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Saints Dennis and Joseph Catholic Academy

SDJCA Athletics

Mission and Philosophy Statement

Mission Statement:

 To provide a program of athletic activities for the students of SDJCA School. These activities will reinforce a God-centered, respectful and responsible culture developed in school and instill self-discipline, school spirit, and good sportsmanship in our student-athletes.
Philosophy Statement:

The Athletic Program of SDJCA School will work together with the school community to develop God-centered, respectful and responsible student-athletes. Our goal is to be competitive, emphasizing work ethic, skill development, and teamwork.


Goals of Athletic Program

SDJCA Athletic Program Athletes/students will  learn the fundamental of each sport and will be given the opportunity to develop strong, healthy, disciplined minds and bodies.

  • Instill self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Promote higher academic performance.
  • Develop and nurture a sense of fair play and good  sportsmanship.
  •  Give students the experience of being a part of a  team.
  • Teach the proper attitude toward winning , losing  and competing with dignity.
  • Teach personal responsibility and dedication to your  school, team and fellow classmates.
  • Provide an enjoyable recreational activity that can  be sustained into adulthood.

Program Offerings

Girls 5th-8th Grade
  • Cross Country & Track
  • Volleyball
  • Cheer
  • Basketball
  • Co-Ed Volleyball
Boys 5th- 8th Grade
  • Cross Country & Track
  • Volleyball
  • Flag Football
  • Basketball
  • Co-Ed Volleyball

Girls and Boys K-4th Grade

  • Monthly rotations of sports introduced 

Student and Parent Code of Conduct

 Parent Responsibilities:
  • Support the athletic program by encouraging your child to participate.
  • Encourage your child to maintain his/her grades and demonstrate positive classroom behaviors.
  • Promote a positive coach and athlete experience.
  • Have your child on time  for all practices and games.
  • Inform the coach of all missed  practices and games.
  • Make sure your child understands his/her responsibilities.
  • Set a good Christian example by treating officials, coaches, athletes and fans with respect and dignity.
  • Support the coach. Remember, each coach dedicates many long hours to our program.   If you have any problems or suggestions, please discuss them with the coach first and then, if necessary, with the appropriate Director.
  • Each parent is responsible for the upkeep and return of the team uniform.
  • Support the athletic program through your help, attendance at games, Athletic Association meeting s and participation in fundraisers and or events.  
  • All familes with children in Athletics will be expected to work at home games a minumum of 10 hours and to assist in our Cardinal Classic as needed. 
  • All athletic fees must be paid before your child may partcipate in athletics.
  • Athletic physicals and insurance waivers are required before your child may partcipate in athletic practices or games.
  • Conversation with your child during a game or practice is discouraged.
  • Never discipline your child for making mistakes or losing.  Remember, winning is not the only sign of a sucessful athletic program.
  • Encourage your child often and always.
Student Responsibilities:

  • Maintain a "C" average in school.
  • Any student absent from school due to illness or unexcused absence will not be allowed to participate at games or practices that same day.
  • Communicate with coach of any absence for  practices or games.
  • Be on time for practices and games.
  • All practices and games must be attended on a regular basis. Two unexcused  games can result in not being allowed to participate. Three unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the team.
  • Act in a Christian manner at all times.
  • Follow the rules set forth by your coach and show proper respect to coaches, teachers, and other players.
  • Displays of anger, poor sportsmanship, improper language or disrespect will result in immediate removal from practice or game activities.
  • Accept decisions by coaches, referees, etc.
  • Conversation with game spectators is discouraged.
  • Use positive words of encouragement with your teammates. Avoid arguments and criticism with or criticize other teammates.
  • Please exhibit appropriate behavior when your team isn't partcipating (that is sit down and stay in the designated area or watch the game in progress.)
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Uniforms should  always be clean and neat.
  • Team uniforms may only be worn to games or Principal approved events.
  • Eat properly and practice good hygiene.
  • Do not chew candy, gum, etc. or wear jewelry or excessive make-up while participating at games or practices.

Student Eligibility:
  • Participation in extracurricular activities assumes that student fulfill academic and behavioral requirements first.
  • Students must maintain an overall "C" average in all subject areas to participate in the athletic program.  Furthermore, they may not receive an "F" in any one subject at evaluation time (Progress Report & Report Card). 
  • All classroom behavioral expectations must be met.
  • Failure to maintain the above criteria will result in the student being placed in probation for two weeks. During this time, the student will be allowed to attend practices and participate in games.
  • If academic and or behavioral requirements are not achieved at the end of the two weeks, the probationary student will be placed in suspension and the the student athlete will not be allowed to participate in practice nor play in games until academic requirements are fulfilled.
  • Attendance in class is an important part of academic performance. The health and physical wellbeing of students affects their performance in school. If a student is absent from school on a given day, he'she is not eligible to participate in any extracurricular activity during that 24 hr. period.

Contact Us

Saints Dennis and Joseph Athletics

529 Madison Street 
Lockport, Illinois 60441

Email Us: [email protected]
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