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Iowa District 3 Little League

News Detail


Feb, 2021

2021 Rule Changes

Permits league age 6-year-olds to advance to Minor League Player Pitch after participating in Tee Ball for one year, provided the maximum age limit in the division is league age 10.

NOTE 3: Participants league age 5 and 6 are permitted to advance to Minor League Coach Pitch or Machine Pitch after participation in Tee Ball for one year. Participants league age 6 are permitted to advance to Minor League Player Pitch Division after participation in Tee Ball for one year, provided the maximum age limit in the division is league age ten (10). Players must be assessed by the league as capable of participation at that level.

Permits the local league to allow league age 8-year-olds to participate in the Major Division with District Administrator approval.

NOTE 4: The local league may allow 8-year-olds to participate in the Major Softball Division with District Administrator approval. Players must be assessed by the league as capable of participation at that level.

Removes restrictions on Player Agents managing, coaching, or umpiring within their respective divisions during the regular season and may be eligible for tournament selection with District Administrator approval.

Regulation I(b)

The president will not serve in the capacity of District Administrator. Player Agents shall not manage, coach, or umpire in their respective divisions. Vice presidents may manage, coach, or umpire provided they do not serve on the Protest Committee.

Tournament Managers and Coaches

The District Administrator or District Staff shall not serve as manager or coach. The league president and player agent may be eligible for selection by the local league Board of Directors to coach or manage with written approval from their respective District Administrator.

Amends the regulation to provide Little League participants, administrators, and volunteers guidelines for participation in non-Little League programs specifically surrounding the use of Little League funds, AIG group insurance for Little League, and their interactions with non-Little League programs.

(g) Participants, administrators, and volunteers are permitted to participate in other baseball and softball programs while participating in Little League as long as the following policies are followed:

  1. Any funds raised using the name or trademarks of Little League must only be used for Little League activity.
  2. Any purchases for non-Little League programming or for individuals participating in a non-Little League program shall not use League funds.
  3. Such participation may not represent the local Little League in any way, including the wearing of team Little League uniforms, use of equipment purchased by the league or use of local Little League program’s name or official marks. Any expenses for a team(s) and/or individual(s) to participate in non-Little League programs is the responsibility of that team and/or individual(s).
  4. Participation in non-Little League programming is not insured or covered under the AIG group insurance program for Little League, and the administrators organizing such activities should obtain separate insurance coverage for any non-Little League participation.

Any violation of this regulation by the local Little League may result in revocation of the league’s charter and/or suspension of tournament privileges for the league or individuals associated with such team. An individual, or a group of such individuals, that participates in a non-Little League program, club, tournament, event, or game, are subject to the provisions of this Regulation, Regulation IV(a) Note 2, and the provisions of the Tournament Rules and Guidelines regarding “player participation in other programs;” pertaining to player eligibility requirements for Little League International Tournament play.

Player Participation in Other Programs

Any violation of Regulation I(g) by the local Little League may result in revocation of the league’s charter and/or suspension of tournament privileges for the league or individuals associated with such team. An individual, or a group of such individuals, that participates in a non-Little League program, club, tournament, event, or game, are subject to the provisions of Regulation I(g) and Regulation IV(a) Note 2.

Permits league age 15-year-olds to participate in the Junior Division and restrict pitching.

NOTE 3: The local league may allow 15-year-olds to participate in the Junior League Division for the regular season only if the player’s skill level is assessed appropriate for that division. A local league Board may prohibit the 15-year-olds from pitching in the Junior Division.

Permits the local league to allow 12-year-olds to participate in or dual roster in the Senior Division.

NOTE 4: The local league may allow 12-year-olds to participate in or dual roster in the Senior League Division. Players must be assessed by the league as capable of participation at that level.

Regulation III(a) – Reduces the minimum number of players on a regular season roster for the Major, Intermediate (50-70) Baseball, Junior, and Senior Divisions.

Regulation III(a) – Allows a league to roster up to 20 players on an Intermediate (50-70) Baseball, Junior, or Senior Division team if only fielding one regular season team.

Regulation III(a) – Allows leagues to vary roster size in a particular division by one (1) player.

(a) The league shall, at least 10 days prior to the first regular game, establish the number of players on each team. No team may have more than 15 players nor less than 10 9. NOTE: Rules 1.01, 3.03 NOTE 3, 4.16 and 4.17 apply regardless of roster size. EXCEPTION: Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior: A league may roster up to 20 players if fielding only one regular season team.

Tee Ball and Minor League: There will be no minimum or maximum established at the Tee Ball and Minor League levels. Roster size of 8-10 players is recommended. NOTE: If a local league elects to roster less than nine (9) players at the Tee Ball and/or Minor League levels, rules 3.03 Note 3, 4.16, and 4.17 do not apply.

The manager of a team must, at least five days prior to the first regularly scheduled game, register the Regular Season team roster. The number of players on a roster in a particular division shall not vary by more than one (1).

Revises mandatory play to require a player to run the bases after one at-bat, if they reach base, until they are retired, score, or the inning or game ends. During the International Tournament, a player removed prior to meeting the running portion of their Mandatory Play requirement will be treated as an improper substitute.

(i) Mandatory Play: Every rostered player present at the start of a game will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. For the purposes of this rule, “six (6) defensive outs” is defined as: A player enters the field in one of the nine defensive positions when his/her team is on defense and occupies a defensive position while six outs are made; “bat at least one (1) time” is defined as: A player enters the batter’s box with no count and completes that time at bat by being retired, retired as a batter-runner or runner, scores, or the inning or game ends. or by reaching base safely .

PENALTY: The player(s) involved shall start the next scheduled game, play any previous requirement not completed for Section (i), and the requirement for this game before being removed.

An AT-BAT, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of Mandatory Play (if applicable), is when a batter assumes the position of a batter with no count and is retired, retired as a batter-runner or runner, scores, or the inning or game ends.

Baseball and Softball – Tournament Rule 9:

(d) Failure to meet the mandatory play requirements in this rule is a basis for protest. If one or more players on a roster do not meet this requirement, and if protested or brought to the Tournament Committee’s attention, in the removal of the team’s manager, without replacement, for the remainder of the International Tournament. EXCEPTION: A player removed prior to meeting the running portion of their Mandatory Play requirement will be treated as an improper substitute. Additional penalties (including but not limited to forfeiture of a game, additional mandatory play requirements for players who failed to meet mandatory play, and/or disqualification of the team or coaches from further tournament participation) may be imposed

(e) For the purposes of this rule, “six (6) consecutive defensive outs” is defined as: A player enters the field in one of the nine defensive positions when his/her team is on defense and occupies a defensive position while six consecutive outs are made; “bat at least one (1) time” is defined as: A player enters the batter’s box with no count and completes that time at bat by being retired, retired as a batter-runner or runner, scores, or the inning or game ends. or by reaching base safely .

Permits a local league to update Mandatory Play for all divisions if 15-20 players are rostered and available to participate in a game.

NOTE 4: If a league uses 15 to 20 player rosters and 15 or more eligible players are at a game, the league may reduce the Mandatory Play Rule to three (3) defensive outs and one (1) at bat per game.

Permits local leagues to utilize age-appropriate players from within the division or one age division below to create a player pool to be used when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a regular season game.

(c) Alternate method of operation

To aid leagues that are having a difficult time getting enough players for their regular season teams the following option is available: A pool of players from existing regular season teams can be created with players that are willing to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a regular season game within their respective division or one division below, who are age appropriate and have been assessed capable. Pool players may return to their respective division and all other guidelines must be followed as outlined. BASEBALL EXAMPLE: Minors to Major Division, Major Division to Intermediate (50-70) Division, etc. SOFTBALL EXAMPLE: Minors to Major Division, Major Division to Juniors, etc.

NOTE: Players may not be “borrowed” from an opponent. They must be assigned by the player agent.


  1. The league’s player agent will create and run the pool. The league’s player agent will use the pool to assign players within their respective division to teams that are short of players on a rotating basis.
  2. Managers and/or coaches will not have the right to randomly pick and choose players from the pool within their respective division.
  3. Under this option, when a player participates in a game on a team other than his/her own team, such player will not be permitted to pitch in that game.
  4. Pool players that are called and show up at the game site must play at least nine (9) consecutive defensive outs and bat once.

Permits a local league to schedule and play one (1) doubleheader for Minors and up to two (2) doubleheaders for Majors in a calendar week.

(d) Minor (Player Pitch): A team may play one (1) doubleheader in a calendar week.

Little League (Major) Division: A team may play two (2) doubleheaders in a calendar week. No team shall play three games in a day.

Allows a local league to establish time limits for games, regardless of number innings played, that will still qualify towards Regular Season games played and a player’s Tournament eligibility.

Regulation VII:

(c) Minor (Player Pitch) Little League (Major) Division and above: A local league may establish that games will consist of six (6) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior: seven (7) innings], or meet regulation as outlined in 4.10 and 4.11, or meet a minimum 1 hour and 45-minute time limit. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired.

Coach Pitch/Machine Pitch Minors and Tee Ball: A local league may impose a time limit on games regardless of the number of innings played. It is recommended that no league standings be kept, and no championship games be played.

A.R. – District Administrators overseeing interleague play activities and local Little League programs may establish a minimum 2-hour time limit for games in Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/ Senior League.

Regulation X:

(c) When league size and limited field availability require leagues to schedule more than one game on the same day or night and on the same field, The league may be permitted to impose time limits on the games. A local league may establish that games will consist of six (6) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior: seven (7) innings], or meet regulation as outlined in 4.10 and 4.11, or meet a minimum 1 hour and 45-minute time limit. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired. However, the game must meet requirements of Rule 4 .10 or 4 .11 to be official.

A.R. – District Administrators overseeing interleague play activities and local Little League programs may establish a minimum 2-hour time limit for games in Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/ Senior League.


(c) If a game is called, it is a regulation game:

(1) If four innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League: five innings] have been completed;

(2) Local League Option: If the game has been played for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed. No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired.

A.R. – District Administrators overseeing interleague play activities and local Little League programs may establish a minimum 2-hour time limit for games in Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League.

(3) If the home team has scored more runs in three and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League: four and one-half innings] than the visiting team has scored in four completed half-innings;

(4) if the home team scores one or more runs in its half of the fourth inning [Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior/Senior League: fifth inning] to tie the score.

Permits Special Games to count towards team’s Regular Season schedule and player’s Tournament participation.

Regulation IX(a) – Revises approval of Special Games to be by the District Administrator.

(a) Special Games are defined as games that:

  1. may be counted as non-regular season games, and,
  2. are not Little League International Tournament games, and,
  3. involve only teams from chartered Little League programs, and,
  4. have been approved in writing by the District Administrator.

Exception: Intermediate (50-70) Division/Junior League: Up to six (6) games played under Special Games against Little League teams may count towards players’ Regular Season schedule. Senior League: Up to ten (10) games played under Special Games against Little League teams may count towards players’ Regular Season schedule.

Games played under Special Games against Little League teams may count towards teams’ and players’ Regular Season schedule. Teams must schedule and play a minimum 12-game [Senior League: 10-game] season.

Removes the September 1 deadline for Special Games and permits Special Games with non-Little League teams who provide proof of acceptable insurance coverage.

(c) With the approval of the Charter Committee of Little League International, and on recommendation of the Regional Director and District Administrator, chartered leagues may engage in Special Games with Little League teams and/or non-Little League Teams, who have provided proof of acceptable insurance coverage as outlined in Regulation I(c)7.

Requires the on-deck batter to be positioned in the on-deck circle closest their dugout in the Intermediate, Junior, and Senior divisions.

(b) Uniformed players, news photographers, managers, coaches, and umpires only shall be permitted within the confines of the playing field just prior to and during games. Batboys and/or batgirls are not permitted at any level of play. Except for the batter, base-runners, and base coaches at first and third bases, all players shall be on their benches in their dugouts or in the bullpen when the team is at bat. When the team is on defense, all reserve players shall be on their benches or in the bullpen. EXCEPTION: The on-deck position is permitted in Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior, and Senior League.

A.R.Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior, and Senior League: The on-deck batter shall be positioned in the on-deck circle closest to their dugout.

Playing Rules

Permits Tee Ball and Instructional Minor Divisions to utilize up to three coaches.

Tee Ball/Minor League Instructional Division is a game between two teams, under the direction of a manager and not more than three two coaches, played on a regulation Little League field in accordance with these rules, under the jurisdiction of one or more umpires.

Permits a local league to start and play games with eight (8) players on each team. If implemented, the local league will determine if teams will be charged an out for the ninth (9th) position or skip over the ninth (9th) position without penalty.

1.01 – Little League Baseball in all divisions is a game between two teams of nine players each, under the direction of a manager and not more than two rostered coaches, played on a regulation Little League field in accordance with these rules, under the jurisdiction of one or more umpires. NOTE: Competitive Minor Leagues and above may use no more than nine players on defense. Local League Option: A game may not be started with less than eight (8) players on each team. See Rules 4.16 and 4.17.

4.04 – The batting order shall be followed throughout the game unless a player is substituted for another. Substitutes must take the place of the replaced player’s position in the batting order except as covered by Rule 3.03. A league may adopt a policy of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. If this option is adopted, each player would be required to bat in his/her respective spot in the batting order. However, a player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game anytime provided he/she meets the requirements of mandatory play. NOTE 1: The continuous batting order is mandatory for all Tee Ball and Minor League divisions. NOTE 2: For the Tee Ball and Minor League Divisions (and when the continuous batting order is adopted for other divisions), when a child is injured, becomes ill, or must leave the game site after the start of the game, the team will skip over him/her when his/her time at bat comes up without penalty. If the injured, ill, or absent player returns he/she is merely inserted into their original spot in the batting order and the game continues. Also, if a child arrives late to a game site, if the manager chooses to enter him/her in the lineup (see Rule 4.01 NOTE 2), he/she would be added to the end of the current lineup. NOTE 3: Local League Option: When a league permits teams to start and play games with eight (8) players, the Board of Directors will determine if an out is called for the ninth (9th) position in the batting line-up each turn at bat or if the team may skip over the ninth (9th) position without penalty.

4.16 – This shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture, but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision. NOTE: A game may not be started with less than nine (9) players on each team, nor without at least one adult manager or substitute manager. Local League Option: A game may not be started with less than eight (8) players on each team.

4.17 – If during a game either team is unable to place nine (9) players on the field due to injury or ejection, the opposing manager shall select a player to re-enter the line-up. A player ejected from the game is not eligible for re-entry. If no players are available for re-entry, or if a team refuses to place nine (9) players on the field, this shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision. NOTE: A game may not be continued with less than nine (9) players on each team. Local League Option: A game may not be continued with less than eight (8) players on each team.

6.05 – A batter is out when –

(m) Softball / (n) Baseball: Local League Option: When a league permits teams to start and play games with eight (8) players, an out is called for the ninth (9th) position in the batting line-up each turn at bat. NOTE: The Board of Directors may determine if teams may skip over the ninth (9th) position without penalty;

For the Regular Season, allows a local league to implement a courtesy runner for the pitcher and/or catcher of record when there are two (2) outs during the Regular Season.

COURTESY RUNNER is a player not currently in the batting order who may become a base runner for the pitcher and/or catcher provided there are two (2) outs in the half inning. See Rules 3.04 and 7.14(b) for conditions if adopted by the local league during the regular season. NOTE: The same courtesy runner may not run for both the pitcher and the catcher at any time during the game.

3.04 – A player whose name is on the team’s batting order may not become a substitute runner for another member of the team. A local league may permit a “courtesy runner” not permitted for the catcher and/or pitcher of record when there are two (2) outs. Exception: If the continuous batting order is used, the “courtesy runner” may be in the team’s batting order and must be the player in the batting order who made the last out. See 7.14(b).


(a) Special Pinch Runner: Once each inning a team may utilize a player who is not in the batting order as a special pinch‑runner for any offensive player. A player may only be removed for a special pinch runner one time during a game. The player for whom the pinch runner runs is not subject to removal from the lineup. If the pinch runner remains in the game as a substitute defensive or offensive player, the player may not be used again as a pinch-runner while in the batting order. However, if removed for another substitute that player or any player not in the lineup, is again eligible to be used as a pinch runner. A local league may adopt Tournament Rule 3(e) for 7.14. NOTE: Does not apply if the local league adopts the continuous batting order. See Rule 4.04.

(b) Courtesy Runner: A local league may permit a “courtesy runner” for the catcher and/or pitcher of record when there are two (2) outs. A player whose name is on the team’s batting order may not become a substitute runner for another member of the team. Neither the pitcher nor the catcher is subject to removal from the lineup. The same courtesy runner may not run for both the pitcher and the catcher at any time during the game. A courtesy runner must be reported to the plate umpire. Exception: If the continuous batting order is used, the “courtesy runner” may be in the team’s batting order and must be the player in the batting order who made the last out.

Allows a defensive team to “intentionally walk” a batter at any time during the at-bat in the Minor and Major Divisions of Baseball.

6.08 – The batter becomes a runner and is entitled to first base without liability to be put out (provided said runner advances to and touches first base) when –


(1) four “balls” have been called by the umpire; ball is live and base runners may advance; or,

(2) Minor/Major Division: Prior to a pitch being thrown, The defense elects to “Intentionally Walk” the batter by announcing such decision to the plate umpire. The request may be made prior to or during the at-bat.

NOTE 1: Such notification must be made by the defensive manager. The manager must request and be granted “time” by the umpire and then inform the umpire of the defense’s intent to walk the batter.

NOTE 2: The ball is dead and no other runners may advance unless forced by the batter’s award. Four (4) The appropriate number of “balls” needed based on the count on the batter at the time of the manager’s request to complete the Intentional Walk pitches will be added to the pitch count.

Permits a defensive team to “intentionally walk” a batter in all divisions of softball.

6.08 – The batter becomes a runner and is entitled to first base without liability to be put out (provided said runner advances to and touches first base) when –


(1) four “balls” have been called by the umpire; the ball is live and in play. Base runners may advance;

(2) The defense elects to “Intentionally Walk” the batter by announcing such decision to the plate umpire. The request may be made prior to or during the at-bat.

NOTE 1: Such notification must be made by the defensive manager. The manager must request and be granted “time” by the umpire and then inform the umpire of the defense’s intent to walk the batter.

NOTE 2: The ball is dead and no other runners may advance unless forced by the batter’s award.

Permits the pitcher to remove him/herself from the pitcher’s plate with either foot first prior to the hands being brought together.

A.R. 2 – For the pitcher to remove himself/herself from the pitching position 1) before the hands have been brought together as noted in 8.01(f), the pitcher may legally step back from the pitcher’s plate with either foot;

Revises the penalty for an illegal pitch within the Junior and Senior Softball Divisions to be a ball on the batter and no effect on any base runners.

PENALTY: The penalty imposed for violation of all subsections of rule 8.01, with the exception of subsection (i), is an illegal pitch. Violation of (i) is ruled as a No Pitch. Minor/Major Divisions: The pitch shall be called a ball. If a play follows the illegal pitch, the manager of the offense may advise the plate umpire of a decision to decline the illegal pitch penalty and accept the play. Such election shall be made immediately at the end of the play. However, if the batter hits the ball and reaches first base safely, and if all base runners advance at least one base on the action resulting from the batted ball, the play proceeds without reference to the illegal pitch. Junior/Senior League: The pitch shall be called a ball and all base runners advance one base without liability to be put out. If a play follows the illegal pitch, the manager of the offense may advise the plate umpire of a decision to decline the illegal pitch penalty and accept the play. Such election shall be made immediately at the end of the play. However, if the batter hits the ball and reaches first base safely, and if all base runners advance at least one base on the action resulting from the batted ball, the play proceeds without reference to the illegal pitch.

Permits the plate umpire to stand behind the catcher or pitcher during the Regular Season.

(a) The plate umpire shall stand behind the catcher. Exception: Local League Option: The plate umpire may stand behind the pitcher. This umpire usually is designated as the Umpire-in-Chief.

Tournament Rules

Permits leagues to enter more than one tournament team, provided the teams are deemed fair and balanced, with District Administrator approval.

Each chartered league shall be eligible to enter a team. Alternates are not authorized.

NOTE: A league may enter more than one tournament team, provided the teams are deemed fair and balanced, with the District Administrator’s approval.

Permits Little League Baseball (Major) Division managers and/or coaches to be eligible for selection to manage/coach an Intermediate (50-70) Baseball Division Tournament team.

Intermediate (50-70) Division: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball (Major) Division or Intermediate (50-70) Division.

Permits leagues to release the names of players selected to a tournament team on or after May 15.

The release of names of players selected for the tournament team shall not be made before May 15, and not until the availability and eligibility of all prospective team members have been established. (The AIG group accident insurance program for Little League tournament team try-out and practice will not go into effect until May 15.)

Tournament Player Eligibility – Allows players to be eligible for selection to a Tournament team based on age, not division of play during the Regular Season.

Tournament Player Eligibility – Revises Tournament Participation to be a set number of games a player must participate within to be eligible for selection to a Tournament team. Revisions have been made to the Tournament Injury Exception and Middle School/High School Condition 2.

Tournament Player Eligibility – Permits 12-year-olds, who have been assessed capable and meet Tournament Eligibility requirements, to be selected to a Senior Division Tournament team.

Tournament Player Eligibility – All Divisions of Baseball and Softball

Players are eligible for Tournament Play, provided they meet the criteria established by the Little League “Residency and School Attendance Player Eligibility Requirement,” “Player Participation In Other Programs,” and the following:

8-to 10-Year-Old Division – Any player League Age 8, 9 or 10, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:

  1. Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
  2. Minor League Baseball/Softball team.

9-to 11-Year-Old Division – Any player League Age 9, 10, or 11, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:

  1. Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
  2. Minor League Baseball/Softball team.

Little League (Major Division) – Any player League Age 10, 11, or 12, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball/softball season., on a:

  1. Little League Baseball/Softball (Major Division) team, or;
  2. Intermediate Baseball/Junior Softball team.

Intermediate (50-70) Division – Any player League Age 11, 12, or 13, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) in the Intermediate (50-70) Division by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the school baseball season.

Junior League – Any player League Age 12, 13, or 14, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 8 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the middle school, junior high school, or high school baseball/softball season., on a:

  1. Junior League Baseball/Softball team, or;
  2. Senior League Baseball/Softball team. [For Junior Tournament eligibility, Senior League players must have played in a minimum of eight (8) regular season games or 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games, whichever is greater.]

Senior League – Any player League Age 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16, with amateur status, who has participated as required by Mandatory Play as an eligible player in 6 60 percent (60%) of the regular season games (Special Games may be counted toward this requirement – See Regulation IX) by the start of Tournament Play in their respective District, with the exception of the middle school, junior high school, or high school baseball/softball season., on a:

  1. Junior League Baseball/Softball team, or;
  2. Senior League Baseball/Softball team.

Permits a player to be selected to a second tournament team once their tournament team is eliminated from the Little League International Tournament. The player must meet the requirements as outlined and be selected to a tournament team.

CONDITION 3: A player may be named to the roster of, and practice with, only ONE Little League International Tournament Team at a time. Once the affidavit is signed by the local league president, player agent, and District Administrator (or their representatives), the players listed on the affidavit shall not be eligible to participate on any other Little League International Tournament Team until the team is eliminated from the Tournament. for the current year. Once the team is eliminated from the Little League International Tournament, players from that team may be added to the affidavit of a second team so long as 1. The player meets all eligibility requirements as outlined in Tournament Player Eligibility; 2. There is space on the team affidavit for an additional player; 3. The player is not replacing another eligible and available player currently named on the affidavit; 4. The player is named to a team within an older division of play; and 5. The player must be assessed capable to play within the older division of play. The addition must be certified by the District Administrator or his/her appointee prior to playing with the second team.

Baseball/Softball players league age 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 may be eligible for selection to multiple tournament teams. These players may only be selected to one tournament team at a time. Under no circumstances may these players be chosen for, practice with, or participate with more than one tournament team at a time. Only under the circumstances listed in Condition 3 may a player be selected to a second tournament team.

Revises the date when schedules must be finalized to be June 20 or two (2) weeks prior to the start of tournament (whichever is earliest).

Each District Administrator must finalize tournament schedules two (2) weeks prior to the start of the tournament or by June 20 (whichever is earliest). Schedules for each level (District, Section, Division, State, Regional) must utilize Little League International approved single elimination brackets, double elimination brackets, modified double elimination brackets, or pool play/elimination format with pool play tie breaker format as noted in this section. All other tournament formats must be approved by the Tournament Committee. NOTE: Schedules shall not be altered once a tournament starts without Tournament Committee approval.

Sanctions one (1) doubleheader per Tournament level for 8- to 10-Year-Old, 9- to 11-Year-Old, and Little League Baseball Divisions.

8- to 10-Year-Old, 9- to 11-Year-Old, and Little League Divisions: A team may play one (1) doubleheader two games in one day during each level of Tournament (District, Section, Division, State, Regional) without a waiver. with the approval of the Regional Director.

Revises the date when leagues may hold tournament try-outs and when tournament teams may hold practices to be May 15.

Try-outs and practices by tournament teams shall not be held before May 15. Tournament team practice may only take place against other Little League teams within the same or contiguous districts in the same division, providing such practice is done out of uniform. (The AIG group accident insurance program for Little League tournament team try-out and practice will not go into effect until May 15.)

Special Games by tournament teams shall not be held before June 1. (The AIG group accident insurance program for Little League tournament teams participating in Special Games will not go into effect until June 1.)

Requires leagues hosting a District tournament to have an approved ASAP safety plan.

Local leagues selected to host a District, Section, State, Division, Region, or World Series tournament must have an approved ASAP safety plan.

Requires District Administrators to approve any tournament team advancing from one level to a higher level without play.

A team shall not advance from one level of Tournament to a higher level of tournament play without first having competed against and defeated a scheduled opponent at the tournament level from which it is seeking to advance. Any team advancing without play must do so with the approval of the District Administrator, who must certify that the advancing team has participated in a Little League regular season schedule of games against other Little League teams and has met all other requirements to establish eligibility for tournament play.


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Iowa District 3 Little League

P.O Box 93 
Slater, Iowa 50244

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 515-419-7599
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