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Rock Springs Little League Baseball

Rock Springs Little League Baseball

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Player Code of Conduct
Mission: “The objective of the RSLLBB shall be to: promote, develop, supervise and voluntarily
assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball.”
Upon registering your child to participate in RSLL Baseball, volunteering to coach/umpire, or
simply attend practices and games; all parties agree to adhere to the following code of
conduct, regardless of signature.
Baseball is a PRIVILEGE; NOT A RIGHT! The players are kids, the coaches, umpires and
Board Members are VOLUNTEERS! Be kind!
As a player of RSLLBB I agree to the following code of conduct:
• I will respect my teammates, coaches, parents, spectator’s, umpires and myself and will treat
all with good sportsmanship and respect.
• I will strive to be the best that I can be and always give my best effort both on and off the
• I will remember that I am part of a team and I cannot play a game on my own.
• I will demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship in losing as well as winning. I
understand that winning is desirable, but not the sole reason that I play the game.
• I will respect the grounds and facilities that games and practices are played at. I will help
keep the playing areas clean, including picking up the area around the dugout after each
• I will NOT use profanity in any situation. I will NOT steal or mistreat other peoples equipment
or belongings.
• I am expected to participate in activities such as fundraisers to support my league.
• I am expected to come on-time and prepared with my equipment to practices and games.
• Designated uniforms must be worn to all games.
• I will listen to my coaches with respect and obey what they are instructing me to do.
• I will not physically hurt another person, player, coach, umpire or spectator. I understand that
if I willingly do so, this action will result in immediate suspension from the league.
• I will not harass or disrespect my teammates, coaches or umpires either in person or through
social media.
• I understand and agree to the rules. I understand that failure to comply with the rules means
that I will have disciplinary action taken against me up to and/or including suspension or
explosion from the league, as the board seems fit.
Any rule violation include from the above and is not limited to profanity, disrespect, malicious
physical abuse towards officials, coaches, teammates, competitors etc. It will also include drug
use, alcohol use, smoking/vaping, stealing, destruction of property, abusive behavior, fraud and
any other acts that are against the law. Coaches will impose suspension with the Board having
full authority to make any changes to enforce the Code of Conduct.

Parent Code of Conduct
Mission: “The objective of the RSLLBB shall be to: promote, develop, supervise and voluntarily
assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball.”
Upon registering your child to participate in RSLL Baseball, volunteering to coach/umpire, or
simply attend practices and games; all parties agree to adhere to the following code of
conduct, regardless of signature.
Baseball is a PRIVILEGE; NOT A RIGHT! The players are kids, the coaches, umpires and
Board Members are VOLUNTEERS! Be kind!
As a parent of RSLLBB I agree to the following code of conduct:
• I will treat all players, coaches, umpires, board members and spectators with utmost respect.
• I will never talk down to a player, umpire or another coach. I will not use profanity either
practice or games. I will NOT engage in open arguments with coaches or umpires. Should
there be a disagreement that needs to be addressed, I will set up a time to speak with the
coach, umpire and/or board member in a calm manner. After 24 hours of said issues. I will
not threaten any member of RSLLBB in person or through social media.
• I am responsible to promote the positive aspects of the fame and encourage good
sportsmanship at all times, assuring that my child adheres to the rules of the game.
• I understand that my child is playing a game to lear the game and grow as an individual.
Baseball is a game and we REQUIRE that they have fun.
• I am responsible for the behavior of the spectators here to watch my child(ren) play baseball.
I will have zero tolerance for disruptive behavior and disrespect with anyone during all
practices and games.
• I will be supportive of my child, their coach, other players and the rules of the league. I
understand that if my child disobeys the rules, disciplinary action may be taken such as
being taken out of the game, suspended or expelled from the season, as the board sees fit.
• Alcohol, drugs and tobacco use is prohibited at any game, practice or team function.
• I understand that I am a role model for my child as well as other children.
• I am expected to participate in activities to support the league, such as fundraisers.
• My child will be required to stay and clean up for a few minutes, immediately following a
• This consent must be signed and returned to the players coach before a player is allowed to
• All registration fees must be paid before they are allowed to participate.
• I have read and agree to the Player and Parent Code of Conduct that applies to RSLLBB and
understand that if I don’t abide by theses rules, I could be subject to disciplinary action, as
seems fit by the RSLLBB board.


Rock Springs Little League Baseball
Contact us at our Facebook page, at: Rock Springs Little League Baseball
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901

Email: [email protected]

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