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Regular Registration ends Jan 18th. Late Registration Jan 19-23

Regular Registration ends Jan 18th. Late Registration Jan 19-23


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City of Avondale

Youth Sports – Return to Play

General Guidelines for All City of Avondale Youth Sports Programs For the 2020 Fall Season

We will be following guidelines from the CDC, Governor’s Executive Orders, National Recreation and Park Association and AIA. 



Are you sick? Please stay home 

•        We ask that if you do not feel well, have a fever, or if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home. 

•        If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, we ask you do not come to a City of Avondale Youth Sports program until you have tested negative, been cleared by a doctor or have had no symptoms for 10 days. 

•        We ask if someone on your team has recently practiced or played in a game and has tested positive for COVID-19, notify our Recreation Coordinator immediately ([email protected] or 623-333-2400). 



•        Please keep 6 feet apart while on sidelines and spectator areas. 

•        ONLY ONE (1) spectator per participant is allowed at practices and games. 

•        Spectators are encouraged to stay in their vehicle during practices if able.   Activities will be set up to allow for 6 feet distancing whenever possible.


Face Masks

•        Face masks are required for the following at games and practices:

o   All coaches  o All spectators

o   All substitute players not actively playing in the game

§    All substitute players must stay with their spectator while not actively playing in a game. 


Sharing of Equipment, Water, Etc.  

•        Please do not share water or snacks

•        Please do not share any equipment (i.e. flag belts, soccer balls, gloves, shin pads, pennies, etc.)

•        No sharing snacks during practice or games



Limiting Physical Contact Outside of Practice/Games

•        No high fives, handshakes, or fist bumps



Time Between Practices and Games

•        Please leave the playing field/park promptly after your practice or game. Please do not linger at the field or park.

•        Please pick up all garbage and belongings after the game or practice.  



•        We have added a field for practice to increase areas for teams to social distance. 


Sanitizing and Cleaning

•        Bathrooms will be accessible with soap for hand washing throughout practice and games.

•        All equipment will be cleaned and disinfected prior to and after any use.


Practice Specific Guidelines

•        Prior to every practice or game; check for virus signs/symptoms. Parents must not allow their children to participate in any activity if they have shown virus signs or symptoms or have possibly been exposed to the virus in the past 14 days. 

•        Set-up an area where players can leave their personal items 6-feet apart. Players should clearly label their water bottles and other personal items. 

•        Players and coaches should wash or sanitize their hands upon arrival and throughout practice. 

•        Have stations for drills set-up for groups to rotate through, during practice. 

•        Players should maintain proper physical distancing while not actively participating in a drill or exercise, during water breaks and in between activities. 

•        Limit one parent, guardian or spectator at practices. Parents, guardians and spectators are encouraged to stay in their vehicle during practice if able. If a need arises that the parent, guardian or spectator should exit the vehicle, it is required they wear a face mask or face covering. 

•        Coaches and on-field personnel working directly with the players must wear a mask or face covering.

•        Players or coaches who are considered at high-risk for COVID-19 by CDC standards ( should not participate in practices or games. 


Game Specific Guidelines

•        Teams are to warm-up on separate sides of the field. 

•        Players, coaches and spectators need to keep proper distance with staff, officials and players all times, during and after games, etc. 

•        Teams will not meet at midfield after games. No high fives will occur. 

•        Teams will not be allowed to have team meetings on the game field after the games. 

•        Halftime talks with the team must allow for proper physical distancing between players and coaches. 

•        Players will need to provide their own hand sanitizer for their team at each game and use frequently, especially when not actively playing in the game. 


Spectator Guidelines

•        ONLY ONE (1) SPECTATOR per player allowed at practices and games.

•        All spectators are expected to bring their own chairs and spread 6 feet from other spectators.

•        All spectators are required to wear a face mask or face covering.

•        Any spectator who is considered at high risk for COVID-19 by CDC standards ( should not attend practices or games.














• Distribute and post return to play protocols

• Be sensitive and accommodating to parents who may be uncomfortable

with returning to play

• Train and educate all staff on return to play protocols

• Provide adequate field space for physical distancing

• Ensure appropriate waste

receptacles at fields




• Follow all return to play protocols

• Inquire how participants are feeling. If they are not feeling well, send them home

• Ensure all participants have their individual equipment (flag belt, ball, water, gloves, etc.)

• Coaches are the only people to touch or place cones and other sport supplies

• Ensure drills and exercises provide adequate physical distancing

• Respect players, parents and families by accommodating those that may not

yet be comfortable with returning





• Check your child’s temperature before coming to any practices or


• Ensure your child’s clothing is washed after every practice and


• Ensure all your child’s sport clothing is washed after every practice and


• Ensure all your child’s equipment are sanitized before and after every

practice and game

• Notify the league and coach immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason

• Supply your child with individual sanitizer

• Adhere to physical distancing requirements; stay in car when able

Ensure your child has plenty of water for practices and games





• Wash hands thoroughly before and after all practices and games

• Do not share water, food or equipment

• Respect and practice physical distancing

• Place equipment, bags, etc. at least 6 feet apart from teammates

• No high fives, handshakes, fist bumps or group celebrations







10720 W Indian School Road, #19 PMB-137
Phoenix, Arizona 85037

Email: [email protected]

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