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USC Boys Lacrosse
2017/2018 Bylaws & Policies

First Approved Date
October 29, 2009

Amended Date
January 15, 2017

Next Review Date
October 2017

Approvals required
Board of Directors (“BOD”)


This organization shall be known as the Upper St. Clair Boys Lacrosse
Club (“USCBL”) LLC, a non-profit organization, hereinafter also referred to as the
(“Club”). The Club shall compete in a league with other local lacrosse teams that best
provides competition commensurate with the Club. The league affiliation should be
consistent with our goals as a club and be comprised of like clubs and programs. The
Club’s league affiliation will be with the Western Pennsylvania Youth Lacrosse
Association and follow their rules and guidelines for lacrosse league play.


First Providing every athlete the opportunity to enter, enjoy and excel by
learning and playing lacrosse in a way that’s best for each stage of growth
& development.
Second To advance, support and promote the Upper St. Clair Boys Lacrosse Club,
by making it a premier lacrosse program in Western Pennsylvania.


Section I Membership in the Club is open to all individual boy players who are
eligible to enroll in the USC School District schools, and their adult
guardians,; however, participants in the program must be in compliance
with the rules of the league with which the team is affiliated.
Section II Members shall remain in good standing so long as the required -fees
and/or dues are paid by the established dates. Members must have a
male child enrolled in the Club program and must enroll and maintain an
active standing with US Lacrosse Association.
Section III Members who lose their good standing shall be ineligible to participate in
Club activities or vote. They shall be reinstated upon payment of
delinquent fees.
Section IV A player not in good standing may not be permitted to participate in
practice sessions or games. Any change in this policy is at the discretion
of the BOD.
Section V The Club will employ an honor system with respect to school suspension
and practice/game play. Any player who is suspended from school will be
ineligible to practice or play with their team for the duration of the


Section I Dues and payment dates for the season shall be set by the BOD; then
posted to the Membership via the online registration process.
Section II If Club membership is terminated for any reason during the season, the
player’s family may be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis, if such termination
occurs before the conclusion of the first two weeks of each registered
season or session. No reimbursement will be made after the first two (2)
weeks of play has started in any season or session. .
Section III A bank account in the name of the Club shall be maintained and all
monies received shall be deposited therein and all expenditures shall be
evidenced by checks drawn from that account.
Section IV The Club shall adopt a fiscal year that commences on July 1 and ends on
June 30.


Section I The elected officers of the Club shall be the President, and six additional
officers. Each elected official will assume a role that will be assigned &
agreed to by a vote of the BOD at the first board meeting of every fiscal
year. The role of President will be elected via concurrent election slated
solely for the leadership position.
Section II The term of office of the officers shall be two years consistent with the
Club’s fiscal year spanning July 1st through June 30th. The seven officers
are to be elected to the BOD on staggered terms; with three elections in
years ending in even-numbers and four elections in years ending with odd
numbers. Officers may stand for re-election.
Section III The Club shall be governed by the BOD which shall have the full power to
direct all the affairs of the Club between membership meetings; that will be
held on an annual basis, in the winter prior to the Spring Season.
Section IV Members of the BOD and their immediate family members are not eligible
to be a paid Head Coach within the Club during the Club’s fiscal year.
However, the BOD recognizes that exceptions may arise and may handle
such exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
Section V President
The President shall oversee all regular or special meetings. The President
shall interpret the meaning of the Bylaws & Club Policies and such
interpretation shall be subject to review and vote, as necessary, by the
Section VI Additional Positions/Roles typically appointed by the elected BOD
Treasurer – required position
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and the custody of
funds of the Club and their disbursement under the direction of the
President and if deemed applicable by the BOD. Also the Treasurer shall
keep written accounts of receipts and expenditures and present a financial
statement at each meeting of the Club. Given reasonable notice, the
Treasurer shall be prepared to open the financial records at all times for
inspection by any member of the BOD. The Treasurer shall be tasked to
prepare an annual budget by December 15th of each fiscal year. Final
Budget will be reviewed and accepted by the BOD. The Treasurer may
perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.
Communications Director (“CD”)
The CD shall record the proceedings of the scheduled meetings. The CD
may also maintain and preserve all online resources (including the website) books, documents and effects and keep copies of
all important correspondence sent out or received by the officers of the
Club. The CD shall manage, direct and designate authority of all emails,
postings and communications to Club Members concerning the business
of running the Club. The CD may also perform such other duties as may
be assigned by the President.
Field and Equipment Director (“FED”)
The FED shall keep account of all lacrosse equipment and property of the
Club and maintain the inner workings of its storage facility. The FED will
also be responsible for helping to get the Club home field ready for
competition in conjunction with the BOD, Coaching Staff, and Team
Director of Coaches (“DOC”)
The DOC will be responsible for the interviewing and hiring of coaches in
coordination with the President and BOD. The DOC will also be
responsible for keeping a comprehensive and ongoing curriculum for each
age group of the Club and continuously educating the coaches for each
Fundraising/ Recruiting Director (“FRD”)
The FRD will be responsible for all aspects of the Club’s fundraising &
recruiting activity. FRD will create and manage any budgets in
conjunction with the Treasurer related to fundraising and recruiting
Director of Scheduling (“DOS”)
The DOS will be responsible for the scheduling of spring-season games
and practices for every age level for the club. This includes securing
home field allocation for all spring games and practices. Other duties as
determined by the BOD may be appropriate for this role.


Section I The President shall solicit, accept any and all nominations of Club
members to prepare a slate of candidates for the Club’s officers. This slate
of candidates may be presented to the membership at a scheduled
meeting or presented on-line via the Club web site.
Section II Each eligible Club member shall have the right to nominate a member for
each open Board Seat to be filled.
Section III The individual seats on the BOD shall be elected by a majority vote of
members via an on-line vote that is consistent with the process of the prior
Club season. Each member household will be eligible to cast an equal
number of votes for the number of players they have in good standing with
the Club. Elections shall be held no later than June 30th which marks the
fiscal year end of the Club season.
Section IV The elected officers shall assume their duties on July 1st following their
Section V The BOD, may appoint a member in good standing to fill any vacancy
occurring in an office other than the President, and the Appointee shall
serve the remainder of the term. Section VI In the event the office of the
President becomes vacant during the elected term; the Treasurer shall
accede to the Presidency for the remainder of the term.
Section VII Removal of any Club Member, Board Member, Coordinator and/or Coach
may be made for cause or may be made for violation of the Code of
Conduct agreement. BOD will have final discretion related to
interpretation of said violations, and will require a super-majority vote by
the BOD.


Section I Membership meetings shall be held at least one time per year in the
winter. The exact time and place will be determined by the BOD.
Section II Special meetings may be called by the President. Only business for which
a special meeting is called may be transacted during a special meeting.
Section III The BOD will make best efforts to meet on a monthly basis throughout the
Club’s fiscal year.


Section I Meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. Any amendment
of these Bylaws or Club Policy must be made by a super-majority vote (5
of 7) in order to pass.


Section I This Bylaws and Club Policies shall become effective when voted on and
approved by the BOD.


Section I Amendments to the Bylaws and Club Policies may be presented by any
member in good standing at any regular meeting of the Club or at any
special meeting called for that purpose. Amendments shall be presented
in writing and shall be offered to the BOD for consideration. The BOD may
vote to approve or reject any proposed any proposed Amendments to the
By Laws. Adopted amendments will be posted on the Club web site as
incorporated into the new Bylaws and Club Policies.


Section I In case of dissolution of this Club, all the assets remaining after payment
of authorized expenditures shall be distributed to the successor
organization or donated to a charity at the sole discretion of the BOD.


The Club shall purchase a general liability insurance policy in the amount
of $1,000,000 and shall name the officers of the Club as the insured. The Treasurer will
ensure that the policy is current and paid to ensure coverage.

USCBL Policies

A. Team Composition

The teams will consist of players eligible for age level based on Published
WPYLA regulations.
At no time is a player allowed to play in an age group other than designated
above. Exceptions to team composition policy can be made via vote of BOD.
Historically, year-to-year registration fluctuations can result in awkward numbers
of players to field more than one team per age group. In order to create
consistency and fairness, the following methods are to be followed by the Club:
a. If the total enrollment for any given age group is greater than 31 players, the
following methodology will be used to create two distinct teams:
U11 and under -> two (2) equally split teams
U13 -> (2) A & B Squads
U15 -> (2) A & B Squads
b. If the total enrollment for any given age group is between 27-31 players, then
the Club will “platoon” three (3) equal squads to field a composite of 2 total
teams during season-play.
c. If the total enrollment for any given age group is less than 26 players, then the
Club will only field one (1) team for the competitive season.

B. Player Call-up Policy

From time to time, teams may have difficulty fielding enough players to play a
complete game. If, (1.) an age group has more than one team per age group,
and (2.) it is apparent that the team may not have enough players to play a
game, at the coaches’ discretion, the Club will allow a player from a lower or
equal-level team to play on the other team within the player’s age-group. At no
time should a player on an “A-Team” be allowed to play down a level for a “BTeam”.

D. Discipline Policy

All team members are expected to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in
the Upper St. Clair High School student handbook, even if the player does not
attend Upper St. Clair schools. Discipline problems that arise during the year
shall be addressed by the coaches and referred to the BOD for action if

E. Expense Policy

The purpose of this policy is to reimburse individuals for legitimate expenses
incurred on behalf of and for the purpose of the USCBYL, while at the same time
maintaining fiscal responsibility and accountability of USCBYL funds.
Reimbursable expenses are defined as expenses are pre-approved expenses an
individual incurs on behalf of USCBYL. Coaches and Program Coordinators will
be directed on standard pre approved expenses.
The Treasurer or other authorized Board member is authorized to reimburse an
individual for reimbursable and appropriately approved expenses. USCBYL
Board members are authorized to make payment from personal funds for
reimbursable expenses up to $250. Other persons needing to make expenditure
of own funds for reimbursable expenses up to $250 must make a request
preferably through e-mail to President or USCBYL Treasurer to verify approval of
Reimbursement for reimbursable expenses exceeding $250 requires preapproval
by the USCBYL Board. If reimbursement is to a member of the Board that person
may not vote on such approval. In the event that urgent payment exceeding $250
for an otherwise reimbursable expense is needed and getting pre-approval is not
possible, any person making such payment assumes full responsibility for that
payment. The person may subsequently request approval for reimbursement
from the USCBYL Board or BOD. A person requesting reimbursement shall
submit all detailed receipts for expenses along with a completed “USC Youth
Lacrosse Club Reimbursement Form” prior to any reimbursement. The preferred
and quickest way to submit reimbursement is by scanning and attaching the
documents and sending the Reimbursement Form to the Treasurer.
All requests should be submitted within 14 days of expenditure.

F. Other Staff

Team Coordinators (“TC”)

There will be one TC for each age level. The TC shall assist the Coaches
with player attendance & management, communication to their respective
team, and payment of officials. Other duties may be assigned by the
Head Coach of the respective team and by the BOD. The BOD will recruit
& select the TC of their respective programs. Parents of players that have
issues, concerns with the coaches should approach the TC. The
Coordinator then must bring all issues or concerns to the BOD’s attention
within 48 hours of the compliant from the parent.


Coaches will administer the curriculum defined by the DOC (and accepted
by the BOD) and will oversee all games and practices in accordance with
Club Policies and overall spirit of Club Objectives.
All coaches will be approved by the BOD. All Coaches will have
Pennsylvania Criminal background checks, Pennsylvania Child Abuse
History reports. In addition, all Head Coaches will also have to have
passed appropriate US Lacrosse Level Certifications and have forward
them to the Club President on or before January 1, of the Club’s fiscal
year. If a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach is not approved by the BOD
they can request a meeting with the BOD to discuss the reasons for the

G. USCBYLC Code of Conduct:

“Youth Sports should be fun for players, coaches and parents”
Upper St. Clair Boys Youth Lacrosse Club, LLC (USCBYLC) believes that all of our
children should be allowed to develop a love for each sport they participate in while also
leaning the value of sportsmanship. With this in mind, USCBYLC firmly believes that all
parents and coaches play an important role in our programs, and that young athletes
learn valuable lessons by watching the behaviors and attitudes of the adults who
supervise their activities. We take very seriously our responsibility to help our players
learn and demonstrate fundamentals, as well as proper knowledge and respect of the
game. We are committed to helping parents in building character in our players.
USCBYLC also recognizes that sports are competitive by nature. Therefore, USCBYLC
pledges to create a positive learning experience where our children learn the
importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship, while at the same time learn to play
and respect the game.

The USCBYLC Code of Conduct and the Practice Good Sportsmanship Policy are in
place to help support our players, coaches and parents.
Please make sure you read and adhere to the following USCBYLC Code of Conduct
Policies at all times.


I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for my child, and
other children, participating in youth sports by following this Parents’ and Coaches’
Code of Conduct. I also understand that this is a “Zero Tolerance” policy
1. I will have my child arrive on time for all games and practices and let the coach
know in advance if my child will be absent, arriving late or leaving early.
2. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all
players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.
3. I will not engage in any type of physical or verbal abuse of any official, player,
coach or spectator at any time.
4. I will never question or dispute a referee call with words or actions.
5. I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child, and other children,
ahead of my personal desire to win, and keep in mind that the game is for our children -
not for adults.
6. I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a
positive and enjoyable experience for all.
7. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, and
alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
8. I will insist that my child treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with
respect, regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
9. Any concerns about how the club is run, how coaches are coaching or how
referees are officiating should be referred to the team manager first, and if not satisfied,
then to USCBYLC.
10. I will contact the USCBYLC and report any type of physical or verbal abuse or
non-fair play that I eyewitness.
11. I understand, that in order for my child to be eligible for play, I must complete all
required forms and applications, and pay the required membership and sport fees as
per the USCBYLC direction.


I understand that I am representing the USCBYLC and pledge to follow this Code of
Conduct. I understand that playing for USCBYLC is a privilege which may be lost if I
choose not to follow this code. Finally, I also understand that this is a “Zero Tolerance”
1. I will encourage my teammates at all times and put my team first ahead of my
personal needs.
2. I will treat our fields and fields of our hosts with respect. I will be considerate of
those around me including watching my language.
3. I will never question or dispute a referee call with words or actions.
4. I will be on the field, dressed and prepared at the start of practice.
5. I will be aware that I am representing USCBYLC and that my actions are a direct
reflection on the club.
6. I will “Respect the Game”
7. USCBYLC reserves the right to discipline a player for any off field incidents, even
if the incidents do not relate to the club.
In addition, I understand that failure to accept this Code of Conduct will make my child
ineligible to participate in any USCBYLC sponsored activity for the calendar year.
USCBYLC’s Code of Conduct is strict and serious in our sport. All people associated
with the game are always expected to act with sportsmanship, dignity and respect for
others. This includes coaches, parents, players and referees.
Poor sportsmanship includes:
- Arguing with coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
- Using threatening or profane language
- Baiting or taunting coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
- Unsafe play
- Uncontrolled behavior in the bench area
Poor sportsmanship will carry, at a minimum, the following consequences:
First Offense = Verbal warning
Second Offense = Dismissal from the game
Third Offense = Dismissal from the next game
Fourth Offense = Dismissal from the team

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