GYBL wanted to send out an update and reminder that sign ups for the 2023 season are still continuing online through March 31st. We will also have in person sign ups at the Armory on March 4th from 8-noon.
Registration Closes March 25th Evaluations March 26 & 27 5-7pm @ YMCA Coaches Meeting March 30, 6pm Team Drafts April 1, 6pm Practices start Week of April 4th Games start Week of May 2nd
Scholarship Opportunity ends March 21, 2021
Greensburg Sports Complex (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 3 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 4 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 6 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 1 Infield Practice (01:48 PM | 03/31/22)
Diamond 1 Outfield Practice (01:48 PM | 03/31/22)
Diamond 1 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 2 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 5 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 7 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)
Diamond 8 (01:05 PM | 02/18/22)