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Jefferson Township Little League


Jefferson Township Little League (JTLL) 
Action Plan for COVID 19 

  1. JTLL will follow CDC Coronavirus Considerations for Youth Sports and will adhere to these guidelines throughout the season as closely as possible.  
  2. All JTLL coaches will be updated on these guidelines at the beginning of the season, and throughout the season as needed. 
  3. All spectators will be asked to wear a face covering during all games and practices. The players should wear masks while they are in the “dugout” area. 
  4. JTLL will follow social distancing guidelines of 6 feet apart. The players and spectators will have separate seating areas. The players will be lined up outside the fence at a designated pole. No players will be allowed in the dugout. 
  5. There will not be any sharing of equipment during the season. Each player is to have their own bat, helmet, and glove. Each catcher must be the single user of said equipment during practices/games. All league equipment will be wiped down with sanitizing wipes after each use. 
  6. Each team will use their own set of balls. All balls in play will be switched out every 2 innings and sanitized. 
  7. Spectators are not allowed to touch a ball, including foul balls. If a spectator touches a ball, that ball will not be allowed back in the game. 
  8. Coaches will be the only person to touch a bat after a batter (from the barrel of the bat only). 
  9. There will be no high fives, fist bumps, etc before, during, or after play. 
  10. Gum, spitting, sunflower seeds are prohibited during the entire season. Each player must have their own drinks.   Group or team coolers are prohibited. 
  11. There will be hand sanitizer stations located at each dugout, outside the bathrooms, and at the concession stand. 
  12. Players will be banned from play if they exhibit any symptoms of illness. Parents are held responsible to check their player’s temperature prior to play.  
  13. All parents/guardians will sign the Covid Little League waiver prior to play  for the season. 
  14. Press box will only be allowed 1 adult throughout the game. 
  15. The concession stand will not be making hot food during games. All food/drinks will be prepackaged to eliminate risk of cross contamination. Only one family will be running the stand for games, to avoid any unnecessary contact with others. All volunteers working the concession stand will use hand sanitizer and wear a mask at all times. 
  16. Bathrooms will be disinfected prior to, and following, games. 
  17. Our Covid Response Coordinator, Graig Arcurie (570-815-4331), may be reached with any questions or concerns throughout the season. 

Contact Us

Jefferson Township Little League

829 Lions Road 
Jefferson Township, Pennsylvania 18436

Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Township Little League

829 Lions Road 
Jefferson Township, Pennsylvania 18436

Email: [email protected]
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