Ashland American offers 4 divisions for coed baseball, including T-ball
2024 baseball age chart
Majors – typically League Age 10-12, but players as young as League Age 9 are eligible to be drafted as long as: 1) ALL League Age 12 players have been placed on a team; 2) the player is judged to be of an adequate ability level for Majors competition by League Coaches during League Evaluation Sessions; 3) there is a roster spot available. There were 6 Majors Teams during the 2020 season, but this number is subject to change based upon the available pool of players following registration.
Minors – typically League Age 8-11, but players as young as League Age 7 are eligible to be drafted as long as: 1) ALL League Age 8-11 players have been placed on a team; 2) the player is judged to be of an adequate ability level for Minors competition by League Coaches during the League Evaluation Sessions; 3) there is a roster spot available. Should the need arise, Majors-eligible players may be “called up” to fill roster spots in the Majors Division. Ideally, each game in the Minors will have at least 2 innings of player-pitch.
Rookie – typically League Age 6-8, but players as young as League Age 5 are eligible to play in this league as long as: 1) this IS NOT the player’s first year of baseball (including T-Ball); 2) the player is judged to be of an adequate ability level for Rookie competition by League Coaches during the League Evaluation Sessions. Should the need arise, Minors-eligible players may be “called up” to fill roster spots in the Minors Division. The Rookie Division is coach-pitch only.
Tee ball – League Age 4-5. Players hit off a tee, and everyone plays in the field regardless of number of players.