CDC Prevention Tips
Ennis Baseball Association
Ennis Soccer Association
Ennis Boys & Girls Club
USA Softball of Texas
Just a reminder that our parks are partially open, however, no organized sports or activities on the ball fields or pavilions. Sta...
The City is taking extraordinary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 throughout our community. The Mayor signed a proclam...
The 2020 Ennis Adult Softball League will start mid-May or early-June. We are planning for a Men's and Coed League. Details will s...
Ennis Community Center
Bluebonnet Park
Veterans Memorial Park
Lions Park
Fairview - IOOF Park
Roger Maise Park
Jaycee Park
Kiwanis Park
Lake Clark Park
Minnie McDowell
City of Ennis Parks and Recreation 500 Lake Bardwell DriveEnnis, Texas 75119
Phone: 972-875-1234 Email: [email protected]