We will be hosting player photos on Opening Day 2022 (Saturday 4/30)
Photo sessions will be held by team following the schedule below:
10:30am (TB) O’Leary Rockhounds (TB) Moffat Durham Bulls
11:00am-11:30am Opening Ceremonies
11:45am (MJ) Pulkkinen Cubs (MJ) Phipps Pirates
12:30pm (MN) Charest Rangers (MN) Jenson Astros
2:15 pm (CP) Carroll River bandits
2:30 pm (CP) Smith Iron Birds
You can pre-order your photos now by going to: www.bishopphoto.com and clicking on the "Pre-order now" tab.
Please use code "RobertACole2022" for your order. Once complete PRINT your receipt and bring it to the photographer during the session.