News Detail


Feb, 2018

Woolrich Little League 2018 Try Outs

Little League rules state that any player league age 9 through 12 must attend at least 50% of the tryouts being held by their league. Woolrich is holding two tryouts as noted below. 

Please be sure your child is present at no less than one of these tryouts.  Please have your child wear sneakers, comfortable clothes and bring their glove.  Your child can also choose to bring his / her helmet and bat.

Tryouts are being held at the Lock Haven YMCA in the gymnasium.

Saturday February 17th: 

 3:00 -5:00: Softball tryouts

 5:00 – 7:00  Baseball tryouts


Saturday February 24th:

3:00 – 5:00 Baseball tryouts 

5:00 - 7:00: Softball tryouts

Woolrich Little League

Woolrich Baseball & Softball, P.O. Box 298
Woolrich, Pennsylvania 17779

Phone: 570-502-0363

Email: [email protected]