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All-In Futbol Club at Lanier

All-In Futbol Club at Lanier

Summer Soccer Camps!



Training is dedicated to players looking to improve their foot skills, striking ability, agility and fitness before the spring season. The coaches will set up an environment that is both intense and challenging as well as a fun and good environment for the player’s technical and physical growth. The players will have fun as well as be challenged to improve!

Development focus for this program:

Younger Kids U6-U10:

 - Ball familiarity and soccer techniques: ball control, passing, shooting.
 - Basic motor skills like running, jumping and diving with and without the ball.

 - Basic 1v1 and 2v2 attacking situations.
 - Basic balance and coordination with and without the ball.
 - Perception of teammates and opponents.

Older Kids U11-U14:

 - Main soccer techniques: passing, ball control, turning and shooting.

 - Balance and coordination with and without the ball.

 - Effectiveness in 1v1 to 4v4 attacking and defending situations. More advanced decisions.
 - Basic attacking principles in the game: creating space, support and movement.

Our standard training sessions include:

PART 1: Warm-up, demonstration of techniques and teaching of techniques while doing dynamic warm up with the ball and working on individual skills

PART 2: Topic for the Session: Teaching and using technique in an individual/small group setting as well as opposed, eg. Passing, shooting, receiving, 1st touch, playing with head up

PART 3: Fun games incorporating topics

PART 4: Small Sided Games at the end of sessions to incorporate topics learned (Games can be teaching situations or free play)

To Register
  1. If you have previously created an account with All-In FC sign in using Returning Customer. You would use the login and password that you had previously used. If new to All-In FC, please complete the new customer primary contact section in order to create a new account. 
  2. New customers will need to add participants. Click on the add participant link. Returning customers will only need to do that if the participant is not listed.
  3. Click on available programs.
  4. Check box next to the desired camp for each participant.
  5. Click next. Confirm and then click Next.
  6. Complete the Additional Participant Information (Emergency contact information, medical release, and t-shirt size) for each participant. Click Next.
  7. You are now in the check-out section where you will input your credit card info to process payment or check the "mail in check" option if you are paying via check. Please send check to All-IN Futbol Club, 5885 Cumming Hwy, Ste 108-77, Sugar Hill, GA 30518 or bring check to first day of camp. Please make check payable to All-In Futbol Club and list participating player's name and "2020 Summer Camp" in the memo section. 
  8. Click Submit Order.


All In FC
5885 Cumming Hwy, Suite 108-77
Sugar Hill, Georgia 30518

Phone: 770-335-1341
Email: [email protected]

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