How long is the season?
The season starts August 1st and can run through December for both football and cheer. Off-season training is available but not required for our athletes.
When are practices?
For the month of August, practices will be Monday-Friday from 6-8pm at Trojan Field.
After Labor Day, practices will be 3 days a week. Football will remain at Trojan Field and cheer will move to school gyms around Bolingbrook.
When are games?
Football games begin the last weekend of August. There are 8 weeks of regular season, followed by playoffs and bowl games. You are responsible for getting your child to all home and away games.
What should I bring to register my child?
Please bring the following documents with you to registration:
- A copy of your child’s birth certificate
- A copy of your child's physical – must be dated 2021
- A copy of your child’s 2021 4th quarter report card
Welcome to the Trojan Family!