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FHS BPA General Membership Meeting

Minutes – March 22, 2017, 7:03pm

Band Director

•      Color Guard – Please be sure uniforms are cleaned.

•      General overview of Disney Packet: Please read each page carefully.  Be particularly mindful of the following:

o     Student IDs: Students under 18, if your student ID is difficult to read or the picture is not visible please order a new one for this trip. You will not be allowed on the plane without it. Students 18 or older, see packet for necessary ID.  In most cases, a driver’s license or a passport will suffice.

o     Luggage: Luggage be dropped off 2 days ahead of students leaving Franklin and will be back 2 after they return.  Please plan accordingly.

o     Carry-ons: TSA rules (can be found online).  Liquids must be less than 3.4 ounces.  Please bring only what you’ll need for those few hours. 

o     Flights: Our group will be split between two flights, one United and one Jetblue.  Times in the packet are subject to change.  BPA and Mr. Berz will keep everyone posted via REMIND.  Be sure to check online for flight arrival times when students return.

o     Questions: If you have further questions, email Mr. Berz.

•      All Disney money should be in by March 31st.

•      Included in packet are two forms that must be signed and returned.  Please turn these in by March 31st.

•      Order Disney trip t-shirt on the website.  BPA is paying for student shirts – please put in your size.  Additional shirts can be ordered on the website for $15.00 each.



·        Student accounts are up to date minus the canning money earned this past weekend.  If you have any questions about your child’s account, email Linda LeMay at [email protected].

·        In Disney, students will get daily vouchers for meals and or snacks.  They will need spending money for additional food and souvenirs.

·        Seniors: Scholarship applications should be in by April 21st.

·        Next meeting will be on April 25thRegistration for next year will be that night.

·        Please send all nominations for next year’s board to [email protected].


Submitted by S. Kafas, 3/25/17 

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