Clarksville Little League
Keeping Kids First!
One Year Sponsorship Contract 2021 Calendar Year
This agreement, made the day of________________ , 2021, by and between the Clarksville Little
League of Clarksville, Indiana hereinafter known as the Little League and____________________
________________________, of _______________________ , hereinafter known as the Sponsor.
The sponsor agrees to contribute to the Little League program the amount of: (please check all that apply)
_____Team Sponsor-$300.00 *Sponsor name on back of player/coach’s jersey*
(Price per team you wish to sponsor, deadline is
February 1st, 2021. Team sponsorships are limited
to the first 45 received in the order received.)
Sign Sponsorships
______Option 1. $150.00 4ft. X 4ft. sign (per sign requested)
“Field Sponsor” Sign will be displayed on field backstops facing main building.
______Option 2. $75.00 16in. X 4ft. sign (per sign requested)
Sign will be prominently displayed on fencing along walkways.
_______Donation (Please specify amount)____________
Super Sponsor Value Package
______ $400 - Team Sponsor and Option 1. 4ft. X 4ft. Sign
Our best value! With this option you will receive the Team Sponsorship
as well as our option 1. 4ft. X 4ft. Sign for only $400 (A savings of $50)
The sponsor accepts financial obligation with the understanding that this financial obligation brings with it no
Rights in the operation of the Little League or in said sponsored team.
Sponsor Contact info:
email:__________________________________________ Phone # ( )____________________________
Authorization and Approval
Authorized Sponsor Signature Date
League Official Signature Date
Please attach your check to this form.
The Clarksville Little League Tax exempt # is 720431-00
Thank You For Your Generous Support !
Katie Dixon (502) 780-9338
Clarksville Little League Inc. Clarksville, Indiana 47129