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Meadville Area Youth Baseball and Softball

Registration Information


Players must be residents of or attend school in the City of Meadville, West Mead Township, Vernon Township or Union Township. Baseball players must be at least 5 years old and not more than 16 on August 31, 2025.  Softball players must be at least 6 years old and not more than 16 on December 31, 2024.

All players are to register at  New players who have not played with MAYBS in prior years must upload player's Birth Certificate and Proof of Residency. 


Registrations after March 1 will be assessed a $20.00 late fee.

No registrations will be accepted, or registration fees refunded after the teams have been selected.

The Leagues and Registration Fees are as follows:

Baseball (age as of August 31, 2025)

T-Ball (ages 5 & 6).............................. $40.00

Instructional (ages 7 & 8)......................50.00

Minor (ages 9 & 10)............................. 50.00

Major (ages 11 & 12)........................... 50.00

Junior (ages 13 & 14)........................... 55.00

Senior (ages 15 & 16).......................... 55.00

Softball (age as of December 31, 2024)

Instructional (ages 6, 7 & 8)............... $50.00

Minor ( ages 8, 9 & 10).......................... 50.00

Major (ages 11 & 12)............................. 50.00

Junior (ages 13 & 14)............................. 55.00

Families registering more than one player will receive the following discounts:
Second player - $5.00 discount
Third player - $10 discount
Fourth player - $15 discount
Fifth + players - $20 discount.

If not paying by credit card, please make checks payable to:  "MAYBS"
and mail to 10561 Pettis Road, Meadville, PA  16335.

Brothers and sisters in the same league will be placed on the same team unless otherwise stipulated by parents or guardian.

Players will be required to participate in our Dairy Queen fund raising activity.

The season will begin with practice/evaluation in late March under the direction of League Directors.  Players will then be placed on teams.  Team practices will then begin weather permitting until regular season games beginning around April 13 and concluding around June 13.  Please note the Instructional and T-Ball Leagues will begin practices during the month of April. All players need to provide their own grey ball pants, shoes, ball gloves and cups (male catchers).  Team shirts and caps and other playing equipment are provided by the league.

Baseball and Softball practice/game days to be determined with the leagues which we will play during regular season.

Mandatory Coach's Clinic:  March 22, 2025, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., lunch provided, at the Crawford Tech Center, 860 Thurston Road.

Parents:  We need ADULT volunteers to work in these areas:  Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Field Maintenance, Concession Stand and Umpires.  Please indicate on the registration form the area(s) you are willing to help.  All volunteers are required to fill out a Volunteer Application, submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors, and passing a background check before assuming any duties in addition to state mandated State Police and DPW Child Abuse background checks. In addition, all volunteers are required to complete the Abuse Awareness Training through USA Baseball.  Click this link to complete the training

For further information contact:

   Bill Dithrich................. [email protected]................. 814-573-1319   President

   Larry Roberts............... [email protected].......... 814-807-5421   Baseball Vice-President

   Dan Bowes........... [email protected]................ 520-488-3311   Softball Vice-President

Local Sponsors

Meadville Area Youth Baseball and Softball

10561 Pettis Road 
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335

Phone: 814-573-1319

Email: [email protected]

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