Spring 2023 Season

PCM Little League Parents and/or Guardians - Thank you for expressing interest in registering your athlete with PCM Little League. Through this site you will be able to register your player(s) for Teeball (co-ed), Rookies (coach pitch), Minors (player pitch) and Majors (player pitch) Baseball and Softball.

Our league will schedule anywhere from 9-12 games per level. As of now, games will be scheduled in Prairie City, Monroe, Knoxville, Melcher-Dallas, Pella and Pleasantville. Teeball games will be played in  both PC and Monroe depending upon field availability.

Coaches will be asked to practice in each town as long as there is field availability when they would like to practice. Teeball=practice not required but 1 meet and greet is recommended.  Additional practice determinded by coach. Rookies practice recommendation= 1 hour 2x per week.  Minors and Majors= 1.5 hours 2x per week. These are guidelines, not requirements as all LL is volunteer ran.

Teeball and Rookies teams are split up to the best of our league's ability. Minors and Majors are split and approved by the current years volunteer coaches for both baseball and softball. Coaches will contact parents as soon as teams have been determined. Start of practice and games still TBD. NO WEEKEND GAMES. All games start at 6pm.  Minor and Majors baseball will play 1 game "under the lights" with a 7:30 game time.

When registering, please ensure that you choose the best level option for your child(ren)s skill level. Below is a little breakdown of the levels. Age/grade levels are a quick simplified quide provided by PCM LL:
Teeball (pre-k through K; 5-6 yo): tee only batting. Starter, learning how to bat, field, where/what base is what. Learning how to throw, catch, field.
Rookies (1st-2nd; 7-9 yo): coach pitch only, learning/basic knowledge of the game. Knowledge of what base is what. Able to hit from a pitch within 5 pitches,  and have basic throwing and catching skills ---Requires 1 yr of LL teeball first per LL International rules ---
Minors (3rd-4th; 9-10 yo): kid pitch, intermediate understanding of the game. Basic knowledge of each positions "job" and ability to throw, catch/field with proficiency
Majors (5th and 6th; 11- no older than 12 "league age"): kid pitch, advanced knowledge of the game. Ability to catch/field and throw with high proficiency.
**If your child has played tournament ball, please consider this into your decision. Don't play down to win, or up to push beyond limits. Play to learn and grow.  We want to level these kids correctly so they can have the best and safest experience possible**
All registration documents, medical releases and volunteer forms are available within the site, please take the time to read the documents. You will be held responsible for the information contained in these documents.

Please print and fill out the Medical Release and turn in to your child’s coach at their first practice. This is for the safety of your child's health and for insurance purposes if the need arises.

Registration fees cover - league uniform t-shirt (yours to keep), ball cap and/or headband (yours to keep), insurance, league fees to the district, field chalk, general field supplies, bases, coaches equipment (catchers gear, practice balls and bats), game balls for all home games, scorebooks, All-Star participation fees (minors and majors only) and any other league equipment available for coaches/team use during the season.

If at any time during the LL season you will be volunteering or asked by a coach to help in any capacity, other than the concession stand, please fill out the Volunteer Application form. If you are in the dugout or beyond the fence, this is REQUIRED by Little League International.  Please include your physical address, not your PO Box, and your SSN.  Background checks cannot be completed without them. This material is handled by the safety officer ONLY and kept confidential.   

Everyone needs to make Baseball/Softball/T-Ball a positive experience for every child. If you have family members or friends attending your child’s Baseball/Softball/T-ball game/practice please remind them that they are to uphold the PCM LL Code of Conduct as well.

PCM LL is a NO PETS, NO WEAPON league. This policy is setup by LL International and all leagues MUST follow. The PCM Complexes do allow pets at the complex if walking on the path; however PCM LL and PC and Monroe has determined that NO PETS will be allowed in the grand stand area during all LL functions. Please inform all friends and family to leave their pets/weapons at home or they will be asked to leave the premises.  

Parking: if the parking at the MRP is full, please use the soccer field area parking. In Prairie City, please use the parking lot rather than parking along the street just north of the facility. Parking and/or driving IS NOT permitted on the walking paths between the ball fields at either facility!  

If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your support and we all look forward to a safe and fun season. 

PCM Little League Board
[email protected]

Local Sponsors

PCM Little League

Please log in and click on your homepage settings above to add contact info., PO Box 582
Prairie City, Iowa 50228

Phone: 515-975-2668

Email: [email protected]