WA Girls Youth Competitive Basketball: This program provides the ability to play the full game of basketball in a highly competitive environment against other youth programs in the Pittsburgh area through the SHBL or CVYBO and Pittsburgh Area Tournaments.
Who: 3rd – 8th grade girls.
When: Rating Sessions: October 26th & 27th; League Games: December through Mid March
**Dates/Times for practices & games TBD and will be distributed by each team coach following the Rating Sessions.
Cost: $150 – Includes team shooting shirt, league and tournament fees, equipment costs, and WASD required insurance for use of their facilities.
Uniform Fee - $50 - $20 program credit given when uniform is returned in good condition following the season.
We will be utilizing a set of Open Gyms and Rating Sessions to rate all of the athletes to better understand the best league and level to enter the competitive teams into for each grade as well as identify those who would benefit more from additional practice time focused on basketball fundamentals and basic game play.
Open Gym/Rating Session Schedule TBD
Attendance at at least one of these sessions is mandatory to be considered for a roster spot on a competitive team.