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Dauphin Athletic Association - Parents Code of Conduct

1.  Do not force your children to participate in sports, but support their desire to play their chosen sport.

2.  Encourage your child to play by the rules.  Remember, children learn by example, so applaud the good play of both teams.

3.  Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials.  Be respectful towards coaches, officials and other parents.  Showing a positive attitude towards the game and all its participants will benefit your child.

4.  Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit your young athlete.  De-emphasize games and competition in lower age groups.

5.  Know and study the rules of the game, and support the officials on and off the field.  This approach will help develop and support the game.  Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game.

6.  Applaud good efforts in both victory and defeat, and enforce the positive points of the game.  Never yell or physically abuse your child after a game or practice - it is destructive.  Work toward removing the physical and verbal abuse in youth sports.

7.  Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches.  They are important to the development of your child and the sport.  Communicate with and support them.

8.  If you enjoy the game, learn all you can about the sport - and volunteer.  Be supportive after the game - win or lose.  Recognize good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.

9.  Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play.  Profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures will not be tolerated.

10.  Support the officials and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.

11.  Respect benches as private areas for players, coaches and officials.  Parents/Guardians should not approach the bench during a game or practice unless an emergency situation develops.

12.  Refrain from coaching and/or officiating from the stands. 

13.  There will be a 24-hour cool down period prior to any parent/guardian approaching a coach.  After that time has passed, the complaints must be handled in a civil manner.  If this time period is not adhered to, then the complaint will not be valid and no action will be taken by the appropriate committee within the DAA.

14.  Under NO circumstance should a disgruntled parent/guardian approach a coach before, during or after a game or practice.  Address problems and concerns calmly, seeking solutions at a proper time and location, avoiding discussions and confrontations with the coach (head or assistant) in front of the players.

15.  Parents/Guardians will not speak negatively of the head coach or coaching staff on their techniques or decisions.  Every coach is a volunteer that puts many hours to ensure the players are learning the sport.  There will be times when a parent will not agree with the decisions that coaches make regarding positions, placement or playing time (some league rules apply to these decisions).  If a parent has a problem with a coaches' style or other decisions , they must take it to the head coach first and work through the process.  Emailing other parents or bashing the coach at practice or games will not be tolerated. 

16.  If a parent is not satisfied after their discussions with the coach, they have the right to approach the appropriate committee for resolution.  The committee shall review per their bylaws.  If a resolution cannot be met, the parent has a right to appeal to the DAA Board. 

Warnings and Suspensions:

1.  Harassment, criticism, or verbal negativism will not be tolerated by the DAA

2.  Coaches, parents and other adults who harass or criticize officials, coaching staffs, players or parents from opposing teams will be warned on the first offense by an office of the DAA or an affiliated committee member.  A written warning will follow from an officer of the DAA.

3.  A second offense will result in the person(s) being removed from the premises immediately.  In addition, the person(s) will receive a one (1) game suspension to be served at the next official game regardless of location.

4.  A third offense will result in the person(s) being suspended for a period of one (1) year from the date of the latest offense from all DAA sponsored events. 

5.  Any verbal threat or physical contact with malicious intent to harm will not be tolerated and will result in automatic suspension and legal action.

6.  While the primary purpose of the DAA and their affiliated committees is to provide a recreational sports program for children residing in Dauphin Borough/Middle Paxton Township, failure of any offender to comply with the Parent's Code of Conduct could result in the removal of the player they represent from their team for the remainder of the season.  Obviously this is something that neither the DAA nor any parent/guardian would want to happen, but we must all take into consideration what is best for the majority of the program's participants.

All warnings and suspensions will be determined at the discretion of the DAA or their affiliated committee following a review of all the available facts surrounding the incident and/or offense.

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Dauphin Baseball

Dauphin, Pennsylvania 17018

Email Us: [email protected]
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