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Warriors Football & Cheerleading







The name of this organization will be known as BENNETT’S CREEK POP WARNER FOOTBALL AND CHEER ASSOCIATION, INC (hereafter known as BCPWFCA). 

All participants shall reside within the city of Suffolk except as established under the


INC. (SEVAPWFC) boundary standard operating procedures.  The colors of the organization shall be red, black, and white.




A.  No persons affiliated with this organization may issue any statement, either written or verbal, to any newspaper, radio, television, social media, email, or any other media or social communication which might be interpreted to be an official statement, policy or position of this organization or any of its affiliates without the expressed permission of the Board of Directors.


B.   No person or persons affiliated with this organization may use or indirectly imply the name of BENNETT’S CREEK POP WARNER FOOTBALL AND CHEER

ASSOCIATION (BCPWFCA), Inc., this organization or any of its affiliates for any other purpose except to further purposes and objective as specified herein.


C.   The President shall serve as the official spokesperson for the organization, except in those instances where the President and Board of Directors direct the other personnel to handle.




The objective of the BENNETTS CREEK POP WARNER FOOTBALL AND CHEER ASSOCIATION, INC. shall be to provide an organized format where our youth are introduced to football, cheerleading, and related activities in an atmosphere that shall be family oriented, community-based and supported by all its members to ensure the ultimate benefit of its youthful participants.  It shall also strive to inspire youth to practice high ideals of citizenship, character, teamwork, good sportsmanship, fair play, honesty, loyalty, respect authority, and courage.  The organization will also inspire the youth to grow and be good, honest, hardworking, decent, and trustworthy citizens of the community they serve for the future.    


Further, it shall be the policy of this organization to promote academic achievement among all participants.    


Specific Purpose:

1.    To encourage youth to achieve higher scholastic standards.

2.    To acquaint the youth with the fundamentals of football and cheerleading.  

3.    To teach throughout the season good sportsmanship, teamwork, respect, health,       self-discipline, leadership, communication and knowledge of the game.


Objective Achievement:

To achieve these objectives, the BCPWFCA will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations of the POP WARNER LITTLE SCHOLARS, INC. (PWLS), MID-SOUTH REGION POP WARNER (PWMS) and SEVAPWFC. 

BCPWFCA will impart to the game, elements of safety, sanity and intelligent supervision and keep the welfare of the youth first and foremost at all times. All board officers, members, and participants shall bear in mind that the attainment of athletic skill and the winning of games are secondary and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance.




This organization, BCPWFCA, shall be an autonomous entity and shall be a franchise of


WARNER LITTLE SCHOLARS, INC. (PWLS).  As long as this franchise affiliates with the SEVAPWFC, it shall adhere to and uphold the laws and rules of same in so far as they affect, empower, and prescribe the function of all Pop Warner franchises.




Bennetts Creek Pop Warner Football and Cheer Association, Inc. will operate as a not-for-profit organization and shall not conduct or operate for profit.   





BCPWFCA will not discriminate based on sex, race, creed, physical handicap, national origin or ability.  Any child who meets the age/weight requirements set forth by Pop Warner rules will have the opportunity to participate in the program.




            The fiscal year will begin January 1st and end December 31st.




A.  Eligibility Any person sincerely interested in active participation to support the objectives of the BCPWFCA and meet the age, weight, health and academic requirements as defined by Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., rulebook may apply to become a participant through registration.


B.   RegistrationThe process of completing the application form as promulgated by the SEVAPWFC, demonstrating proof of age, proof of health to participate,  proof of academic qualifications, and of residency within the BCPWFCA boundaries as set forth by SEVAPWFC, and remitting to BCPWFCA the appropriate registration fees set by the Governing Board of BCPWFCA.


C.   BCPWFCA will be eligible for any year round Pop Warner program as stipulated in the

Pop Warner Rules and Regulations and must be approved by the BCPWFCA Board of Directors.




A. The registration fees shall be set annually by the action of the Board of Directors based upon the budget adopted for the year.  Such registration fees shall cover a part of the operating costs of BCPWFCA, the SEVAPWFC participant registration fee, and PWLS participation fee.  There are no dues required of members or participants of BCPWFCA. As a participant of BCPWFCA, this registration will provide up to eight (8) quality football games and one (1) local cheerleading competition as scheduled by SEVAPWFC. BCPWFCA cannot be held liable for any schedule changes due to weather, natural occurrences and/or forfeits.  All registration fees shall be presented and voted by the Board before April 1st.  



i.         All registration fees must be paid in full at the time of registration.                                  

ii.       No player shall be issued equipment if all registration requirements are not met to include registration payment.

iii.     Discounts shall be given to Board Members, Coaches, and Assistant Coaches, if budget reflects discount can be implemented, at the discretion of the Board.


B. Hardship can be determined on a case by case basis in which the member will be placed      on an installment plan that is to be paid according to their income schedule and a total due date will be set.




Membership shall be afforded to all persons who subscribe to the purposes and objectives as specified herein.  There shall be two categories of membership as follows:


A.   Regular MembershipShall be afforded to persons 18 years of age or older who meet the following requirements

1.    Parents or legal guardians whose child/or children are participants.  

2.    Board members, coaches and/or rostered volunteers with no participant(s) in the program but who volunteer their time to the program.


B.   Probationary MembershipThis statue of membership are those parties that are not considered in good standing and who fall into one or more of the following classifications:


1.    Members who have been suspended.


 Probationary status will be determined by the board of directors after investigating,   hearing all facts and examining all evidence.  A majority vote (51%) is required to place a member in probationary status.  All procedures for probationary status and or suspensions will be in accordance with SEVAPWFC, PWMS and PWLS guidance.


i.    Probationary Membership status shall remain in full force and effect until any of the above conditions are rectified or the probationary period has been successfully completed.  While any member is designated as probationary they shall have no voting privileges.

ii.  Members, who are not in good standing, will not be permitted to seek a position on the Board of Directors.



C.   ADULT CODE OF CONDUCTIn order to uphold the goals of Pop Warner and ensure that all participants have the benefit of a safe and fun learning environment; all parents, guardians and other adults and attendees of Pop Warner events, including but not limited to; practices, competitions, and banquets, must behave accordingly in a respectful, courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times, per Pop Warners Adult and Members Code of Conduct.


Any adult who is using alcohol, tobacco or non-prescription drugs and/or appears intoxicated at a Pop Warner event, and/or who is flagrantly rude, attempts to intimidate, verbally abuse, heckles, taunts, ridicules, boos, throws objects and/or uses vulgarity or profane language/gestures with any official, coach, volunteer, staff member, participant or other event attendee, must receive a verbal warning and/or be asked to leave a Pop Warner event. The member organization may also provide a written warning to the individual regarding the misbehavior. The adults children may also be removed from the event. Any adult, who commits one of the above-stated offenses a second time, will be banned from any and all Pop Warner events for a period of one year from the date of the second offense, and their children may also be removed from the program(s) for that same time period of one year.


Any adult who physically assaults an official, coach, volunteer, staff member or participant or threatens grave bodily harm will be banned from any and all Pop Warner events for one year from the date of the offense, and their children may also be removed from any and all Pop Warner programs for that same period of time. After the ban has expired, if the individual commits another offense of the adult code of conduct, the individual will be permanently banned from any, and all Pop Warner events and the individuals children may also be permanently removed from any and all Pop Warner programs.  All members must read, have a full understanding, sign and abide by the Parents Code of Conduct in the Pop Warner Policy Handbook.


D.  Any member who has been suspended from Pop Warner or any youth sports organization for a period of one-year must apply for reinstatement of his or her child after the sanctioned period.  The reinstatement will require the adult to appear in front of the Board of Directors to present and discuss the issue.  After hearing and reviewing the issue, the Board of Directors will decide by majority vote (ballot) on whether the adult and child can be reinstated.  If the adult has a second offense, he or she will be permanently banned from Pop Warner and the child/or children permanently removed from Pop Warner.



E.   All members have equal voting rights in all association elections and an equal opportunity for submitting information and/or request to the monthly Board Meeting agenda for consideration by the Board of Directors.  


F.   Membership at BCPWFCA is a privilege and may be revoked at any time by the Board of Directors, if individual (parent, volunteer, coach, etc…) actions are deemed to be detrimental to the welfare and safety of a youth participant or actions that publicly discredits or embarrasses BCPWFCA, SEVAPWFC or the PWLS program.   


G.  All members are highly encouraged to participate in BCPWFCA operations during the membership term.  Examples of operations include but not limited to fundraising, field maintenance, concession stand duty, chain gang, etc.




All membership shall begin upon completion of all registration requirements at the beginning of each season until December 31st at which time membership will be terminated.   




There are no membership dues, only the requirement to be current on all registration fees as set by the Board of Directors.




Regular members shall have full voting rights, which constitutes of one vote per participant, while probationary members shall have no voting rights.




The elected officers of the Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected positions:


1.    President

2.    Vice President

3.    Secretary

4.    Treasurer

5.    Football Coordinator

6.    ACDC/Cheer Coordinator

7.    Public Relations/Scholastics Coordinator

8.    Football Equipment Manager

9.    Assistant Football Equipment Manager

10.Cheer Equipment Manager

11.Concession Stand Manager

12.Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator

13.Field Maintenance Director

14.Assistant Field Maintenance Director




A. The property and affairs of this corporation shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors, consisting of not more than fourteen (14) individuals and not less than six (6) individuals who must include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Football Coordinator, and ACDC/Cheer Coordinator.   




A.  Subject to the provisions of the Article of Incorporation and the provisions of these bylaws, each Member of the Board shall hold office for a term of two (2) years or until he or she resigns, is removed, or serves out a temporary term from office.


B.   Terms begin January 1st and shall terminate December 31st.


C.   The President, Secretary, Cheer Coordinator, Public Relations & Scholastics Coordinator, Football Equipment Manager, Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator, and Field Maintenance Director shall be elected inevennumber years.


The Vice-President, Treasurer, Football Coordinator, Assistant Football Equipment Manager, Concession Manager, Cheer Equipment Manager, and Assistant Field Maintenance Director shall be elected in odd number years.





The presence of a simple majority of the Board of Director members at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  Voting shall be by a verbal response.  A record of the final tally shall be kept as part of the minutes.  Each member shall be entitled to one vote as long as they are in good standing.


Only members of the Board of Directors, present in person, or via video/ audio telecommunication shall be entitled to vote at the Board meeting.  




The president shall appoint BCPWFCA members and seat Board of Director members to committees as needed.  Committees will be made up of three to five members and will be chaired by a Board of Directors member.  These committees may include but are not limited to;


A.   Rules and Procedures Committee

B.    Financial Review Committee

C.    Discipline Committee

D.   Protest Committee

E.    Registration Committee (must be 100% board members)




A.  The Board of Directors are responsible for the overall policy and direction of



B.   The Board of Directors may make rules, regulations, administrative policies, and resolutions at their discretion that they deem necessary and proper to guide and manage the franchises business affairscontrol and protect the assets of the corporation in accordance with PWLS guidelines.   


C.   They shall operate, manage and maintain themselves as a Board in such a manner as to provide for the purpose and objectives as set forth herein.  They shall further have the authority to solicit contributions and raise the revenue necessary to carry on as specified herein.



D.  No Board member shall for any reason be entitled to receive any salary or payment as an officer.  Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent same from receiving reimbursement from this corporation for duties, goods, or services delivered and/or performed other than that as an officer or member.  Exceptions include:


a.       Travel expenses will be funded before an event for the President (Vice-President if the President is unable to travel), football coordinator, and ACDC/cheer coordinator to regionals and/or national games/competitions, or any mandatory SEVA/Pop Warner training.

b.      Bowl games will not be covered or reimbursed.

c.       Members of the Board of Directors who incur reasonable expenses in doing business for BCPWFCA are entitled to a full reimbursement after Board approval.  


E.   All head coaches represent the Association and are expected to show support for more than just their team. The Board of Directors will interview and approve all coaching candidates.  A simple majority will elect the Head Coach at that level, and that person will serve in that position from the time of validation through December 31st of that year.

a.       How to approve Coaches-Baseline Criteria.  There should be criteria for coaches.

b.      Social Media check upon approval from the volunteer.

c.       Background check.


F.    Notice of meetings shall be given to each member by either, email, phone, or in-person not less than five (5) days before the meeting. Less than five (5) days notification can be made in the event of an emergency.





A.  A member of the Board of Directors may resign at any time by written notice or email notification, setting forth an effective date and thereof; delivered personally or sent certified mail to the President.

B.   Any member of the Board of Directors elected or appointed, may at any time be removed from office, with cause, by the Board of Directors, providing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors act together in action.  


C.   A member of the Board of Directors may be removed from the Board of Directors for lack of participation.  Any member of the Board who misses two (2) scheduled board meetings, without written or verbal notification to the President are considered unexcused may be dismissed by the Board of Directors due to lack of participation.  

D.  In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office of the Board of Directors at any time; regardless of such cause; such vacancy shall be filled by the assistant.  In the case there is no assistant, then by board nomination.


a.       Such vacancies will serve for the remainder of the term for that particular officer position.


b.      Except for the office of the President, this office shall be filled by direct succession the Vice-President will succeed the President.


c.       If both the office of the President and Vice-President are vacant at the same time, then both officers will be filled by the remaining Board members by a majority vote. (Reference Article 8.3).




These By-Laws are binding immediately upon a majority vote and shall remain in effect until amended or revised and voted upon by the majority of the Board of Directors.   


            The By-Laws shall be reviewed annually and approved no later than 1 April.  Once approved a copy shall be provided to SEVAPWFC.




The officers herein shall be charged with fulfilling their duties that correspond to their respective offices.  Further, all officers may be assigned additional duties by the President in as much as they may be relative to their position.  It is expected that the officers shall fulfill their duties.  Failure to do so shall result in a written warning issued by the President.  If the duties and requirements of the officer remain unfulfilled, the Board has the authority to remove the officer from the Board with a consenting two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.  





The President shall serve as Chief Executive Officer attending to the day to day business, supervise all business affairs, and concerns of the corporation.   


i.            He or She shall preside over all Board meetings.

ii.          Can appoint committee chairpersons, members of committees, as well as the player safety coach.

iii.        The President shall strictly uphold and enforce all laws and rules of the Higher League Authority (HLA) as they relate to this corporation as a franchise thereof in addition to established BCPWFCA policies.

iv.        Present a report of the condition of the BCPWFCA at the Annual Meeting.

v.          Communicate to the Board such matters as deemed appropriate and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of BCPWFCA.

vi.        Be responsible for the conduct of BCPWFCA in strict conformity with the policies, principles, and rules and regulations of SEVAPWFC, PWMS, and PWLS.

vii.       Designate in writing, other officers if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of BCPWFCA such contracts and leases they may receive and which have prior approval of the Board.

viii. Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to the

BCPWFCA and report thereon to the Board as circumstances warrant.

ix.     Have general supervision over the affairs of the BCPWFCA.

x.       Reserve the right to immediately suspend or remove any Board Member, Coach, or Members whose actions are detrimental to BCPWFCA pending Board review.

xi.     Arrange for an audit to be completed on the Treasurer's books once a year.

xii.   Ensure the filling out and filing of all Federal Tax paperwork.  

xiii. Be responsible in conjunction with the treasurer to ensure appropriate insurance covers BCPWFCA under Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. guidelines.

xiv.  Shall establish a relationship with a reputable Background investigation company and complete background investigations on all appropriate people involved in BCPWFCA.  All results will be discussed and with SEVAPWFC President requiring approval before being finalized.

xv. Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,






In case of the absence or disability of the President and provided he/she is authorized by the President or the Board to so act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers of that office and shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President.  He/she shall aid the President in the performance of their duties and act as an advisor for BCPWFCA affairs.  


i.            He or She shall be responsible for attending HLA meetings if the President is unavailable.

ii.          He or She shall be the insurance liaison and shall keep a record of any matter dealing with participants injuries.

iii.        Be responsible and enforce all rules and regulations per Pop Warner and address any safety concerns.

iv.        In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subjected to all restrictions of the President.  In the event of the Presidents inability or refusal to act, a two-thirds (2/3) Board member vote is required to empower the Vice President to act in place of the President.

v.          Be responsible for all monetary holdings and transactions in the absence of the Treasurer.

vi.        Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


vii.      The Vice President, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of Vice President and such duties as may be assigned by the President.





The Secretary shall be charged with keeping an accurate record of all hearings, meetings, and proceedings, correspondence and official documents of the corporation.


i.            Be responsible for recording the activities of the BCPWFCA and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists, and necessary records.

ii.          Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth; in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of the Secretary. He or She shall send out all previous meeting minutes seven (7) days before the next monthly Board of Directors meeting.


iii.        So far as possible keep minutes of the proceedings; thereof, in written form or in any other form capable of being converted into written form within a reasonable amount of time.


iv.         All minutes shall be inserted in chronological order in the Organizations Minute Notebook.

v.       Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.

vi.     Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


vii.   The Secretary, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of Secretary and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




The Treasurer shall have sole care and custody of all monies and securities due and owed to this corporation.   


i.            Perform such duties, as are herein specifically set forth and such duties as are customarily incident to the office of Treasurer.

ii.          He or She shall be charged with depositing same into an interest bearing account as designated by the Board of Directors within three (3) business days of receipt.

iii.        Copies of financial reports shall be made available at all Board meetings for review.

iv.        Shall receive all monies and securities and give receipts for monies due and payable to BCPWFCA, and deposit it in a financial institution approved by the Board.

v.          The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, in written form or in any other form capable of being converted into written form within a reasonable amount of time, complete and accurate accounts, recording all receipts, disbursements, deposits and any other financial transaction of the Corporation.

vi.        All records shall belong to the Corporation.

vii.      Be responsible for assisting with coordination of insurance for BCPWFCA.

viii. The Treasure will assist the President in the proper filing of all corporation tax and similar returns and reports for tax reporting requirements.

ix.     The Treasurer will not reimburse expenses or authorize purchases over one hundred dollars ($100.00) without Board of Directors approval.

x.       All purchases require the completion of the funding form with approval by the Board before purchase. Any purchases without the funding form and Board approval will be at the sole expense of the individual(s).

xi.     In no circumstance, shall funds be drawn from the corporate checking account greater than three-hundred dollars ($300) with no less than two authorized signatures authorizing the withdrawal.   

xii.   Present an annual financial report, under the direction of the President at the annual meeting.

xiii. Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations per BCPWFCA,


xiv. The Treasurer, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of Treasurer and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




The Football Coordinator shall have the responsibility of articulating the specifics of all football programs.


i.            The Football Coordinator shall oversee implementation of all national, regional, and local rules as written in the governing bodies rule books and football guidelines.

ii.          He or She is to guide and serve the football coaching staff and hold coaches meetings.

iii.        Responsible for maintaining league roster programs and software. 

iv.        Responsible for certification of football rosters and books with the SEVAPWFC representatives.

v.          Ensure all coaches meet certification requirements as outlined per Pop Warner.

vi.        The Coordinator shall hear all first level complaints filed against any coach or staff member, and advise the Vice President of the issues and corrective measures that were taken.

vii.      The Football Coordinator must know or know where to find all of the rules and procedures pertaining to coaches and players and relay and enforce same.

viii.    The Coordinator will also be responsible for providing weighmasters at each home game.

ix.        Responsible for policing problems between coaches and conduct of all coaches.  The coordinator will advise the Vice President of all problems and corrective actions taken.

x.          Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,



The Football Coordinator, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of Football Coordinator and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




i.            The ACDC/Cheer Coordinator shall have the responsibility of articulating the specifics of all cheer programs. 

ii.          The ACDC/Cheer Coordinator shall oversee implementation of all national, regional, and local rules as written in the governing bodies rule books and cheerleading guidelines. 

iii.        He or She is to guide and serve the cheer coaching staff and hold coaches meetings.

iv.        Responsible for maintaining league roster programs and software. 

v.          Responsible for certification of all cheer rosters and books with SEVAPWFC representative, as required.

vi.        Ensure all coaches meet certification requirements as outlined per Pop Warner.

vii.      The Coordinator shall hear all first level complaints filed against any coach or staff member, and advise the Vice President of the issues and corrective measures were taken.

viii.    The ACDC/Cheer Coordinator must know all of the rules and procedures pertaining to coaches and players and relay and enforce same.

ix.        Responsible for policing problems between coaches and conduct of all coaches. The coordinator will advise the Vice President of all problems and corrective actions taken.

x.          Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,  



The ACDC/Cheer Coordinator, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of ACDC/Cheer Coordinator and such duties as may be assigned by the President.





The Football Equipment Manager is responsible for the organization's football equipment.


i.            Football Equipment Manager shall distribute equipment to the coaches and other supplies as necessary to carry out the season at its best and also assist Football Coordinator.

ii.          He or She shall be responsible for evaluating the condition of equipment and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding replacement and cost.

iii.        Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of all football equipment on hand, to include status, amount and whom the equipment has been issued to.

iv.        Be responsible for repair, cleaning, and storage of all football equipment during and after the close of the season.

v.          Responsible for having a certified accurate scale available for official weigh-ins for all home games.

vi.        He or She will also serve as a primary source for the preparation of an annual budget of equipment needs to be distributed to the Football Coordinator.

vii.      He or She shall also provide reports to the Board of Directors which includes inventory, the status of reconditioning, projected equipment purchases, lost equipment and problems.

viii.    Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


ix.        The Football Equipment Manager, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Football Equipment Manager and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




The Assistant Football Equipment Manager is responsible for assisting the Football Equipment Manager with the organization's football equipment.  


i.            Assistant Football Equipment Manager shall assist the Football Equipment Manager with distributing equipment to the coaches and other supplies as necessary to carry out the season at its best.


ii.          He or She shall be responsible for assisting with evaluating the condition of equipment and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding replacement and cost.

iii.        Assist the Football Equipment Manager with maintaining an accurate and up-to-date record of all football equipment on hand, to include status, amount and whom the equipment has been issued to.

iv.        Assist the Football Equipment Manager with repairing, cleaning, and storage of all football equipment during and after the close of the season.

v.          Assist the Football Equipment Manager with having a certified accurate scale available for official weigh-ins for all home games.

vi.        He or She shall assist the Football Equipment Manager and serve as a secondary source in the preparation of an annual budget of equipment needs to be distributed to the Football Coordinator.

vii.      He or She shall assist the Football Equipment Manager with providing reports to the Board of Directors which includes inventory, the status of reconditioning, projected equipment purchases, lost equipment and problems.

viii.    Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


ix.        The Assistant Football Equipment Manager, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Football Equipment Manager and such duties as may be assigned by the President.





The Cheer Equipment Manager is responsible for the organization's Cheer equipment.


i.            Cheer Equipment Manager shall distribute equipment to the coaches and other supplies as necessary to carry out the season at its best and also assist the ACDC.

ii.          He or She shall be responsible for evaluating the condition of equipment and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding replacement and cost.

iii.     Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of all equipment on hand, to include status, amount and whom the equipment has been issued to.

iv.     Be responsible for the repair, cleaning, and storage of all cheerleading equipment during and after the close of the season.


v.       He or She will also serve as primary source in the preparation of an annual budget of equipment needs to be distributed to the Cheer Coordinator

vi.     He or She shall also provide reports to the Board of Directors which includes inventory, the status of reconditioning, projected equipment purchases, lost equipment and problems.

vii.   Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


viii. The Cheer Equipment Manager, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Cheer Equipment Manager and such duties as may be assigned by the President.



It shall be the responsibility of the Concession Manager to oversee the operations of the concession stand for home games.


i.            Supervise the operation of the concession stand.

ii.          Concession Stand Manager must obtain a Food Handler's Card.

iii.        He or She shall secure the necessary goods and materials needed for each game.

iv.        Develop and maintain sufficient inventory on-hand.

v.          The Concession Stand Manager will develop and outline volunteer coverage during each game. Said schedule will be delivered to the Team Parent and Fundraising Coordinator.

vi.        Responsible for overall cleanliness and appearance of the concession area.

vii.      Responsible for menu and price list.

viii.    Responsible for opening and closing cash register and maintaining proper finance forms to be turned into the Treasurer for deposit. All money should be recounted and verified by two Board members.

ix.        The Concession Stand Manager will provide vendor receipts to the Treasurer on all purchases related to the concession stand.

x.          Determine when the concession stand will open and close.

xi.        Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,  


xii. The Concession Stand Manager, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of Concession Stand Manager and such duties as may be assigned by the President.





It shall be the responsibility of the Public Relations & Scholastic Coordinator to oversee the organization's social media pages and scholastic certification.


i.            All issues related to public relations, images, and publicity to promote BCPWFCA Inc., to the community, state, and national organizations and businesses.

ii.          Be principal coordinator of any and all solicitation sponsorship request for

BCPWFCA Inc. Responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the BCPWFCA website.

iii.     Be responsible for certifying all player scholastic eligibility and maintain an accurate record and up-to-date record thereof.

iv.     Prepare All-American records and distribute eligibility recognition certificates.

v.       Responsible for the content displayed on the website and ensure communication of important data is provided to BCPWFCA members promptly.

vi.     Ensure personnel and equipment are available to the Master of Ceremony for all BCPWFCA events.  

vii.   Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


viii. The Public Relations & Scholastics Coordinator, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Public Relations & Scholastics Coordinator and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




It shall be the responsibility of the Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator to disseminate information to team parents and oversee fundraising activity.


i.            Fully responsible for all organizational fundraisers.

ii.          Collect all fundraising money from Team Parents and turn over funds to Treasurer for deposit.

iii.        Submit a list of fundraising ideas before the season with specific details and provide written reports to the Board regarding financial outcomes of each fundraiser.

iv.        Properly maintain written accounting for all transactions.


v.          Work closely with each Team Parent and distribute information accurately to ensure positive outcomes of fundraising activities.

vi.        Hold Team Parent meetings to facilitate information as needed.

vii.      Establish Home-Coming events.

viii.   Responsible for soliciting bids for team pictures and presenting information to the Board for approval.  In addition to scheduling day(s) and times.  

ix.        Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


x.          The Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




The Field Maintenance Director is responsible for maintaining the organization's fields.


i.            Field Maintenance Director shall be responsible for evaluating the condition of the fields and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding upkeep and cost.

ii.          Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of all field equipment on hand, to include status and the amount of equipment.

iii.        Be responsible for repair, cleaning, and storage of all field equipment during and after the close of the season.

iv.        He or She will serve as a primary source for the preparation of an annual budget of field equipment needs to be distributed to the Board of Directors.

v.          He or She shall provide reports to the Board of Directors which includes inventory, the status of reconditioning, projected field equipment purchases, lost equipment and problems.

vi.        Be responsible for ensuring field prepared for all Home Games.  

vii.      Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


viii.    The Field Maintenance Director, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Field Maintenance Director and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




The Assistant Field Maintenance Director is responsible for assisting the Field Maintenance Director with maintaining the organization's fields.   


i.            Assistant Field Maintenance Director shall assist the Field Maintenance Director with evaluating the condition of the fields and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding upkeep and cost.

ii.          Assist with maintaining an accurate and up-to-date record of all field equipment on hand, to include status, amount and whom the equipment has been issued to.

iii.        Assist with repairing, cleaning, and storage of all field equipment during and after the close of the season.

iv.        He or She will serve as a secondary source in the preparation of an annual budget of field equipment needs to be distributed to the Board of Directors.

v.          He or She shall assist with reporting to the Board of Directors inventory, status of reconditioning, projected field equipment purchases, lost equipment and problems.

vi.        Be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations of BCPWFCA,


vii. Be responsible for assisting and ensuring field prepared for all Home Games. 

viii. The Assistant Field Maintenance Director, in general, shall perform all the duties assigned to the office of the Assistant Field Maintenance Director and such duties as may be assigned by the President.




A.  RULE OF ORDER – “Robert's Rules of Ordersshall be the parliamentary authority on all matters not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws of the League.  The usual order of business is as follows:

i.         Call to order, by the President Officer

ii.        Roll Call, by the Secretary

iii. Reading of the highlighted minutes of the previous meeting by the secretary

(Followed by any corrections and a vote for acceptance of the minutes) iv. Treasurer's report

v. Reports of Committee's vi. Unfinished old business vii. New business

 viii. Adjournment


B.   The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of once a month, for a period no longer than two (2) hours, unless agreed upon by the President.  


C.   The President shall determine meeting dates and times.


D.  A Quorum must be present at each meeting for the transaction of business to be constituted to be voted on.  In the event this does not occur the business to be voted on will be tabled until a quorum is present.


E.   The Board of Directors shall meet, discuss and seek resolution if warranted, on issues concerning coaches, participants, members, or parents, on issues which arise that may be sensitive in nature or require an environment of confidentiality.


F.    All discussions, proceedings, and decisions, sensitive in nature, of the Board of Directors, shall remain confidential.


i.         Any breach of confidentiality by members of Board of Directors can and will be considered a violation of rules and could result in disciplinary action up to and including removal from the officer position and potentially the organization.


G.  All votes shall be open unless deemed inappropriate by the President or Vice President.


H.  Board members have the right to abstain from a vote but must abstain from a vote when it is a direct conflict of interest (i.e. a conflict involving the board member directly).


I.      To the extent permitted by law, any member of the Board of Directors or committee thereof may participate in a meeting of such using a conference telephone network or similar communication device method.  All persons participating in the meeting via audio teleconference must be placed on speakerphone.   


J.     All meeting agenda topics must be sent to the President seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting to ensure timely meeting management.





The annual meeting of the members of the BCPWFCA shall be scheduled by the

President to be held before the end of the fiscal year, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and the annual status of the BCPWFCA in December. Each member of BCPWFCA shall be entitled to vote at the BCPWFCA Annual Meeting at which the election of the Board of Directors shall occur. Each child that participate(s) will receive one family member vote. Voting members will be verified via team rosters before a ballot being issued.




Notice of the annual meeting of the BCPWFCA shall be made at least ten (10) days in advance setting forth the place, time and purpose of the meeting.  Notice will be via the BCPWFCA website.




Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, Vice President, Cheer Coordinator or Football Coordinator at their discretion, upon written request of a BCPWFCA member.  The President may call a special meeting to consider the specific subject matter.  NO business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting.  Notice of such meeting shall be issued ten (10) daysbefore such meeting.  




All money and properties, real or personal, received by gift or bequest shall be devoted to the purpose stipulated.  Any such gift or bequest, only if such purposes are within the lawful purposes of this corporation, shall be accepted.


The Board of Directors is authorized to accept and receive in the name of the corporation all such monies and properties given for the same in trust or otherwise as provided for in these Bylaws.




None of the funds, assets or property of this corporation shall be divided among its Board of Directors, officers, or members.





A.    The President shall appoint members to the election nomination committee. No more than five (5) Board Members shall serve.  Persons appointed shall not be any of the parties on the ballot so as to prevent any possible conflict of interest.  


i.         The President shall announce the appointment of the Nominating Committee at the October Board meeting.   

ii.       All members in good standing may be considered for an Officer position.

iii.      At the November Board Meeting, all nominations will be presented to the Board as which time it will be published on various social media websites and communicated to the membership the nominees for each elected position.

iv.     The elections will be held in December.

v. The Committee will prepare paper ballots for all nominated positions.


B.     Notification will be made to all members of the organization regarding Board positions that are up for election.  A thirty (30) day notice will allow members to send a request to run for one particular position.


i.         Members are prohibited from nominating themselves for more than one position.

ii.       Upon the end of the thirty (30) day open intention to run the committee will present the nomination to the Board of Directors.  No nominees shall be added to the ballot after the thirty (30) day period.


C.     Elections will be held in December with a minimum of ten (10) days notification including the date, time, and location to the member and the posting of those running for the election positions available.


D.    On the day of Election the President will appoint the following:


i.         Provide a list of Probationary Member(s) whose voting abilities are revoked.

ii.       The President shall assign a member to conduct check-in against the most recent roster and issue a paper ballot.  Each member is allowed to vote only one time.

iii.     The nominating committee members will collect all ballots and count and verify final election results.  Majority vote will decide all voting decisions.


iv.     Final ballot results will be sealed and presented to the Secretary for recording and verification of results.

v.       The President will announce election results.


E.     Voting will be done by paper ballot, and members must be present at elections to cast a ballot.


i.         Each voting member in good standing, as prescribed herein, shall have one (1) vote.

ii.       Write-in will not be allowed on the ballot.


F.      No proxy and/or absentee balloting shall be permitted.




The office to which you have been elected or appointed is one of dignity and importance.  In accepting this office, you undertake a responsibility which is not to be assumed lightly nor carelessly discharged.  You are charged with the duties of seriously and resolutely furthering the purpose and objective of BCPWFCA in this community.  With laws and rules of Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., Mid-South Region Pop Warner and the Southeastern Virginia Pop Warner Football Conference, Inc. as your guide, you must be ready to exercise the functions of the office with which you are entrusted, further you are charged with upholding and enforcing the Bylaws and Administrative Policy of this corporation and thereby governing this corporation in accordance with democratic principles, under which every person who wishes to speak shall be heard, toward the end that the best option shall prevail through the expressed will of the majority.   


            Person Administering Oath:            “Do you accept this charge?


            Person Being Sworn:                        “I do.”


            Person Administering Oath:            “Raise your right hand and repeat after me.”



I” – (state your name) do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will faithfully execute the office that I am about to assume and will to the best of my ability, serve to protect and defend the purposes and objectives of Bennetts Creek Football & Cheer Association Inc. and Pop Warner Little Scholars.  





A.  The board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the BCPWFCA, and shall place all income in a common association Treasury, directing the expenditure of same funds in such a manner as will give no individual or team an advantage over those in competition with such individual or team. The Board will approve emergency expenditures pending fund availability by the Treasurer.


B.   The association shall solicit funds or property to the Treasurer to equalize the benefits of BCPWFCA.  The board may obtain additional associating treasuries to set aside funds for specific BCPWFCA activities (i.e. travel).  All disbursements shall be made by check unless approved otherwise by the Board of Directors and shall be signed by the Treasurer and other such officer or officers, as the board shall determine.


C.   All monies received, including BCPWFCA fundraisers, shall be deposited to the credit of BCPWFCA in the authorized financial institution and all disbursement shall be made by check.  All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and such assigned officer or officers as the Board has determined.


D.  The fiscal year of the BCPWFCA shall begin on the first day of January and shall end on the last day of December.


E.   Funds of the Association shall be kept in a checking account(s) that may draw interest. The organization shall have a minimum of two accounts a General Account and a Travel Account.


F.    Three (3) signatures shall be kept on file with the bank, which will include the Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.


G.  A bond shall be purchased to protect the funds of the association.  The bond must cover the Board members with access to those funds.  


H.  The checkbook is to remain in the hands of the Treasurer.  No checks may be written without the consent of the Treasurer.



I.      The Treasurer, upon the approval of the Board, reserves the right to transfer funds between the General and Travel accounts for operational purposes.  


J.     Any team(s) participating in post season games/competitions will be allowed to solicit donations to assist in the funding of the trip.  All funds must be turned in to the Treasurer for accountability, before distribution.


i.                    All teams shall attempt to raise travel funds to assist in the reduction of expenses incurred to travel to a National game and/or competition via a Travel Fundraiser.

ii.                  Travel fundraising efforts may be dedicated to any traveling team unless otherwise approved by the Board.  Such funds will serve as a cost allocation to each participant and coaching staff for travel expenses incurred.  Any Board of Directors member traveling with the team will not be eligible for the cost allocation if BCPWFCA is funding their travel.


iii. In the event the organization has sufficient funds in the general account, the Board has the authority and reserves the right to provide a cost allocation reduction cost towards housing to each participant and coaching staff. The Board of Directors will determine a cost allocation percentage and/or dollar amount which shall be voted by a majority vote.


K.  The annual audit shall be prepared at the end of each fiscal year, by an appointed audit committee and or certified accountant.  This audit must be completed by February 1st of the following fiscal year.  The audit committee shall not exceed three (3) BCPWFCA members. Members having signature authority cannot sit on this committee.




No youth shall be registered as a qualified player or cheerleader if he/she has not attained and does not sustain a sound physical condition.  The attainment of a sound physical condition of every player shall be attested in writing by a qualified examining physician, and such written evidence of compliance with this article shall be verified by BCPWFCA before participating in a league practice or activities.  Participant conditions shall be attested by the constant vigil of the coach and team manager.





No youth shall be registered as a qualified participant who does not maintain satisfactory progress and satisfactory conduct in their scholastic environment in accordance with Pop Warner Little Scholars Rules.


ARTICLE 17.0 Proof of Age


 An original, certified copy or a copy of the birth certificate or certified wallet sized certificate issued by a state or commonwealth, military ID or passport is acceptable.  These documents must be shown at the time of sign-up.




A football/cheering coach by the example of their behavior is a living hero/heroine to American youth.  What he/she does will affect thousands of youngsters in this area.  Conducting themselves and their team with the Constitution and By-Laws of the BCPWFCA is mandatory.  The coach should form an accepted pattern of behavior from the Coaches Code of Conduct as stated in the Pop Warner Rulebook. Head coaches are directly responsible due to the nature of their position, to be responsible for the conduct of any and all Assistant Coaches or other Staff personnel on their respective team.  





It is a requirement of BCPWFCA that all coaches meet certification requirements outlined in the By-laws, policy or procedures, and/or directed by SEVAPWFC, PWMS, and PWLS.  All requirements are to be obtained before rostering any coach to a team.   




The Board of Directors of this corporation shall have no authority or power to bind the individual members at any time whether personally or to call upon them for payment of any sum of money or any assessment whatsoever, other than that sum that they may at any time personally agree in writing to pay by way of donations to this corporation for its purposes or as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.  Nor shall any member of the Board of Directors have any personal liability and/or be subject to any claims for damages of any kinds of conduct or actions taken in good faith consistent with and under these Bylaws.



All persons and/or corporations extending credit to, contracting with or have a claim against this corporation shall look only to the contract or claim of money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the Corporation; the Board of Directors officers or members, present or future, shall not be personally liable.




By these Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall establish Administrative Policies to assure continuity and fairness in the proper administration of its programs.  Said policies must be introduced and approved by the Board of Directors by a majority vote.  Said policies might be in writing and take effect immediately upon approval and be available to each member within five business days for their review.  The BCPWFCA Administrative Policies shall include but not limited to The Parent Code of Conduct, The Coach Code of Conduct, Cheerleader Competition Attendance Notice and Policy, Grievance Procedure, and suspension and expulsion.  




This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting, and submitted to SEVAPWFC (League’s governing body), then adopted by the Board of Directors.  All proposed changes shall be included in the notice of the meeting.  All proposals shall be provided in full text of the proposed amendment(s), alteration(s), or repeal shall be provided at least seven (7) days before the meeting that will be presented to the Board for action.





While we strive to maintain a harmonious environment, we recognize that situations may arise that people do not agree with or understand.  The purpose of this section is to provide parents, coaches, and members with a process for handling complaints and disputes hereafter referred to as grievances.  Our policy will establish a process that for those who have grievances to follow in order to have them heard.  All grievances shall be placed in writing before the investigation and will be followed up within ten (10) days of receipt of the grievance. Every attempt will be made to resolve the grievance.



The grievance will not be heard at any higher level (SEVAPWFC, Regional, or National) unless the following procedures are followed:


A.  If a member has a dispute with a coach, assistant coach, participant or another parent they are encouraged first to attempt to resolve the issue with either the head coach, Football Coordinator, ACDC/Cheer Coordinator. If it cannot be resolved, then the Vice President or President should be contacted. If a member has a dispute with a Board member, they are encouraged to resolve the issue with the Vice President or President.


B.   The Football or Cheer Coordinator will make every attempt to resolve the issue through discussion.  If discussion fails, the complainant will be instructed to write a grievance letter which will be submitted to the Vice-President.


C.   If the grievance cannot be resolved, it will be submitted by the President or Vice President to the SEVAPWFC (League's governing body) for review.





Any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with Bennetts Creek Pop Warner Football & Cheer Association shall be determined by the appointment of a single arbitrator (as selected from the High League Authority Executive Board for Southeastern Virginia Pop Warner Football Conference) to be agreed between the parties, or failing agreement within fourteen (14) days, after either party has given to the other a written request to concur in the appointment of an arbitrator, by an arbitrator to be appointed by the President or a Vice-President of Bennetts Creek Pop Warner Football & Cheer Association.





Notice is hereby given that the provisions of these Bylaws, were approved by the Board of Directors of Bennetts Creek Pop Warner Football and Cheer Inc., at a regular Board meeting.   There being a quorum present, these Bylaws were duly adopted by a majority vote of those present.   


Date Initially Approved:   

Date Reviewed:  

Date Amended /or Revised:  March 23, 2017

















Football Coordinator



ACDC/Cheer Coordinator



Public Relations & Scholastics Coordinator



Team Parent & Fundraising Coordinator



Cheer Equipment Manager



Football Equipment Manager



Concession Stand Manager                                          Field Maintenance Director



 ___________________________________________                ___________________________________________

Assistant Field Maintenance Director                          Assistant Football Equipment Manager










Signed and Dated on:  __________________




cc: SEVA Pop Warner Board

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