Covid-19 Protocols for Participation
District 12 Inter-league Baseball & Softball
This document is intended to provide guidance on playing conditions/general practices that will be followed to assist in minimizing the risk/spread of Covid-19 during the District 12 Little League Baseball & Softball season. It is recognized that these practices cannot guarantee any participant, official, or spectator prevention from contracting the virus, and that these do not cover the full gamut of possible ways to contract Covid-19; just as we cannot guarantee physical injuries during practices or games. Therefore, participation in District 12 Little League Baseball & Softball season is ultimately done so at the players’, parents’, or guardians’ own risk and to the extent at which all parties agree to abide and follow these recommendations and those of our local state and county health professionals.
General Overview: The following guidelines have been established for resuming Little League Baseball activities, while simultaneously ensuring the safety and protection of ALL Little League Volunteers (Board Members, Coaches, Managers, etc.), Players and Spectators. Social distancing and the limitation of close and/or large gatherings, as recommended by the Center for Disease Control, and state and local health departments, will be practiced and implemented to the extent possible. Changes to these guidelines may be made throughout the season to be in alignment with updated CDC, state, and local recommendations/policies. This policy applies to both practices AND games.
We acknowledge and support all decisions of Little League volunteers (Board Members, Coaches, Managers, Umpires, etc.), parents/guardians and players that do not wish to participate if they are uncomfortable for any reason throughout the season.
First and for most, if a participant, official, or spectator is feeling ill or showing symptoms of being sick, it is their responsibility to STAY AT HOME. Do not participate in practices or games, and do not come to the field to watch your team(s). Notify your local League.
Players/umpires/volunteers that miss practices or games due to a Covid-related absence may not return until the following 3 criteria are met:
1. 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared,
2. Improvement in any symptoms, not related to fever (e.g. cough, may still fatigue quicker than normal, shortness of breath, etc.)
3. at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution without the use of fever-reducing medications),
Note: If detection was confirmed as a result of a positive test, then the postponement period may be adjusted following the recommendations by the administering health clinic/department.
Further, we will continue to abide by the Official Little League Rule Book as noted in Regulation III (d) Note 2: When a player misses more than 7 continuous days (e.g. Monday through Sunday) of participation for illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must give written permission for a return to full baseball (or softball) activity.
Social Distancing. People-to-people contact is the number one means of transmission of COVID-19, and therefore, social distancing is one way to minimize these contacts. Current CDC guidelines are 6-10 feet depending on the length of time of the contact. Therefore, we will aim for a standard of maintaining 6 feet between players and 10 feet between spectators or family groups within the same household as much as possible.
While baseball and softball are recognized team sports, the number of player-to-player interactions (direct contact) is relatively small during games. Except for the batter/catcher/home plate umpire interaction and possibly runners held on base, player distancing is maintained throughout most games. The greatest contact occurs during interchanges between innings, when teams are entering/exiting dugouts, while the offensive teams are gathered in each dugout, and during coach’s meetings (at the mound or between innings). These guidelines are aimed at minimizing these types of interactions to the extent possible.
Surface Contact Exposure. While the CDC recognizes that it may be possible for a person to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, they do not believe that this is the main way the virus spreads. Even so, we have established some practices that will help minimize potential surface contact such as use of disinfectant and hand sanitizer, minimal equipment sharing, practice and game balls, and implementing a tip-of-hat rather than hand-shakes at the end of games.
Failure to comply with these guidelines, including spectators representing your League, may result in forfeiture of participation for the remainder of the season. Concerns of this matter will be discussed by the League President or his/her representative and 2 members of District 12 staff. Remember, non-compliance may result in all Leagues being denied the opportunity to continue the 2021 season and beyond.
Ø The number of games depends on field availability and the number of teams registering.
Ø Roster size should be limited to assist with group sizes and maximize playing time, as directed in the Little League Rule book.
Ø Pool play is available. No borrowing players at game time.
Ø No sharing of equipment including forgotten or misplaced gloves or hats; Leagues will issue equipment (bat and helmet) to each player for use during the season to players that cannot supply their own.
Ø Catching gear, if shared, must be disinfected between players.
Ø Teams must practice alone. No scrimmages.
Ø Use station-to-station drills as appropriate at practices. Use cones or other markers for social distancing.
Ø Team drills at practices will operate with social distancing (6 ft between players) when appropriate. Note: Players making a play on a ball may come together as appropriate for the play (e.g. live batting practice, live base running, etc.)
Ø Balls and other equipment disinfected between practices and games
Ø Hand sanitizers will be used between drills.
Ø No sharing of drinks and/or water bottles. No team water jugs.
Ø No sunflower seeds or other food items of this type allowed at practices or games.
Ø No spitting on the field or into batting gloves.
Ø No licking fingers between pitches. Pitchers may place small towel behind the pitcher’s mound (like a rosin bag) or in their pocket for moisture instead of licking fingers. A separate rag per pitcher is allowed. Must be applied and wiped as per Little League Official Rules.
Ø 5 new/unused baseballs provided at each game (Home team). Foul balls that leave the playing field must be disinfected prior to returning to the field.
Ø Leagues will mark and extend via rope and/or caution tape each dugout. Recommendation of 3-foot player areas with 6 feet in between within each dugout, along with a coach’s area on the inside of dugout at the field gate; Field/dugout sizes permitting. Example: Coach’s area (3 ft), 6 ft, player 1 (3ft), 6 ft, player 2, 6 ft, player 3, 6 ft, player 4, etc. For a 12-player roster = 111 feet total; 10 player roster = 93 feet total. Coaches will maintain 6 feet between each other while in the dugout.
Ø Players and coaches will wear a facemask or neck gaiter over nose and mouth when entering/exiting the playing field during games and while in the dugout area. Coaches and non-plate umpires will wear a mask at all times.
Ø Players exiting the field between innings will use hand sanitizer.
Ø No hi-fives, hand shaking, or physical contact between players or at the end of the game.
Ø Spectators may be present at practices and games. They must socially distance with at least 10 ft between individuals or family groups within the same household. Parents/Families are responsible for compliance by siblings.
We recognize that we do not have the means to perform or require Covid testing prior to each game or the ability to modify (e.g. post-pone or make-up) our game schedule(s) in way that other entities (schools, professional sports) can. With that said, we will adhere to the following general recommendations regarding a team’s scheduled game(s) when a player, coach, or team has received a positive confirmation of Covid from an accredited health care provider or it is deemed that a positive exposure is likely to have occurred:
Ø Said player or coach will follow the recommendations on page 1 (above).
Ø Contact tracing regarding participation at practices or games must be conducted by the local League to assist in determining the possibility of exposure to other teams\players to the best of our ability.
Ø If deemed that a possible exposure event did not occurred at a game, games will continue for that team(s) as scheduled.
Ø If deemed that the team(s) had a possible exposure event, the entire team(s) must abide by the recommendations on page 1 regarding return to play. Game(s) may be cancelled or postponed accordingly.