Tournament Player Eligibility – Allows players to be eligible for selection to a Tournament team based on age, not division of play during the Regular Season.
Tournament Player Eligibility – Revises Tournament Participation to be a set number of games a player must participate within to be eligible for selection to a Tournament team. Revisions have been made to the Tournament Injury Exception and Middle School/High School Condition 2.
Tournament Player Eligibility – Permits 12-year-olds, who have been assessed capable and meet Tournament Eligibility requirements, to be selected to a Senior Division Tournament team.
Tournament Player Eligibility – All Divisions of Baseball and Softball
Players are eligible for Tournament Play, provided they meet the criteria established by the Little League “Residency and School Attendance Player Eligibility Requirement,” “Player Participation In Other Programs,” and the following:
8-to 10-Year-Old Division – Any player League Age 8, 9 or 10, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:
- Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
- Minor League Baseball/Softball team.
9-to 11-Year-Old Division – Any player League Age 9, 10, or 11, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:
- Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
- Minor League Baseball/Softball team.
Little League (Major Division) – Any player League Age 10, 11, or 12, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:
- Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
- Intermediate Baseball/Junior Softball team.
Intermediate (50-70) Division – Any player League Age 11, 12, or 13, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) in the Intermediate (50-70) Division by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball season.
Junior League – Any player League Age 12, 13, or 14, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the middle school, junior high school, or high school baseball/softball season., on a:
- Junior League Baseball/Softball team, or;
- Senior League Baseball/Softball team. [For Junior Tournament eligibility, Senior League players must have played in a minimum of eight (8) regular season games or 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games, whichever is greater.]
Senior League – Any player League Age 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 6 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the middle school, junior high school, or high school baseball/softball season., on a:
- Junior League Baseball/Softball team, or;
- Senior League Baseball/Softball team.