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Bowie High School Boys Soccer


BY-LAWS of the Bowie High School Boys Soccer Booster Club 
James Bowie High School
4103 West Slaughter Lane
Austin, Texas 78749
As adopted on April 4 th, 1998 and 
amended on January 18, 2006 and November 12, 2015

Article I – Name

The name of the organization is the Bowie High School Boys Soccer Booster Club, hereinafter referred to as “the Booster Club”

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Booster Club is to promote the Boys Soccer Program at Bowie High School (“BHS”) by:
  • fostering school spirit and supporting activities related to the BHS Boys Soccer program, within the guidelines of UIL policies governing booster clubs and administrative rules provided by the Austin Independent School District and by BHS as amended from time to time;
  • communicate activities related to the Boys Soccer program;
  • sponsor fund raisers in support of the Boys Soccer program;
  • obtain support and sponsorship of the Boys Soccer program;
  • provide scholarship opportunities for eligible BHS Boys Soccer players who are graduating seniors and are accepted for continuance of their education at a college or university, trade school or vocational school;
  • recognize players or coaches as appropriate and authorized;
  • sponsor pre-season and post-season functions.

Article III – Membership

Annual membership is open to any person wishing to join the Booster Club in support of the boys’ soccer program at BHS. Members who have contributed dues (determined annually by the Executive Board) for the current school year are considered to be “in good standing” and are entitled to all privileges of membership, including full voting rights, eligibility to hold office in the Booster Club, and eligibility to receive a scholarship, pursuant to Article VII below.

Article IV – Executive Board

Section 1

The Executive Board is composed of four (4) officer positions:
  • President: The President presides at all business meetings and executive board meetings. The President serves as an ex-officio member on all committees and acts as the overall liaison with BHS and the Parent Teacher Student Association. He/she guides the officers and committees in carrying out the objectives of the Booster Club and enforcement of the provisions of the bylaws, UIL booster club guidelines, the Austin Independent School District booster club regulations and rules provided by BHS regarding booster clubs.
  • Vice President: The Vice President, at the request of the President or in the President’s absence, may perform any of the duties of the President. In addition, the Vice President may coordinate special projects as required.
  • Secretary: The Secretary in the absence of the President and Vice President may perform any of the duties of the President. In addition, the Secretary may coordinate special projects as required. They shall record all proceedings from executive board meetings and regular membership meetings and provide a copy to BHS. He or she will assist in preparing thank you letters for sponsors and may prepare a periodic newsletter for soccer players and parents/guardians. The Secretary may also assist the coach in creating and maintaining a roster of players and their parents.
  • Treasurer: The Treasurer oversees the financial activities for the Booster Club using sound general accounting principles. This includes receiving and disbursing all Booster Club dues, funds and issuing receipts as required. He/she also oversees the maintenance of financial records and provides financial reports. As necessary he/she arranges for outside financial audits of the Booster Club books. The Treasurer assists in financial planning activities and prepares an annual budget for the Booster Club.

Section 2 – Officer Elections

Officers shall be elected on an annual basis. The term for each officer is one year. Officers may be re-elected to the same position. Nominations and elections for officer positions will be solicited from members prior to the last regular meeting and may be taken from the floor during the end of season function or last membership meeting. Only members in good standing may be elected to an officer position and only dues paid members may vote. Voting may be accomplished by ballot or show of hand. Written/signed proxies may be submitted by those members unable to attend. Elected officers shall assume their official duties following the end of season function.

Section 3 – Officer Vacancies

Executive Board vacancies will be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by the President and confirmed by the remaining members of the Executive Board. In the event that the position of President becomes vacant, the position shall be filled (in order) by the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer.

Section 4 – Officer Recall

Any elected officer may be recalled by the Booster Club membership. A recall motion shall be made in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. Written notice containing specific complaints must be presented to the Executive Board at least two weeks prior to the presentation of the recall meeting. A two-thirds majority of the votes cast shall sustain the recall. Proxy votes may be submitted.

Section 5 – Office Documents and Files

All officers shall deliver to their successors any official material as early as possible, but not later than one month following the date on which the new officers assumed their duties.

Article V – Committees

Section 1 – General

The Executive Board may create such standing committees as it deems necessary to accomplish the goals and carry on the work of the Booster Club.

Section 2 – Committee Membership

The Chairs of all Committees are ex-officio members of the Executive Board with voice but no vote at Executive Board meetings. The Chairs and/or membership of committees are selected from general membership volunteers and confirmed by vote of the Executive Board. The President is an ex-officio member of all standing committees.

Section 3

Standing Committees may include but not be limited to:
  • Scholarship Selection
  • Publicity
  • Fund-raising
  • Concessions
  • Uniform/warm-ups advisory
  • Pre-season or Post-season functions

Article VI – Governance

Section 1 – Quorum

Ten (10%) percent of the eligible voting members in good standing shall comprise a quorum for Booster Club meetings. A majority of the filled officer positions shall comprise a quorum for Executive Board meetings.

Section 2 – Voting

Each member in good standing shall have one vote. Voting by proxy is allowed for elections of officers. Except as otherwise provided, all matters which require action by ballot shall be decided by a majority of votes cast at a meeting for which there is a quorum.

Section 3 – Meetings

The Booster Club shall hold a minimum of four (4) meetings per year. Specifically called meetings may be scheduled by the President or the Executive Board or by written request of at least five (5) voting members. A minimum of one week notice of a meeting must be given by announcement, phone, email or mail to the membership for a meeting to be deemed as having proper notice.

Section 4 – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern meetings.

Section 5 – By-law Amendments

By-laws may be amended by vote after the written amendment(s) have been made available for review by all members. A two-thirds majority of votes cast shall sustain the amendment at any meeting that meets quorum and notification requirements as previously outlined.

Section 6 – Dissolution

The Booster Club shall use its funds and other assets exclusively to advance the mission and purposes stated in these by-laws. The Booster Club may be dissolved at the direction of the BHS Principal or upon approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of the voting membership of the Booster Club. Upon dissolution of the Booster Club, any remaining funds or other assets shall be distributed to the BHS Parent Teacher Student Association.

Article VII – Scholarships

Section 1 – Eligibility

A scholarship applicant must meet the following requirements to be eligible for consideration:
  • Must be a graduating senior of BHS and plan to use the scholarship for certified continuing education (college, junior college, trade school or vocational school);
  • Must have maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 during the time enrolled at BHS;
  • Must have played at least two (2) years of junior varsity or varsity high school soccer for BHS and currently be a rostered player on a BHS Boys Soccer team;
  • Must be a current member in good standing of the Booster Club and must have been a member in good standing of the Booster Club for at least two years total;
  • Must have been a member in good standing of the Booster Club for each year of participation beginning in 2016. 
  • Must submit a completed application to the Scholarship Committee on the approved form by the deadline provided by the Booster Club.
  • Exception – At the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, any eligible scholarship applicant that transfers to BHS and is only eligible to play under UIL guidelines for his senior year, is a rostered player on a BHS Boys Soccer team, and a member in good standing of the Booster Club may be eligible for consideration for a scholarship pursuant to the guidelines established by the Scholarship Committee.

Section 2 – Guidelines

Guidelines for the evaluation of scholarship applications submitted to the Booster Club will be developed by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the Executive Committee as needed.

Section 3 – Scholarship Committee

The scholarship committee and the chair shall be comprised of members of the Booster Club that do not have a rostered player on a Bowie High School Boys Soccer team that is eligible for a scholarship in the year that an individual serves on the Scholarship Committee.

Section 4 – Forfeiture of Scholarship

Scholarship funds awarded but not claimed by an applicant by June 15 of the following year will be deemed to have been forfeited by the applicant.
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