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Welcome to Mission Hill!

Mission Hill Little League 2025 Season

  • MHLL 2018 Williamsport All Star Team

    MHLL 2018 Williamsport All Star Team

  • MHLL 2018 10 U Mayor's Cup Team

    MHLL 2018 10 U Mayor's Cup Team

  • MHLL 2017 10 U Team Resistance at Fenway Park

    MHLL 2017 10 U Team Resistance at Fenway Park

  • MHLL 2018 Tee Ball

    MHLL 2018 Tee Ball

  • MHLL 2018 Athletics

    MHLL 2018 Athletics

  • MHLL 2018 Nationals Mike's Donuts

    MHLL 2018 Nationals Mike's Donuts

Welcome to the website of Mission Hill Little League-a baseball program for boys and girls, ages 4 to 12, in the Mission Hill neighborhood of Boston, MA. We play at Kilillea Field, McLaughlin Playground at Parker Hill Avenue and Calumet Street and at the Smith Street field located in Mission Main weekday evenings and Saturdays, April through June.

Please note that Mission Hill Little League is run completely by volunteers. (There is no "main office" for the league). 

Like our page on Facebook:  

Good luck to all of our teams and players, we wish you a fantastic season. Play Ball!

Bienvenido al sitio web de la Colina de la Misión la Liga Pequeña -- un programa del béisbol para chicos y chicas, se envejece 4 a 12, en el vecindario de la Colina de la Misión de Boston, MA. Jugamos en Campo de Kilillea, Campo de juegos de McLaughlin en la Avenida de la Colina de Parker y la Calle de Pipa de la paz y en el campo de la Calle de Smith localizó en la Misión tardes Principales de día laborable y los sábados, abril por junio. Para descargar formularios de inscripción van por favor a "MHLL Forms" y clic en las formas.

Observe por favor que la liga pequeña de la colina de la misión es funcionada con totalmente por los voluntarios. (No hay oficina principal para la liga). 

conéctate con nosotros en Face Book:

Buena suerte a todos nuestros equipos y jugadores, le deseamos una estación fantástica. ¡Bola del juego!

In The News!

August, 2017: Mission Hill Little League's 12 U All Star Team won the Championship title in the City of Boston Citywide Baseball League (BCBL) Tournament. They competed with teams from across the City of Boston! Congratulations to our All Star boys and girl!

July, 2015: Mission Hill Little League's All Star Team advanced to the District Championship game! Although they did not go on to play in Little League International's sectional tournament, they did go on to win the Championship title in another tournament: the City of Boston City Wide Tournament. In this tournament they competed with teams from across the City of Boston!

June, 2014: Dreams do come true! One of Mission Hill Little League's very own, Calvin Graves, played for the MHLL Red Sox, 2003-2005. His former coach, Paul Spirn, describes him as a wonderful boy, grown into a fine young man. In the 2014 MLB Player Draft, he was picked 799 (out of 1200) in Round 27 (out of 40) by the Chicago Cubs, after playing varsity baseball at and graduating from Franklin Pierce College in NH. Way to go Calvin!

August, 2012: Great news about two of Mission Hill Little League's summer tournament teams, who made it to the Little League District 9 Jimmy Fund Tournament Finals. The 9+10 year old Mission Hill team won the tournament for their division! We are very proud of both teams: Mission Hill 9+10 Year Old Division Team, and Mission Hill 11+12 Year Old Division Team.

Jun 11, 2009: Mission Hill Little League proudly congratulates Nelfi Zapata for his 2009 draft to the NY Mets. At that time, he was the Boston English High School catcher, and he started with Mission Hill Little League in approximately 2000, when he first arrived in the US and Boston. He played for the Mission Hill Little League Major League Red Sox team, coached by our very own Paul Spirn. We are very proud to see one of our own move on to the big league! Thank you coaches and volunteers; dreams do come true!

August, 2009: Congratulations to our 2009 11+12 Year Old Jimmy Fund Tournament Champions!

Field Status

  • 4th Tier Field of McLaughlin Playground

    Updated: 03/01/18 9:56PM
    • Field 1
  • Softball Field

    Updated: 03/01/18 9:56PM
    • Field 1
  • Smith Street Field

    Updated: 03/01/18 9:56PM
    • Field 1
  • Killilea Field/McLaughlin Playground

    Updated: 03/01/18 9:56PM
    • Field 1

Contact Us

Mission Hill Little League

PO Box 721 
Roxbury Crossing, Massachusetts 02120

Email Us: [email protected]
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