Zimmerman 18U
Przybyl 23U
Registered Teams
Diamond Map
Available Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Przybyl (23U) Team is looking for players for a tournament team in 2020
10th Annual Dazzlers “Daze of Summer” Tournament18U & 21U - June 29th – June 30th, 2019
THANK YOU! To all of the PLAYERS, their FAMILIES, COACHES, SPONSORS, and SUPPORTERS...without you, this would not have been po...
Congratulations to our Dazzlers Softball 16U (Zimmerman) team as they are the MGSL 16U Division 2017 regular season Champions an...
Congratulations to our Dazzlers Softball 19U (Przybyl) team as they are the MGSL 19U PONY Challenge Champions for 2017!!
Celebrating our 16th year of Dazzlers Fastpitch Softball in 2019!
2019 NSA NY State and Canada qualifiers to be held in conjunction with Dazzlers Softball!
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Orchard Acres Complex
Dazzlers Softball 3643 Horton Avenue Hamburg, New York 14219
Phone: 716-263-1667 Email: [email protected]