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The rules are promulgated in accordance with the bylaws and shall be binding upon the operation of ELL.

All players, managers, coaches, umpires, parents and league officials shall adhere to the following rules. Failure to comply will result with disciplinary action indicated or action deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. It is expected that the spirit of these rules will be followed and the discovery of “loop holes” will not be accepted as plausible reason for not following the rules. Disciplinary actions may be as follows: A written warning for the first violation, one game suspension for the second violation. The third violation may result in the person(s) being removed permanently from the team.



§  1ST GAME (5:45), DO NOT START AN INNING AFTER 7:05 pm.  By umpires watch.  

§  2ND GAME (7:20), DO NOT START AN INNING AFTER 8:40 pm.  By umpires watch.

§  ALL PRE-GAME WARM UPS SHALL BE DIVIDED EQUALLY BETWEEN BOTH TEAMS. (When time does not permit, each team will warm up simultaneously on each side of the field. No one team should warm up infield without allowing the other.)  All games should start on time.

*T-ball inning has continuous batting until all kids have batted.*










-        All teams shall be responsible for keeping unsupervised children out of the batting cage.

-        The HOME & VISITOR team are required to arrive at the field well in advance of the scheduled starting time to perform the duties of chalking the field.  Insure the field is in a safe and playable condition and include inspection of the entire field for holes, stones, and glass, etc.

-        The HOME & VISITOR team are required to rake the infield, repair the mound and the batter’s box after each game.

-        Both the VISITOR team and the HOME team have the responsibility to pick up litter from their respective dugout and stands following each game.

It is incumbent upon the TEAM manager to see that the above responsibilities are carried out. If unable to perform this duty, a coach or parent must be assigned.

Parents/Friends, in the interest of safety and the reduction of distractions during a baseball game or practice:

·        Shall not converse with the players through the dugout fencing.

·        Shall not coach or instruct a player.

·        Shall not allow children in the dugout who are not players on the team    

·        Home team must provide a confident score keeper.

·        Visitors are to provide someone to keep pitch count (baseball only).



-        The team on offense shall be limited to scoring four runs per inning, in all inning. After the fourth run has crossed the plate safely, the inning shall be declared over regardless of the actual number of outs, base runners, etc.

-        If a player hits a fair fly over the fence (home run), then the home run and all runners on base, who proceed to score legally, shall count, even though the four run maximum may be exceeded. In all other cases, only the maximum of four runs shall be counted.


SPORTSMANSHIP – Any violations will result in a warning then ejection.

1.     Players shall refrain from attempting to harass the opposing pitcher and other players. No swearing or showing disrespect to managers, workers, or umpire.

2.     Players are not allowed to yell “swing” to the batter.

3.     Team managers or coach shall ensure that players give the opposing team a traditional Little League “cheer” at the conclusion of the game.

4.     Artificial noise makers are NOT allowed.

The following regulations are directly quoted from the Official Regulations and Playing Rules Handbook published by Little League Baseball, Inc., and apply at all levels of play: - Any violations will result in a warning then ejection.

(a) The actions of players, managers, coaches, umpires and league officials must be above reproach. Any player, manager, coach, umpire or league representative who is involved in a verbal or physical altercation, or an incident of unsportsmanlike conduct, at the game site or any other Little League activity, is subject to disciplinary action by the Local League Board of Directors.

(b) Uniformed players, news photographers, managers, coaches and umpires only shall be permitted within the confines of the playing field just prior to and during games. Batboys and/or batgirls are not permitted. Except for the batter, base runners, and base coaches at first and third bases, all players shall be on their benches in their dugouts or in the bullpen when the team is at bat. When the team is on defense, all reserve players shall be on their benches or in the bullpen.

(c) Two adults may base coach but at least one adult manager or coach remains in the dugout at all times.

(d) A manager or coach shall not leave the bench or dugout except to confer with a player or an umpire and only after receiving permission from an umpire. (Exception: T-ball, managers and coaches may be on the field for instructional purposes, but shall not assist runners or touch a live ball. At least one adult manager or coach must be in the dugout at all times.)

(e) The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches, or dugouts.



-        Only official Little League equipment shall be used and any alteration or tampering with such equipment could ultimately cause dismissal from the league of the person(s) involved.

-        All managers shall return all equipment to the equipment sheds and lock them.  This includes Tees.  Do not leave any equipment out.

-        Defective equipment is to be exchanged with the equipment manager or league president or a designate only. If a manager is aware of a defective piece of gear before a game, he should contact the equipment manager before his next game.

-        The League will furnish ELL players with uniform: shirt & hat. Players may keep them both.



-        It is the responsibility of all managers to cooperate with the umpire and keep the game moving along.

-        Pre-game warm-up time shall be divided up equally between the two teams.

-        All cancelled or suspended games must be re-scheduled at the discretion of the VP of that division, Player Agent & the Chief Umpire. 



-        It shall be the policy of this league that forfeits will be avoided. Unusual circumstances, such as a player out of uniform, manager and coach absent, equipment not available, etc., shall not be interpreted to permit managers to postpone or reschedule a game for their own or their team’s convenience.

-        (4.16) A game may not be started with less than (8) players on each team. If a game cannot be played because of the inability of either team to place eight players on the field before the game begins, this shall not be grounds for automatic forfeiture, but shall be referred to the Board of Directors for a decision.

            If a team is unable to field a team, 24hrs notice is required otherwise forfeiture is enforced.

-        Excused absences are the following: Illness, school function, or any other legitimate reason as determined by the board of directors. The board of directors shall have the sole responsibility of making the determination.



-        The only person that is allowed to swing a bat is the batter, in any division. The on deck batter must remain in the dugout without a bat in his hand. (Except in intermediate and JR/SR division)

-        Batter throws bat.  This is an umpire’s judgement, - 1st violations will result in a warning, second infraction the batter will be called out.

-        Batters are not allowed to fake bunt then pull back and swing. - 1st violation will result in a warning then the batter will be called out.



The following rules are extracted from the official rule book and are prepared herein for emphasis and ready reference.



-        (3.17) No one except eligible players in uniform, a manager, and not more than two coaches shall occupy the dugout or bench.

-        (XIV (d)) The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches or dugouts. This rule applies to practice and regular games played on the league fields.

-        (3.09) Players, managers and coaches of the participating teams shall not address, or mingle with spectators, nor sit in the stands during a game in which they are engaged.

-        Each team is required keep and maintain their own scorebook.

-        (9.01 (b)) Each umpire is the representative of the league and of Little League Baseball, and is authorized and required to enforce all rules.



-        Managers, coaches and team parents are responsible for spectators’ actions in the stands.

-        (XIV (a)) The actions of players, managers, coaches, umpires and league officials must be above reproach. Any player, manager, coach, umpire and league representative who is involved in a verbal or physical altercation, or an incident of unsportsmanlike conduct, at the game site or any other Little League activity, is subject to a one game suspension minimum.

-        A manager or coach shall not leave the bench or dugout except to confer with a player or an umpire and only after receiving permission from an umpire. (Exception: T-ball, managers and coaches may be on the field for instructional purposes, but shall not assist runners or touch a live ball. At least one adult manager or coach must be in the dugout at all times.)

-        (4.07) “When a manager, coach or player is ejected from a game, they shall leave the field immediately and take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game is suspended for his or her team’s next physically played game and may not be in attendance at the game site from which they are suspended.” In addition, the ELL Board adds that the ejected person(s) shall leave all ELL game sites and shall have no further participation in any ELL activity for that day.

-        When a manager, coach or player is ejected from a game, the umpires’ ruling is final. The only exception is when the ejection is positively linked to a protest. In this case, the ejection may be overruled if the protest is upheld.

-        Suspensions: All suspensions for players, managers or coaches that are a result of an infraction of the rules must be reviewed by the president, vice president and player agent prior to being enforced.

-        Suspensions: All suspensions for players, managers or coaches, that are a result of an ejection from a game must be enforced as a one game suspension (the very next scheduled game) as per Little League rules.



-        (1.17) All male players must wear athletic supporters and cups. Male catchers must wear the metal, fibre or plastic type cup.

-        Catchers must wear a facemask, a chest protector and shin guards, in warming up a pitcher. This applies between innings and bullpen practice. Catcher safety rules apply to all practice and game situations.

-        (VI (a) (b)) Any player of the roster may pitch.

See regulation VI, official Little League rules on maximum pitches and required rest after pitching.

-        (3.17) Players and substitutes shall sit on their team’s bench or in the dugout unless participating in the game or preparing to enter the game.

-        (1.16) Any player from the offensive side (team that is batting) that is on the playing field must wear a protective helmet; this includes batters, runners, player base coaches, players retrieving bats from the field, etc. Runners removing their helmets will be warned.

-        (1.10 NOTE 1) The traditional batting donut is not permitted.

-        Players cannot leave the dugout during the game without permission from the team’s manager and the umpire of the game.

-        Players are not allowed to slide head first in advancing to the next base; they will be considered “out” if they advance on a head first slide. except for senior boys

-        (1.08 NOTE 1) The on-deck position is not permitted in T-Ball, Minor or Major divisions.



-        All division teams must use a continuous batting order.

-        No player shall sit out two consecutive innings.  It shall be the manager’s responsibility to keep the official scorekeeper informed of all substitutions.

-        When less than the full roster of players show up for a game, the manager shall inform the official scorekeeper and the opposing manager that there are less than the full roster available to play.  A player arriving late (after the start of the game) will be placed at the end of the continuous batting order upon arrival.

-        If a player is dropped from the lineup during a game because of injury, a school function, disciplinary reasons or any other legitimate reason, there is no penalty to the batting team. The team shall skip that place in the batting order.

-        Courtesy pinch runners are not allowed. However, if a player is injured and cannot run, the designated pinch runner must be the player who made the most recent out.  (Except JR/SR division)

If prior to the beginning of the game, a manager wants to bench a player or players for disciplinary reasons, the manager shall first discuss the issue with the player agent or the league president prior to submitting the lineup to the official scorekeeper and the opposing manager. A player shall not be benched because of his or her baseball abilities. 

If a player is dropped from the lineup during a game because of disciplinary reasons and it is later determined that the disciplinary reason was unjustified, a penalty will be imposed.


-        (Regulation IV (i)) The player(s) involved shall start the next scheduled game and play any previous requirements not completed for section 1 and the requirement for that game before being removed.

-        For the first offense, all managers will receive a one game suspension. The Board of Directors will review any second offense, an offense on a team’s last game of the year, or any offense during playoffs, with the manager being removed from the team for the remainder of the season per Board approval.




-        (3.09) Managers or adult coaches may warm up a pitcher "in the standing positon" at home plate only.

-        (8.06) A manager or coach may come out twice in one inning to visit the pitcher, but on the third time out, the player must be removed as a pitcher. (There is no limit on total visits per game.)

-        Managers may not leave players unattended after practices.

-        When there is a discussion with the umpire, only one person should be involved per team; this shall be the manager only.

-        Players must not gather behind the team dugout and distract the players on the teams of the game being played.

-        The offensive team shall station two base coaches on the field during its time at bat, one near first base and one near third base.

-        The coaches should not leave their respective dugouts until the pitcher has completed his/her preparatory pitches to the catcher.

Base coaches shall-

-        Be (1) manager or coach and (1) eligible player in the uniform of their team.

-        Be (1) manager or coach and (1) additional coach if there is at least one

               other manager or coach in the dugout.

The only exceptions to above rules are:

1.     Walking to talk to the pitcher. 

2.     Retrieving a bat. 

3.     Player injury.


PITCHING RESTRICTIONS - Managers are required to comply with Regulation VI of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules.

Regular Season Pitching Rules - Baseball


(a) Any player on a regular season team may pitch. (NOTE: There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game.)

(b) A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher. Junior and Senior League Divisions only: A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game.

(c) The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position: 

League Age:
 - 95 pitches per day 
11-12 - 85 pitches per day 
9-10 - 75 pitches per day 
7-8 - 50 pitches per day

Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1.That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is put out; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning. 

Note 1: A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day. Note 2: Any player who has played the position of catcher in four or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.
Note 3: Under No cercumstance can a pitcher pitch 3 consecutive days. Even if the pitcher has been pulled within the "no rest day" threshold.

Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

·        If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

Pitchers league age 15-16 must adhere to the following rest requirements:

·        If a player pitches 76 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 61-75 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 46-60 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 31-45 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.

·        If a player pitches 1-30 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

(e) Each league must designate the scorekeeper or another game official as the official pitch count recorder.

(f) The pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when requested by either manager or any umpire. However, the manager is responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed.

(g) The official pitch count recorder should inform the umpire-in-chief when a pitcher has delivered his/her maximum limit of pitches for the game, as noted in Regulation VI (c). The umpire-in-chief will inform the pitcher’s manager that the pitcher must be removed in accordance with Regulation VI (c). However, the failure by the pitch count recorder to notify the umpire-in-chief, and/or the failure of the umpire-in- chief to notify the manager, does not relieve the manager of his/her responsibility to remove a pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible.

(h) Violation of any section of this regulation can result in protest of the game in which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19.

(j) A player who has attained the league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the Minor League. (See Regulation V – Selection of Players)

(k) A player may not pitch in more than one game in a day. 


  1. The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter, shall not be considered a violation. Little League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protests. When a protest situation is imminent, the potential offender should be notified immediately.


  1. Pitches delivered in games declared “Regulation Tie Games” or “Suspended Games” shall be charged against pitcher’s eligibility.


  1. In suspended games resumed on another day, the pitchers of record at the time the game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their eligibility for that day, provided said pitcher has observed the required days of rest. 
    Example 1: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on the following Thursday. The pitcher is not eligible to pitch in the resumption of the game because he/she has not observed the required days of rest. 
    Example 2: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on Saturday. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game because he/she has observed the required days of rest. 
    Example 3: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes two weeks later. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game, provided he/she is eligible based on his/her pitching record during the previous four days. 
    Note: The use of this regulation negates the concept of the “calendar week” with regard to pitching eligibility.




Regular Season Pitching Rules - Softball

Regulation VI - PITCHERS

(a) Any player on the team roster may pitch. 

EXCEPTION: A player who has attained a league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the Minor League.

(b) Minors/Little League (Majors): A player may pitch in a maximum of twelve (12) innings in a day. If a player pitches in seven (7) or more innings in a day, one calendar day of rest is mandatory. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched in an inning.

If a player pitched in seven (7) or more innings on (Column A), that player can pitch again on (Column B):

Column A

Column B


Junior/Senior League: No pitching restrictions apply.

NOTE: The local league Board of Directors or District may impose additional pitching limitations during the Regular Season and interleague.

Pitching Restrictions for 12 year olds participating in Majors and Junior League

For a 12-year-old participating in the Major and Junior League Divisions as permitted under Regulation IV(a), the pitching rules and regulations regarding days of rest that are pertinent to the division in which the pitcher is used will apply to that game. Innings pitched previously in both divisions are taken into account when determining the eligibility of the pitcher for a particular game, with respect to days of rest and number of innings available.

Example 1 - A player pitches seven innings in a Junior Division game on Sunday. On Monday, she has a scheduled game in the Major Division. She would not be eligible to pitch in that game because the Major Division regulations require her to have one calendar day of rest, as a result of pitching in more than six innings on the previous day.

Example 2 - A player pitches nine innings in a Major Division game on Sunday. On Monday, she has a scheduled game in the Junior Division, and she would be eligible to pitch in that game because the Junior Division has no pitching restrictions.

Example 3 - A player pitches in seven innings in a Junior Division game played on Sunday and has a Major Division game later that same day. The player would be limited to five more innings for the Major Division game (for a total of 12 innings in a day in the Major Division).

(c) Minor/Major: A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game but only once in the same inning as he/she was removed. A pitcher, withdrawn from the game offensively or defensively for a substitute, may not re-enter the game as a pitcher. Exception: See Rule 3.03(c). Junior/Senior League: A pitcher may be withdrawn from the game, offensively or defensively, and return as pitcher only once per inning provided the return does not violate the substitution, visits per pitcher, or mandatory play rule(s).

(d) Little League (Major) Division/Junior/Senior League: Not more than five (5) pitchers per team shall be used in one game.

(e) Violation of any section of this regulation can result in protest of the game in which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19.


  1. The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter, shall not be considered a violation. Little League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protests. When a protest situation is imminent, the potential offender should be notified immediately.
  2. Innings pitched in games declared "Regulation Tie Games" or "Suspended Games" shall be charged against pitcher's eligibility. NOTE 1: In suspended games resumed on a subsequent day, the pitchers of record at the time the game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their remaining eligibility for that day.
  3. Minors/Little League (Majors): If doubleheaders are played, the limitation of twelve (12) innings in a calendar day would apply to each pitcher. A pitcher who pitches in the first game may pitch in the second game provided that pitcher has eligibility remaining.
  4. There is no limit to the number of pitchers of a particular league age group on a team that can be used. EXCEPTION: A player who has attained a league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the Minor League.


-        For the first offense, all managers will receive a one game suspension. The Board of Directors will review any second offense, an offense on a team’s last game of the year, or any offense during playoffs, with the manager possibly being removed from the team for the remainder of the season per Board approval.

-        If the infraction occurs in the last two weeks of the regular season play, the manager could be suspended per board approval from participating, sharing in any award or recognition resulting from any playoff or championship game.



Rule 1.10 - Baseball

The bat must be a baseball bat which meets Little League specifications and standards as noted in this rule. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to Little League standards.

Little League (Majors) and below:

It shall not be more than thirty-three (33) inches in length nor more than two and one-quarter (2-5/8) inches in diameter. Non-wood bats shall be labeled with a USA stamp only.


Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League

It shall not be more than 34 inches in length; nor more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30”) at its smallest part. All composite barrel bats shall meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard, and such bats shall be so labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. The certification mark shall be rectangular, a minimum of a half-inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color. They may also use USA stamped bats up to 2-5/8.

Senior League:

It shall not be more than 36 inches in length, nor more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30") at its smallest part. The bat shall not weigh, numerically, more than three ounces less than the length of the bat (e.g., a 33-inch-Iong bat cannot weigh less than 30 ounces). All bats not made of a single piece of wood shall meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard, and such bats shall be so labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. The certification mark shall be rectangular, a minimum of a half-inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color. Aluminum and composite bats shall be marked as to their material makeup being aluminum or composite. This marking shall be silkscreen or other permanent certification mark, a minimum of one-half-inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color.

Rule 1.10 - Softball

1.10 - The bat must be a softball bat which meets Little League specifications and standards as noted in this rule. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick and made of wood or a material tested and proved acceptable to Little League standards. The bat shall be no more than 33 inches (34 inches for Junior/Senior League) in length, not more than two and one-quarter (2-1/4) inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenth (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30 inches) at its smallest part. Non-wood bats shall be printed with a BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.20. Bats may be taped or fitted with a sleeve for a distance not exceeding 16 inches from the small end. Colored bats are acceptable. A non-wood bat must have a grip of cork, tape or composition material, and must extend a minimum of 10 inches from the small end. Slippery tape or similar material is prohibited. 
An illegal or altered bat must be removed

NOTE 1: The traditional batting donut is not permissible.
NOTE 2: The bat may carry the mark “Little League Tee Ball.”
NOTE 3: Non-wood bats may develop dents from time to time. Bats that cannot pass through the approved Little League bat ring must be removed from play. The 2 ¼ inch bat ring must be used for bats in all softball divisions. Any bat that has been altered shall be removed from play. 



-        Sliding is encouraged at bases with close plays. A player who fails to slide OR fails to avoid a collision on a close play may be considered “out” at the umpire’s discretion.

-        No head first sliding when attempting to advance to the next base.  The player will be called “out”.  Head first sliding is only permitted when returning to a base.  (except JR/SR Division)

-        Only the person who made the last out can pinch run for an injured player.


OPTIONAL ALL STAR VOTING PROCEDURE  -  at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

-        Only players that meet the Player Eligibility requirements shall be selected.

-        A committee consisting of the Major division Player Agent, president and a League members, preferably with no Major division team affiliation shall preside over the voting process, and counting.

-        Division All Stars will be selected by Division players and Division managers.  Each player on a Division team will be allowed to cast their own ballot.  Division managers will then cast their ballots and the team will be selected based on the top selections of both groups.

-        The All Star manager will get one pick at the Boards discretion.



Announcements of ALL STAR players shall be kept strictly secret. The release of the players names shall be made to the ALL STAR manager only for the completion of the roster, and the general release shall be per the guidelines of the Tournament Rules. Violations of the announcement procedure shall result in the disbandment of the ALL STAR team and a withdrawal from participation.



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