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Welcome to the Buzzards Wrestling Club!

Buzzards Wrestling

Coaching Staff

Coaching Staff

Coach Jonah Odum

Jonah has been involved with wrestling formally or informally for the past 20 years. He is originally from Indiana where he wrestled in High School and earned a scholarship to wrestle in college at  the University of Indianapolis. While at U of I, Jonah helped the school finish in the top 10 of the nation in Division II. Jonah has also coached Freestyle wrestling in Alaska where he lived for two and a half years. Most recently, Jonah coached at Christian Brothers High School as well as with the Wave Youth Club. Lastly, Jonah is a USA Wrestling certified Copper and Bronze coach as well as an AAU and TSSAA certified wrestling coach.

Jonah has been happily married for the past 14 years to his wife, Angela. He has three children Grace, Jonah Jr, and Dayne. Both of his sons also wrestle and have fun competing.

Coach Anthony Giles

Anthony has been involved with wrestling for over 12 years as a wrestler and coach. He wrestled at Houston Middle and Houston High School. He helped his father Tom Marable start up the youth program at CBHS where he coached on and off for 5 years. 

 Anthony has been happily married for the past 10 years to his wife Jennifer. He has three children Ella , Brayden , and Landon. Both of his sons also wrestle and enjoy the sport.

Coach Tom Nabity

Tom has been involved with wrestling for many years. He had a solid High School career culminating in a State Runner Up finish his Senior Year in Arizona. Tom then helped coach his son thru his wrestling career in junior high and high school in Indiana. Having just recently moved to Memphis with work Tom now has time to help future wrestlers meet their potential. He is very excited to pass on his skills and develop future champions. He is a USA Certified Bronze coach.  

Tom and Patty have been married for over 20 years and have 4 kids; one grown ,2 in high school and one in middle school in Collierville.

Phillip Gbee

Phillip for Bolton High School, has been coaching at Kingsbury for the last seven seasons and last year was the club coach at Rhodes College.


Contact Us

Buzzards Wrestling Club

Chris Lewis, 6191 Park Ave.
Memphis, Tennessee 38119

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 901-634-0078
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