There will be a Board Meeting on Monday, 2/17/2025, at 8:00pm at
the Former CJ Mangin School currently the Monaca Library (998 Indiana Avenue,
Monaca- access 10th street door to the second floor). Please invite a friend or
bring somebody that might be interested in being a bigger part of the
organization. Committees need volunteers. Board meetings
will be every 3rd Monday of each month unless otherwise noted. Check for
updates, especially near the holidays. Meetings minutes are contained in CVGYS
Thank you so much-CVGYS Board- in lieu of our formal board meeting- we are scheduling a 'social' gathering at "The Standard" at 7:30 pm A time to come together, share thoughts, and get to know each other better!
1462 Riverside Dr. Bridgewater, PA62 Riverside Dr. Bridgewater, PA462 Riverside Dr. Bridgewater, PA