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Portage Curling Club


League formation is underway, so get your teams together and contact your league coordinator(s) as soon as possible. As of early September 2021, we intend to have the same leagues as in past years. If any league has really low numbers, we may need to change the format to accommodate those who want to play.

If you are interested in curling but do not have a team, you are welcome to contact league coordinators to get onto an existing team. Our leagues and their coordinators are as follows:

Day League Type Draw Time Coordinator Name Phone Email
Monday Men's Dinner 5:00 p.m. Josh Brandsma 608-790-4558 [email protected]
Tuesday Women's Social 6:30 p.m. (6 ends) Shannon Schultz 608-697-9093 [email protected]
Wednesday Men's  5:45 and 8:00 p.m. Steve Dubberstein 608-697-8818 [email protected]
Thursday Open  6:00 p.m. Steve Dubberstein 608-697-8818 [email protected]
Friday Mixed 6:30 p.m. Shannon Schultz 608-697-9093 [email protected]

League play begins in mid-November and runs until mid-March. League schedules will be posted at the beginning of November before play begins.

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