Who We Are

Woolrich Little League is located in the small community of Woolrich, PA in Central Pennsylvania

In 2016, the Woolrich baseball program received its own charter.   The softball side of our league is part of JSASLL (Jersey Shore Area Softball Little League). Both of these groups are part of Little League District 12. 

Woolrich Little League is made up of approximately 200 players. We have one softball field, one major/minor baseball field, one junior/intermediate field as well as a practice field for t-ball and two other fields that we are able to use for practice fields.   

During the spring and summer months, these fields are always in use and you can find a team and their coaches not only working to help improve the players skills but also working to develop the children into good citizens and representatives of Woolrich Little League. 

Our board is made up of 21 volunteers who work to make the league a wonderful place for the children to play.  In addition to those 21 volunteer, our parents of our little leaguers also volunteer their time to help make the league a success and a wonderful place for the children to play ball! I want to officially thank each and every volunteer of Woolrich Little League.  Without you, we could not do what it is we do for these children!

Woolrich Little League

Woolrich Baseball & Softball, P.O. Box 298
Woolrich, Pennsylvania 17779

Phone: 570-502-0363

Email: [email protected]