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Acworth Baseball Association

Parent Code of Conduct

The support of parents is crucial to the success of any program. The majority of parents whose children participate in baseball, are well behaved. They realize that the principles they instill at home remain valid when their children leave the house. Parents also accept their responsibility as primary role models. Parents know how to act in front of children, from birth to their teenage years, the children expect us to lead by example.

Unfortunately some parents believe they have a role that is often greater than their knowledge and understanding of the game. Baseball is a game for kids and in the actual game, parents have no role. Some parents believe they have a role to "remind" umpires of calls and "yell at the umpire" to insure that calls won't be made against their team. At times, parents attempt to influence the play of an opponent by making disparaging remarks.

This type of confrontational behavior has no place at a youth baseball game. The only comments that should be even remotely allowed are positive comments. Let the kids play the game and encourage them with comments such as "Way to go, John" or "Nice try, Mark". It is also encouraged to compliment your opponent with applause when they make a good play. Children need to know and recognize that sometimes their best effort might not be enough. They need to appreciate the ability of the opposition to understand their accomplishment on the field.


  1. You are your child's number one role model. Present the best example of character and behavior at all times.
  2. Allow the coach to coach the team! Be an enthusiastic, positive supporter of the coaches' work during games by your actions and words.
  3. Relieve the pressure of competition by helping players enjoy practices and games. Players feel enough pressure on their own.
  4. Help the coach aid your player by making certain they are on time and properly equipped for all practices and games.
  5. Treat all participants (players, coaches, umpires, and spectators) with the same respect that you would want for your own child.
  6. Learn all you can about the game. Before you attempt to interpret the Laws of the Game, be sure you know and understand them.
  7. Appreciate good play, no matter who makes it. 
  8. Remember the game is for the players and no one else. Do all you can to support them.  Make baseball an educational opportunity.
  9. Take an active interest how participation is affecting your child as he/she grows into an adult. Help them know how to win and how to find positives in a losing game.
  10. Support the team, division, and league, as they strive to give your child a positive experience. Volunteer when you can. Say "thanks" to those who give their free time to the sport of baseball.
  11. Try to meet the parents of the other team. We all want the same results for our kids. It is much harder to disrespect someone if you know them.