Website Manager

Welcome to Sutter Area Little League!


Name  Position  Phone  Email
Charles Kessler President(530) 701-1573[email protected]
Jaycee Beckley
Lesley O'Neal 
VP of Baseball
VP of Softball  
(530) 822-6842
(530) 632-5382
 [email protected]
[email protected] 
Herb MortonSafety Officer(530) 301-7159[email protected]
Cody HaymoreSecretary(530) 693-1535[email protected]
Joey Carr Umpire-in-chief(530) 300-4569[email protected]
Jessica Kessler
Brandon Tyler 
Player Agent Baseball
Player Agent Softball
(530) 701-1573
(530) 701-6409

[email protected]
Monica BlumkaInformation Officer(530) 218-8276[email protected]
Debra Cowen Treasurer(530) 635-1183[email protected]
Brian Coker 
Steve Nako 
Field Manager 
Field Asst.
(530) 218-3269
(530) 682-8876
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ashley Carr Scheduling Officer (530) 870-0095[email protected]
Delene Coker
Sponsorship Manager(530) 632-4930[email protected] 
Jeff Smith Equipment Manager(530) 305-9234[email protected]