2025 Spring Season - Preliminary Schedule
Season Highlights
Early April 2025 (for Rookie, AAA and Majors)- Outdoor practices begin (weather permitting)!
May 3, 2025 - Games begin!
Seasons runs through June 21, with the possibility of some Majors games extending into late June.
Example of Division Schedules. Final version TBD
As we work to secure field space for all divisions this year, we anticipate scheduling league events on both Saturdays and Sundays. We will try, where possible, to keep the weekend games (and T-ball practices) to Saturdays, but may have to move some of these events to Sunday.
- T-Ball 4-5 yrs (K1/K2): Minimum LL age req is 4 yrs old.
Saturday or Sunday mornings - 1hr practice
- Rookie Ball 6-7 yrs (1st grade):
1 Practice per week: Tues or Thurs (6-7pm)
1 Game per week: Saturday or Sunday morning (10:30am/TBD)
- AAA Ball 8-10 yrs (2nd/3rd/4th grades):
3-4 events per week includes:
1-2 Practices per week: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (6pm)
~2 Games per week: Wednesday (6pm), Friday (6pm) or Saturday/Sunday (9am/TBD)
- Majors 10-12 yrs (4th/5th/6th grade):
4-5 events per week include:
1-2 Practices per week (6 or 7pm)
~3 Games per week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday (6 or 7pm) and Saturday/Sunday (9am or 11:30am/TBD)