Website Manager

North Forsyth Jr. Raiders Football and Cheer



Jan 08,2018

NFJR Football and Cheer Registration Site  North Forsyth JR Raiders and Cheer Program  [+]

Jan 07,2018

Select a new website theme - over 20 themes in various colors!  Learn how to select a new website theme and build out your home page here   [+]

Jan 05,2018

Add and edit inner pages.  Welcome to the North Forsyth JR Raiders Football and Cheer Program Registration Site.  [+]

Field Status


- Lanier Land Park- 
for today only

About Us

North Forsyth JR Raiders Football and Cheer Program is located at at Lanier Land Park in North Forsyth. Our goal is to teach the fundamentals of Football and Cheer while making life long memories. Our Board and Coaches all have the best interest of the children in our community. We wear our purple on our our sleeves wi...