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Northern Valley Eagles Football

Northern Valley Eagles Football

  • Northern Valley Eagles

    Northern Valley Eagles

The Bergen County Junior Football League is formed for the purpose of providing junior football in a hospitable environment.  It is recognized that adolescent and pre-adolescent sports all too often assume an overly competitive atmosphere as a result of overzealous adult influence.  This atmosphere, while sometimes resulting in excellent play, is considered more often detrimental to the vast majority of youth in this age group.  It is also recognized that only the highest excellence in teaching and sportsmanship can be sought.  The rules, therefore, shall be designed to maintain such excellence while preventing the over-coached competitive environment of the youth in the league’s respective communities.The adopted philosophy of the Bergen County Junior Football league is “Athletes First – Winning Second” By this statement we mean that every decision you make as a town should first be in the best interest of your athletes, and second in the desire to win.The league shall consist of one division, each team playing each other.  When the size of the league requires that each town play more than 10 games, the league shall be divided into equal divisions with play within and without each division to achieve a maximum of 10 games.The league is incorporated as a corporation not for profit in June 1993 as the Bergen County Junior Football League.  The certificate in corporation was filed with the Secretary of State in Trenton, New Jersey pursuant to New Jersey Statute Title 15, “An act to incorporate associations not for pecuniary profit,”  and a certificate of corporation was duly filed with the Bergen County Clerk’s office in June 1993.Each town, or combination of towns in the league will be required to field a Junior and Senior Team, and encourage League members to promote Pee Wee Football.
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Northern Valley Eagles Football

Tom Orecchio - President 

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 201-803-0071
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