyone from the anglers to the parents in the loop. We are overhauling everything from our website to our scales for the 2018 season. We will continue to use the YFL website.
Jan, 2017
Start building out your site by clicking on each button on your home page settings panel.
Jan, 2017
We offer various types of web modules for you to choose from to help build out your site.