SSLR Football & Cheerleading
Mandatory Family Concession
SSLR is a volunteer organization which can only run smoothly and successfully by having every parent give their dedication and time. In the past this has been an area of concern and needs to be addressed and enforced. The athletes may not understand what it takes in order for this program to run, but they sure do appreciate being a part of it.
Donations Needed
Ø Gatorade – all sizes any color (must be Gatorade)
Ø Pepsi products
Ø Individually packaged candy
Volunteers Needed
Ø On the field to help run the chains and down marker
Ø In the concession stand and on the grill
Ø At the front gate
Mandatory Family Concession Participation
Each SSLR football and cheerleading family is required to have one family member 16 years of age or older volunteer per athlete. You will be able to schedule your concession shifts. If you do not schedule your shifts, your mandatory concession shifts will be assigned to you. Shifts will not be during your athlete’s game.