Grafton Little League utilizes the RainedOut text messaging service to send text messages to mobile phones. This system allows team Managers to send short text messages (~150 characters) to mobile phones in short-notice situations when phone calling all parents is too cumbersome or when sending email isn't fast enough. This texting system is primarily used to inform parents of game or practice cancellations due to weather.
Any mobile phone capable of receiving text messages will work, you do not need a smart phone. Standard text message rates and data charges from your mobile phone carrier may apply.
Messages are sent on a team-by-team basis; you will not be bothered with messages that don't pertain to your child's team nor will you receive spam or unsolicited content from other sources.
Anyone can subscribe to a message group (team), only GLL team Managers are able to send messages. This is a one-way texting system, you cannot reply to received texts. At the end of the season all subscribers are purged from the system; you will need to re-subscribe each season.
Instructions to Subscribe:
- Find your child's team name and keyword in the list below.
- Text the keyword for your child's team (found below) to 84483.
- If you successfully subscribed, you will receive a confirming reply text.
- Repeat the process if you have additional children on other teams.
- Text STOP to 84483 to cancel all alerts at any time.
- A FAQ document can be found HERE.
GLL Team | Keyword |
Aggies | GLLAGG |
All Stars (8-10) | GLLAS1 |
All Stars (9-11) | GLLAS2 |
All Stars (10-12) | GLLAS3 |
All Stars (13-14) | GLLAS4 |
All Stars (Softball) | GLLAS5 |
Angels | GLLANG |
Angels2 | GLLAN2 |
Astros | GLLAST |
Athletics | GLLATH |
Athletics2 | GLLAT2 |
Bats | GLLBAT |
Bees | GLLBEE |
Blue Jays | GLLJAY |
Blue Jays2 | GLLJA2 |
Blue Rocks | GLLBRK |
BlueClaws | GLLBLC |
Braves | GLLBRV |
Brewers | GLLBRW |
Bulls | GLLBUL |
Cardinals | GLLCRD |
Cubs | GLLCUB |
Dash | GLLDSH |
Diamondbacks | GLLDBK |
Diamondbacks2 | GLLDB2 |
Dodgers | GLLDGR |
Dodgers2 | GLLDG2 |
Emeralds | GLLEMD |
Field Conditions | GLLFLD |
Fightin Phils | GLLFPS |
Fighting Irish | GLLFIR |
Gators | GLLGAT |
Giants | GLLGNT |
Giants2 | GLLGN2 |
Grasshoppers | GLLGHP |
Grizzlies | GLLGRZ |
Hooks | GLLHKS |
Hot Rods | GLLHOT |
Indians | GLLIND |
IronBirds | GLLBRD |
IronPigs | GLLPIG |
Jayhawks | GLLJHK |
Knights | GKKKNT |
Lake Monsters | GLLMST |
Lugnuts | GLLLUG |
Marauders | GLLMRD |
Mariners | GLLMRN |
Marlins | GLLMRL |
Marlins2 | GLLMR2 |
Mets | GLLMET |
Mets2 | GLLME2 |
Mets - Binghamton | GLLMTS |
Muckdogs | GLLMDG |
Mud Hens | GLLMHN |
Mudcats | GLLMCT |
Nationals | GLLNAT |
Nationals2 | GLLNA2 |
Orioles | GLLORL |
Orioles2 | GLLOR2 |
Owlz | GLLOWL |
Padres | GLLPAD |
Padres2 | GLLPA2 |
Paw Sox | GLLPSX |
Phillies | GLLPHL |
Pirates | GLLPRT |
Pirates2 | GLLPR2 |
Pirates3 | GLLPR3 |
RailRiders | GLLRDR |
Rangers | GLLRGR |
Raptors | GLLRPT |
Rays | GLLRAY |
Red Sox | GLLRSX |
Red Wings | GLLRWG |
Reds | GLLRED |
Reds2 | GLLRE2 |
River Bandits | GLLRBD |
River Cats | GLLRCT |
RiverDogs | GLLRDG |
RockHounds | GLLRHD |
Rockies | GLLRCK |
Royals | GLLROY |
Royals2 | GLLRO2 |
RubberDucks | GLLDCK |
Sand Gnats | GLLSNT |
Scrappers | GLLSCR |
Sea Dogs | GLLSDG |
Seniors | GLLSNR |
Storm | GLLSTO |
Sun Devils | GLLSDV |
Thunder | GLLTHD |
Tigers | GLLTGR |
Tigers - Clemson | GLLCLM |
Tigers - LSU | GLLLSU |
Timber Rattlers | GLLTRT |
TinCaps | GLLTCP |
Twins | GLLTWN |
Twins2 | GLLTW2 |
Volcanoes | GLLVOL |
Volunteers | GLLVTR |
White Sox | GLLWSX |
White Sox2 | GLLWS2 |
Wildcats | GLLWCT |
Yankees | GLLYNK |
Yankees2 | GLLYN2 |
Yard Goats | GLLGTS |
Yellow Jackets | GLLYJK |