Oct, 2022
Douglass First String Basketball through the Champaign Park District. Register today!
Nov, 2022
Online registration opens October 29, 2022. Available divisions included T-Ball (Ages 4-6), Peanut League (Ages 6-8), Farm League (Ages 8-10), Suited League (Ages 10-12), and Junior Legion (12-13). Your player will automatically be placed in the appropriate division. However, final placement is determined by the coaching team based on skill.
Oct, 2022
Your player can start building/perfecting those baseball skills now! Every Tuesday from now until the start of the season, your player will be instructed in the fundamentals of baseball. Coach Green and other volunteers will support your player's development. Join Coach at Douglass Center every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00 pm.
Jul, 2022
First String athletes and board members attend a White Sox game each year to celebrate Negro League baseball heritage. This year's trip was July 6th and was in honor and memory of Ernie Westfield, Sr., pitcher in the Negro League from 1959-1965. We will end the 2023 Spring Season with our annual trip. Join us! Details will be provided later.