Jan, 2020
The BIG 12 Conference would like to thank these following
organizations for either coming out today or sending representation to
the conference first interest meeting.
Jan, 2020
The SCYFA is really coming together: 19 organizations and counting
don’t miss your chance to be apart of the best youth football league in
the State. #SCYFAtheleaguewherethebigboysplay
Jan, 2020
155 Haynsworth St, Sumter, SC 29150-4553,
Conference interested meeting for youth football organizations in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina that are interested in joining SCYFA for the fall 2020 tackle season.
Jan, 2020
6251 St. Andrews Rd Columbia SC 29212
Conference interest meeting for youth football organizations in the Midlands and surrounding areas interested in joining the Big 12 conference of the new state wide SCYFA.
Jan, 2020
ACC conference has 7 Commited teams!
Jan, 2020
League Interest and Information Meeting for interested organizations in the upper state of SC.
Jan, 2020
The SEC conference has these teams committed and possibly more to come.
Dec, 2019
1455 Monitor St, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405
League interested and information meeting for organizations in the lower state looking to join the SEC conference for the Fall 2020 season.