


League ID# 405-1909

District 19 at Cypress Park

320 Covina Blvd.

Covina, CA 91722


Subject: Board Member and Volunteer Job Descriptions

Source: 2007 Little League Operating Manual and Meetings


Board Member – Has the ability to support and respect each function noted above in a professional and adult manner in the best interest of the league. Establishes proper communication skills with each other and refrains from causing indirect or disseminating reactions dividing the board through miscommunication outside the realm of meetings of the board. Assists or seeks assistance in handling all problematic situations that arise in a sincere manner. Assures all aspects of safety matters are adhered to and reports any unsafe conditions or actions. Participates and assists with all league activities and functions in an effort to promote new membership for future seasons.


President – Presides at league meetings and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies and other communications from Little League International. The president must see to it that league personnel is properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations and policies of Little League. The league president is the contact between the local organization and Little League International.


Vice President (Exec) – Presides in the absence of the president. Works with other officers and committee members. Is an ex-officio member of all committees. Carries out duties and assignments as delegated by the president.


Secretary – Maintains a register of all members and directors. Records the minutes of meetings. Is responsible for sending out notice of meetings. Issues membership cards and maintains a record of league activities.


Treasurer – Signs checks co-signed by another officer or director. Dispenses league funds as approved by the board of directors. Reports on the status of league funds. Keeps local league books and financial records. Prepares budgets and assumes responsibility for all local league finances.


Volunteer Coordinator – Oversees, communicates with and schedules volunteer support league-wide including Jersey, Yearbook, Trophy, and Score Keeper Volunteers and any other volunteer group in any Covina National area of focus. 


Player Agent – Conducts annual tryouts and is in charge of player selection. Assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players. Serves as a member of the board of directors of the local league and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League.


Safety Officer – Coordinates all safety activities. Ensures safety in player training. Ensures safe playing conditions. Coordinates the reporting and prevention of injuries. Solicits suggestions for making conditions safer and reports suggestions to Little League International through the president.


Information Officer – Sets up and manages the league’s official website. Sets up online registration and ensures the league’s rosters are uploaded to Little League. Assigns online administrative rights to other local volunteers. Encourages the creation of team websites to managers, coaches and parents. Ensures that league news and scores are updated online on a regular basis. Collects, posts and distributes important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fundraising and sponsor activities to Little League, district, league members and the media.


Fundraising Supervisor – Coordinates special events, public relations, and fundraising activities or functions.


Grounds Director – Takes responsibility for the care and maintenance of the playing fields, buildings and grounds. Plans and directs all work parties and personnel required. Assures proper care and use of equipment. Secures bids on tools and professional services needed.


Equipment Director – Takes responsibility for the proper issuance of such supplies and equipment needed throughout the season, including any cleaning, storage and repairs needed. Secures bids on needed supplies and makes recommendations to the board. Obtains and keeps records as needed.


Chief of Umpires – Recruits, interviews and recommends all umpire candidates to the president for appointment and scheduling of training and game appointments.


Snack Bar Director – Takes responsibility for organizing, purchasing and scheduling personnel to efficiently run all aspects of the snack bar. Assures a clean and safe operation. Keeps records of costs and submits records for approval by the board.


Team Parent Coordinator – Oversees the editing and publishing of the Team Parent Handbook. Leads team parent meetings. Communicates and helps team parents with the league schedule, due dates and team related activities.


Team ParentsEach Team should have one!  Communicate league information to the managers, coaches and parents. Help the managers and coaches communicate with the parents. Schedule team parties, coordinate team related activities including snack bar duties, yearbook, and other fundraising events.  Help answer questions from parents.


Snack Bar Shift SupervisorsEach Team should have one!  Are experienced snack bar parents who give advice to the Snack Bar Director for the better organization and efficient running of the snack bar.  Supervise team shifts to help train newer snack bar volunteers. 


Grounds Crew VolunteersEach Team should have one! Help with the care and maintenance of the playing fields and grounds.  Prep the field for each game.


First Aid Volunteers – Each Team should have one!  Oversee safety activities.  Help with safety in player training, playing conditions and accident prevention.  Help with first aid administration and the reporting of injuries.  Should be First Aid certified!


Food Buyer Volunteer – Buys food and supplies for the snack bar as guided by the Snack Bar Director.


Snack Bar Scheduler Volunteer – Schedules when teams have their snack bar duties based on the game schedules.  Must verify the shifts will be served and substitute in workers for empty shifts.


Jersey Volunteer – Supervises the selection, ordering and delivery of the team jerseys.  Works with the player agent for up-to-date rosters.  Works with the treasurer for payment of the order.


Yearbook Volunteer – Supervises the organization, assembly, ordering and delivery of the yearbooks.  Works with the player agent for up-to-date rosters.  Works with the treasurer for payment of the order.


Trophy Volunteer – Supervises the selection, ordering and delivery of the trophies.  Works with the player agent for up-to-date rosters.  Works with the treasurer for payment of the order.


Score Keeper VolunteersEach Team should have one!  Keep the scorebook and pitch counts for the games.


Softball Coordinator – Oversees the operation of the Softball Division.  Communicates and supports all Managers, Coaches and players as needed.


TeeBall Coordinator – Oversees the operation of the TeeBall Division.  Communicates and supports all Managers, Coaches and players as needed.


Challenger Coordinator – Oversees the operation of the Challenger Division.  Communicates and supports all Managers, Coaches and players as needed.


Team Manager - Head Coach responsible for the entire team. Each Team MUST have one!  He/She runs practices, provides instruction, makes game lineups/strategies, and is the primary point of contact for families on the team. Team Managers are responsible for knowing the rules, ensuring that all players are treated fairly, providing the opportunity for the kids to learn and play different positions, and promoting good sportsmanship.


Coach(es) - helps the Team Manager at practices and games. Each Team should have one!  The Coach is responsible for each individual players needs and training.  When the Team Manager is absent, a Coach may assume the Manager's role for a practice or game.



Local Sponsors


President Greg Knemeyer .................., 320 Covina Blvd ................... (Send mail to P.O. Box 1181)
Covina, California 91722

Phone: 626-587-6985

Email: [email protected]